Status: If anyone reads this, I'm starting up again and revamping the whole thing! Stay tuned!--12/16/10

Innocence Meet Jealousy...Isn't She Stunning?


The night was cold and brisk, the fall weather finally settling into the town. It wouldn’t be long until snow would grace the ground and that warm feeling of the holidays could fill my senses. I longed for it more than anything right now.

Well maybe not more than I longed for my warm bed, a cup of tea and to forget Chris Ingle ever existed.

After I’d bundled myself up tightly in my tasseled hat and jacket, I perched myself on the chair beside the large picture window fronting my house, looking for any sort of vehicle, driving slowly and uncertainly because there was no way that Chris would know
where I lived.

The wind was blowing hard and an aching began in my stomach when I saw how empty the street was; you’d have to be insane to willingly go outside right now. It was unnaturally cold and I momentarily considered asking Chris if we could just stay here in the warmth of my home. But then I realized that was the worst idea ever.

If Mike ever came home and found me with a kid like that, I’d be dead as a doorknob. Plus, I wouldn’t dare taint my sanctuary with such filth.

No matter how much I wished for the holidays to come, in no way was I looking forward to the frigid weather that came with it. I liked to be warm and cozy and the thought of goose bumps speckling my arms and my teeth chattering uncontrollably was not something I looked forward to. This, in turn, just added for the reasons I had grown to really dislike Christofer Ingle. Sure, he helped me out that once, but then he beat up my little brother and made me sit in a hospital half the night, indirectly deprived me of sleep and various other happy feelings and then had the nerve to drag me out on a cold night so we could talk. Was this boy faring well with me? Not at all.

It was then that the clock on the other side of the room dinged, signaling the becoming of nine o’clock. Ten more minutes and I was going to bed regardless if Chris was here or not.

However, moments later, a car slowly pulled up in front of my house, coming to a stop. I pulled my phone out of my pocket expecting to soon be receiving a call from him to alert me of his arrival, but to my surprise, the door opened and the boy exited the car, hands shoved deep in his pockets as he jogged to the door.

I hopped quickly off the chair to meet him at the door and let him in, the nice, hospitable side of me ever-present. No matter how much I disliked this boy, there was something that seemed so wrong about making that innocent face suffer in the cold. Ugh damn it.

“Thanks.” Chris breathed as he stepped up and into the house, rubbing his arms vigorously.

“Why aren’t you wearing a coat?” I asked, further questioning his sanity.

He shrugged and smiled sheepishly, “I didn’t think it was this cold out.”

I nodded, backing away from him and opening the closet door, “Here, take this.” I instructed, handing him one of Tristin’s oversized jackets.

He took a step back at the offer and held his hands up in refusal, “No,” he objected, “I couldn’t.”

“Just take it.” I insisted, rolling my eyes, “Its Tristin’s; he never even wears it. I won’t let you freeze just because you don’t want to accept it.”

Chris didn’t answer, only took the jacket from my hands and quickly slid it over his arms, clearly happy with the warmth it provided.

“Thank you.” He said, I nodded, “Are you ready?”

I nodded again and grabbed my keys from the stand before following Chris out the door.

The night time air hit the exposed skin of my face like a brick wall, causing my eyes to instantly water and my nose to burn. As much as I hated the cold, I had to admit that it definitely woke up my senses. At least if Chris decided to turn and beat the shit out of me as well, I’d be alert and ready.

Chris’s pace sped up when we neared the car as he stepped in front of me and opened up the passenger car door and waited for me to get in. For a moment, I stopped and only stared at him, surprised at his gentleman-like manner.

“Thanks…” I mumbled as I slid myself gingerly into the car. He shut the door with a force and rounded the car to the driver’s side. Once he was seated and the keys were in the ignition, I asked him “Where are we going?”

He only smiled and started the car, “You’ll see.”

For some reason I didn’t trust this boy.

I wonder why…
♠ ♠ ♠
this is ridiculously short and i apologize
but i promise to make it up to you guys with the next one (:
congrats on being awesome and making it to 20 by the way

comment and subscribe please?
wanna get to...25 now?

yesterday was Jennah's 16th birthday!
you should probably wish her a good one, even though its late (:

i think this is really cute

thank you for reading