‹ Prequel: Run, Don't Walk

How You Love Me Now

This night is all we've got;


Hayley’s Point of View:

Joe and I had been married for almost four years, and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. We had our ups, and we had our downs, but, at the end of the day, we were still that madly in love newly-wedded couple on their wedding night. And, now that Kevin and Joe were both married, there was minimal performances by the three brothers as a trio. They were hanging by a thread as a group, but still managed to climb the charts with new singles and albums that were slowly produced. So, they were going on their potentially-last tour as a band over the summer. We were going on a double date with Casey and Nick to talk details, such as cities to hit and sights to see.

“Hayley,” Joe said as I dotted my lower lip with pink lipstick. He walked into the bathroom, fumbling with his tie. “Can you help me with this? You know I could never do it myself…”

I turned around, focusing on fixing his tie as I rubbed my lips together to evenly spread the color. Once I was finished, I straightened it and placed my hand on his chest. “You look nice,” I murmured.

He smiled softly, “You too.”

My arms encircled his neck, my fingers running through his short hair. “I miss your long hair,” I noted. “It gave me something to do.”

He scoffed, “I give you plenty of other things to do.”

I giggled, kissing his lips, “You’re right. But you have to admit that you liked it.”

He chuckled, “I can’t deny that.”

Slowly closing my eyes, I thought about the time. “We should probably get going. You know Casey.”

He sighed, “Yes, I do.” He kissed me one last time, “I’m so excited. We’re going to start our own family.”

I stepped away from him, returning to my makeup, “We’re going to try. And I still think we should get everyone else’s opinion first.”

“Like you care what everyone else thinks,” he mused.

I smiled, “You’re right. To hell with them!”

* * * *

Casey and Nick had arrived first, and Nick made a point to stand up when he saw us. He and Joe shook hands and did that weird guy hug thing, and he kissed my cheek. Casey just sat and watched as Joe and I took a seat across from them. “So,” I said, sipping the water that already sat at the table. “Have you been waiting long?”

“We’ve waited longer,” Casey muttered, earning a glare from her boyfriend.

Joe put his arm around the back of the booth. “It’s good to see you two are still getting along. How’s school, Case?”

Casey was going to USC, while I graduated from UCLA. I was still a Bruin at heart, and wouldn’t tolerate herTraveler,Trojan whatever pride. But, besides being rivals in school, we had bigger fish to fry.

“Fine,” she said. “It’s my last year. Although, I am so upset that I’m majoring in business and not journalism so I can’t land a job as a columnist under an assumed name.” I worked for the LA times, writing the advice column page. Naturally she would bring it up.

“I’m sorry, too,” I said. “It’s such a shame you can’t use your charm to help the poor people of Los Angeles. Really.”

Casey cleared her throat, smiled half-heartedly, and took a sip of her water. It wasn’t often I won arguments, but I was starting to get good.

We got to talking about normal, mundane things, not only tour. Although, I didn’t really expect anything different. Shortly after we ordered our food, Casey announced that she needed to use the restroom. Unsurprisingly, Joe requested I go with her.

“Why?” I asked. I could’ve cared less on whether or not she heard me.

“Because,” he said, sliding out so I could stand up, “Girls always go to the bathroom in pairs.” How right he was.

As soon as I stood up, he nonchalantly tapped my butt, making me blush. I caught his eye and he winked before sliding back in and resuming his conversation with Nick. I sighed, walking behind Casey as she led the way to the bathroom.

Turns out, she wanted to talk. This surprised me, seeing as I planned on leaning against the wall while I waited. “Something is up with Nick,” she said bluntly.

“I noticed,” I said, letting my radar sink in. There were times where we could be best friends again; just not in the public eye. “But, he is love struck, although I’m not sure why…” I looked at her shocked and hurt expression, a smile spreading over my face. “I’m kidding. But, in all seriousness, I think you’ll be fine. As a matter of fact, I can do some scoping out, if you’d like.”

“I would like,” she said, ignoring the incorrect diction of that sentence.

Joe’s Point of View:

“So,” I said, sliding back into the booth. “How have you been?”

Nick sighed, “Lost in thought. How about you?”

I grinned, “Fantastic,” I said, emphasizing both syllables.

He eyed me, “Why?”

I leaned against the back, putting my arms on the ledges. “Hayley and I are thinking about starting a family.”

Nick smiled, “Congrats, man. You deserve it. I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks.” I leaned forward, resting my elbows on the table. “How about you and Casey?”

“Starting a family?” he asked incredulously. “Um, no. Not yet, anyway.”

I raised my eyebrows, “Oh?”

“Well, I, uh, I’m thinking about–” he stopped talking when he saw Casey and Hayley walk back, and stood up to allow Casey back in. I did the same for Hayley.

* * * *

Hayley’s Point of View:

“When does tour start?” I asked Joe as we drove through LA, which was still busy despite the hour.

“The twenty-ninth of June, I believe,” he said, his hands gliding across the steering wheel as we turned.

“Honey,” I said, looking out my window.


“I want to have a baby within the next year.”

I looked at him, waiting for his reaction. “Well… Me too.”

I grinned, “So we can officially try?”

“If that’s what you want,” he said, looking over at me and smiling.

I squealed, cupping his face and kissing him awkwardly as he drove.

The only thing I really wanted out of life was to be a better mother than my mom ever was. And now, I finally was getting my shot.
♠ ♠ ♠
So... I was going through my documents, and I saw that the last time I edited this was 4/20, haha. Not that I "celebrated" 4/20 or anything, but I just think it's kind of funny.

Say no to drugs, kids. :]