A Friend Like Me

Ava Summers and Joe Jonas have been best friends since they were three.

The difference between this story and all those other best-friend stories?

They argue, insult each other, and the idea of a romantic relationship sounds completely weird.

That is, except for one of them who's developed a little crush on the other...

Disclaimer: I do not own the Jonas Brothers...obviously. And I'm not affiliated with them and the only connection to them that I have is that I'm a fan. Although they could be my friend's friend's sister's friend's cousin's friend's cousin or something...but that's like...okay. I'll stop this disclaimer (which was supposed to stop at the first sentence) now.

(Title: Never Had A Friend Like Me - Aladdin)

Also, I'm sorry for my lack of being able to write awesome descriptions that actually sound good and relevant (although most of the description is pretty relevant). Just read the story. I think it sounds better than this. This is actually good for a description considering it's from me, though. I mean, HHWA's description just says, "One of those Jonas Brothers stories you see floating around the internet..." Ha.

By the way, this is a reupload. I previously had this story on here with a different beginning, but I didn't like it. So...yeah.