Status: active

Fly With Me

Chapter 1

"Hold on, Mom! I'll be down in a sec!"

Gabrielle Swann pulled her sheets over head, groaned, then forced herself out of bed. She clumsily brushed through her hazelnut locks and pulled on her comfiest pair of jeans and a cardigan. She routinely scanned her 5'4" body in the mirror, grabbed her iPod off the desk, and ran down the stairs.

"You've got about 5 minutes." Her mother Theresa told her sternly. Soon enough, that time had come and she was on her bus.

Leaning her head on the cool window, her shuffled iPod began to play a love song. Daniel. Her heart swelled, her chest tightened, and her throat felt dry. Daniel Miller. He had moved into the area about a year ago, and Gab had been smitten from the start. She loved the way his blonde hair curled at the sides, his dweeby yet adorable smile, even the face he made when he was confused drove her crazy. His laugh was her prescription medication, to get her through the day, and she always understood his jokes. She was probably the only one who got them 100% of the time. Daniel and Gabrielle were best friends. She knew his whole family, and vice versa. They talked all the time and were together at least 2 times a week, probably more. The only thing he didn't know about her was the crush she had on him. This was fine with her though. She knew how to suffer in silence. The song ended, and Gab refocused her thoughts on the present: school. She clicked her iPod off and hopped down the black steps of the bus and into the school. Slamming her backpack on the table, she swivled around and saw her best friend Stella Sherwood.

"Stels!" She cried. Stella and Gabrielle had been best friends since forever. There was never a time when they DIDN'T know each other. Stella spent most of her time in her headphones, listening to music or with a pencil, writing. Writing was one of her best talents. She had freckles splattered like stars all over her face, and deep chocolately brown eyes with hair to match. Whenever she smiled or laughed, her nose crinkled and her eyes lit up.

"Gabbbb!" They giggled and walked off to class. Gabrielle said goodbye and gathered her things from her locker when he walked by. As if by some unseen force, her head glanced up and her eyes locked on him, refusing to look away. He waved and smiled, and Gab did the same, barely breathing and hardly thinking. When she saw him she survived purely on instinct because her brain shut down. He turned the corner, and suddenly she snapped back into reality, picked up her binders, and headed to first period. As she walked in kids yelled and laughed. She waved to Stella and some of her other friends and sat down. Absentmindedly, she doodled little hearts all over her binder until the teacher walked in.

"Today, please get a blank piece of paper and respond to the question on the board...." Blah, yadda yadda yadda. The rest of the day went by in a blur, only slowing down when Daniel walked past. Soon enough she was home, curled up with her Mac laptop, apple cider, and her cell. Checking Facebook, her heart flipped when "Daniel Miller" was online. Clicking on his name to say hello, a message had already popped up from him.

"heeeyyy gabrielle swann!" She giggled. He loved to use full names.

"Why hello daniel trevor miller."

"DOPE! you got me gabi TAYLOR swann." This time she laughed, he also loved those sound effects! Another message came up.

"you goin to the party tomorrow?(;"

"stupid" she said then giggled. The party was at her house and it was just a boring dinner party for her moms friends AND their family...which meant Daniel and Stella. She typed back

"Yes of course silly. you;re comin right?" to which he quickly replied,

"yepp. and with all the siblings in tow :P" Daniel had four siblings, all younger. He pretended to care but he really didn't. In reality, he loved kids. She couldn't really relate, she only had a twin brother named Stefan (Danny's best guy friend). Often, she'd tag along when Stef went to Dan's, and hang out with them when Daniel came over here.

"oh stop, you love them.(:" and he did. They talked for three more hours, until Danny had to go to soccer practice. She sighed and shut her laptop, feeling that blissful peace only Danny could give her. Suddenly her phone rang. "STELLS ROX MY SOX" flashed on the screen to the beat of her ringtone.

"Hullo?" Gabrielle answered, turning down the Jonas Brothers music playing from her speakers.

"You. My house. Now!" Stell shouted, then hung up. Gab quickly packed up her pjs, clothes, and important things then left a note to her Mom and Dad telling them she was heading to Stella's, be back by noon. Waving to Stefan, who was dribbling a ball in the front yard, she hopped on her bike and pedaled the 2.5 miles to Stella's humongus house. Stell was practically an only child, with only one older sister in college. Her parents were music executives, and made lots of money. She pushed the huge door open and stepped into the main foyer, with it;s high ceiling and two marble staircases. She knew this house by heart and made the quick trip up the stairs, down a hallway, and turned right, tripping and stumbling into Stella's 3 room bedroom. Stell was on her king size bed, head phones on, writing. Typical. She glanced up, squealed, and ran to Gab.

"Hey dearie! Okay, the reason I called you know Trent Madison?" Trent was one of the hottest guys in the area of NYC, maybe event he whole state of New York! Every girl wanted him, but he acted like he was better than all of the girls here.

"Yes...and!?" Stella bit her lip.

"Well...he asked me out! We're going to see the new Beatles documentary tomorrow!" They spent the next five minutes hugging, jumping, and dancing. Then they curled up in Stella's movie room, put on their favorite movie, and spent the next two hours gossiping about Trent. Soon enough, they fell asleep. When they woke up, it was 11:30am. Smiling and hugging Stella goodbye, Gabrielle pedaled back to her house. It was noon, which meant time to set up for the party. Only for her parents, of course. Gabi snuck up to her room with her pug, Nicky and fired up her Macbook. The familiar music played as it powered up, and within minutes she was online. Daniel was, too. She posted,

"party in 5?" to his chat, but he didnt respond as quickly as he normally did. So, she added a few extra quotation marks. Still nothing. Her heart plummeted down to a rest at the bottom of her stomach. Had he gotten sick of her? Did someone tell him something about her? Something bad? DId he not want to come to the party? Her pulse quickened and her face grew hot as she waited and waited. She knew she was overreacting, but she couldn;t help herself. Finally after what seemed like terernity, he responded.

"sorry i was helping dad. coourse ill head over now, see you in 10."that was it, two seconds later he was offline. Suddenly Gabrielle Taylor Swann faced a huge dilemma.

She glanced down and saw herself, sweats and a purple tee with music notes on it. She smelt like popcorn, considering that she had fallen asleep curled up with a bowl of the stuff. Ignooring Stellas persistent texts about her date that night, she flew to the bathroom , washed out the popcorn smell and replaced it with coconut, and returned to her room, clean but still naked. She needed something cute, fun, and flirty, but not like she tried too hard. She settled on a jean skirt with leggings and a cashmere sweater. Just as she finished applying her light foundation, her front door opened and the voice she knew by heart entered her home.

Her knees began to weaken, and she steadied herself using her bed. Footsteps ascended the stairs, and her heartbeat kept time. Thump thump. Thumpthump. Her door opened, and there he was. In all his glory. Daniel Trevor Miller. He smiled and crossed the room to flick her tv on, leaving her in a daze of abercrombie cologne. She was almost positive her everchanging, blue-gray-green eyes had small hearts in them. He was wearing his usual everyday look: a preppy mix of plaid shorts and a black and white striped collered shirt. Hoping the football game he had turned on was loud enough for him not to notice, she spritzed on her favorite perfume and went to sit by him. He turned and explained about the game, but she could hardly hear because she was, as always, forever finding herself lost in those beautiful eyes, the green-blue ones that are almost exactly 50/50 each color. His hair was perfect, gelled but looking completly normal. Suddenly, she realized his perfectly pale pink lips had stopped moving, and he was looking expectantly at her. Oops.