Sequel: Taste

The Vegas Inn

Mitchie is your average run away. She ran away from the place she once called home when she was 17 due to circumstances she hates to talk about. Mitchie is now 21 and has made a life for herself in one of the cities that never sleeps. No, not New York, Las Vegas. She works two jobs, one in the best diner in LV, The Vegas Inn, and another is a profession she isn't proud of being in, but is slowly making her way out of.

She is rung in to do an extra shift one night as they're short staffed. Mitchie, one to never turn down money, accepts. She does KP work until she is needed to take out an order. The guy at the table doesn't take one look at her until she starts to leave. But when he looks at her, man is she shocked.

A Camp Rock Fanfiction.
  1. Prologue
    In which we meet our lead character: Mitchie Torres
  2. Chapter 1
    In which the two main characters have their first conversation
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 3
  5. Chapter 4
  6. Chapter 5
  7. Chapter 6
  8. Chapter 7
  9. Chapter 8
  10. Chapter 9
  11. Chapter 10
  12. Chapter 11
  13. Chapter 12
  14. Chapter 13
    "You can take your love away, but don’t you ever leave me alone." August 28th 3:30 a.m.– Automatic Loveletter
  15. Epilogue
    “I say shotgun, you say wedding, shotgun wedding, shotgun wedding.” Time To Dance – Panic At The Disco