Status: If anyone reads this, I'm starting up again and revamping the whole thing! Stay tuned!--12/16/10

Innocence Meet Jealousy...Isn't She Stunning?


“Find anything out yet?” Ady asked me, plopping herself down on my bed and making herself comfortable in my favorite spot.

“No, not really. It’s just a bunch of poetry or lyrics or something. There’s a few random journal entries but none that actually tell me anything.” I told her, flipping through the pages, carefully reading each piece. Whether it told me anything or not, it was still quite enjoyable. The writing was beautiful.

“Lemme see it.” Ady ordered, holding her hand out for the book. I placed it softly in her hand and she whipped it open, turning to a page towards the end. “Wait…”

“What? I asked, leaning over to see the page she was looking at. She slid further down and tilted the book away from me, shielding it from my view.

She cleared her throat and readjusted the book on her lap, pausing momentarily before reciting the words scrawled across the page.

My mind is aching and it won’t stop…
She thinks she knows exactly who I am
She thinks she knows what I want from her
She doesn’t know me at all
She knows this face I give her over and over

I love her or just the way she speaks
I hate her or just the way she thinks
I don’t know how much longer something like this can last
Come back, come sweetly or before I slip…

It’s been such a terrible night.
I played a show with the guys and things got so fucked up.
Marissa flipped out on me because I never told her about the show
I don’t see the big deal. It’s just another show.
I helped a lost soul before the set. She was cute.
The show sucked. Sound system was messed.
Got into some trouble with another band. Beat some kid up real bad but he deserved it
Overall terrible tonight.

Sleep, please take me…

Neither of us said a word. We just stared at each other.

Abruptly, I leaped across the bed and snatched the notebook from her hands, examining the page over and over. What the fuck.

I flipped through the pages excitedly, searching for a name, a picture, anything that would tell me who this was because there was no doubt in my mind that this, the owner of this notebook, was bad news.

And then I found it.

Inside the front cover.

“Christofer Ingle…”

“The name sounds so familiar.” Ady mumbled to herself as she stared silently at the notebook in my lap. Her thoughtful expression seemed to suggest that she was searching her brain for a face. “I definitely know who he is.”

“What does he look like?” I questioned. This kid was going get a piece of my mind regardless of who he was.

She twisted her lips and cocked her head to the side, “Umm…brown hair, tall, skinny I guess. Err…I don’t know, I’m terrible at describing people!”

I sighed in frustration and hopped off my bed shoving the notebook into my backpack with force, “Show him to me at school tomorrow.”

“All right. I’m pretty sure we see him at some point in the morning.”

“Good.” I spat, collapsing on my bed again, “He’s gonna get it.”

You might think I'm incapable
Of loving a soul like yours
You might think I'm a fool
For you

'Cause girl, you got style
And that's what I love about you
The way that you sit back
And watch this grow
You got dreams
And therefore I believe in you
All the small town people with their big remarks
They ain't got jack to say about my movie star
She's got style
♠ ♠ ♠
ya think i'd get more readers if i suddenly made this alex gaskarth fan fic
or something equally as popular? taylor lautner? nick jonas?

comment and subscribe pleaseeeeeeee
coruscatee. is a good person.
learn from her ways (;
