Status: If anyone reads this, I'm starting up again and revamping the whole thing! Stay tuned!--12/16/10

Innocence Meet Jealousy...Isn't She Stunning?


Once step in the door, I dropped everything to the ground, slid off my mocs and kicked my stuff to the side, making sure to leave my phone where I t was in my backpack. I didn’t need anyone bothering me right now.

Almost immediately I collapsed on the couch, watching happily as my step dad pulled back out of the driveway and away from the house. My mom was on a business trip for a couple days and Tristan was god knows where—but the important thing was, it wasn’t here. This left me alone with just the company of Callie, Beckett; the cats, Gracie and Chewy; and Mike’s fish—if they even counted. My night could potentially be perfect.

My whole night was spent sinking further and further into my soft red couch, Beckett on my lap and Chewy napping beside my head watching bad movies from the nineties on TV.

And I was totally content. I never spent nights like this and quite honestly, it was nice. Plus, I was exceptionally proud of myself.

Although Tristan would probably never find out about it, I still felt happy knowing I’d stuck up for my family, even if it’d been for one of the more annoying members. But the point was, I’d been assertive to a boy that could have easily won me over with lies I didn’t need to hear.

If I really thought about it, I was glad that all this happened that I found out what I did with that stupid notebook. If I hadn’t, I very well could have fallen into something I didn’t need to be a part of.

But then again, maybe it wasn’t all that nice. I would have found out eventually, right?

A rush of loneliness washed over me at the thought of something like this. On impulse, I got up from my warm, comfy spot on my couch to get my phone from my bag, positive I’d have at least one text giving me someone to talk to.

But as I opened the top and looked at the screen, all I saw was a nice picture of Ady, Lilly, Grace and me smiling back at me. Awesome.

What else did I expect? It was a Friday night and I was the only one lacking a significant other which in turn, left me alone. Completely alone.

Another spark inside of me died out as I saw the end credits to the movie I had been watching roll up onto the screen.

It had been such a perfect night…and then I started thinking.

An overwhelming urge to fall asleep overcame me at the sight of the dull white words rolling away from my sight. Closing my eyes felt far too delicious to be legal so I let it happen, hoping sleep would overcome me quickly.

It was a sweet sensation falling into sleep, forgetting my life for awhile.

I was in a forest; dark and dim, empty and lacking all noise besides the deep, nervous breaths emanating from my throat.

As I stared blankly at the path before me, I couldn’t help but realize I was dreaming. The creepy mood of the foliage was diminished at the thought, but honestly, I was surprised I was dreaming at all; I never did. And when it happened, they were always nightmares.

My shock was short lived as my hand flew to my stomach at the start of a violent vibration in the pit of my abs. it was a terrible feeling, one I couldn’t stop.

I squeezed my eyes shut tight, willing the pulsation away.

Groggily, I opened my eyes to see myself in exactly the same spot I’d fallen asleep. The room was still empty, still quiet, still lonely, the only difference being the change in television show.

My phone continued to send shocks through my abdomen as I found the energy to pick it up.

Lifting my hand slowly, I opened and closed it once to answer and put it to my ear, “Hello?”

“Uh, hi…is this um, Jennah?” an unfamiliar voice asked me. Their tone was oddly confused; I knew I should have checked the caller ID first.

“Yes, who’s this?” I answered my voice still bleary and tired.

“Chris.” He told me. I waited silently for more information than that but the line was silent, “Chris, um…Ingle? From the concert and well, the hall I-I guess?” he stuttered. He sounded beyond nervous and I couldn’t help but find a good amount of satisfaction in that.

“How’d you get my number?” I asked, pausing momentarily, “Wait, how’d you find out my name?” I asked bitterly, angry to begin with but even more so since he’d woken me up.

“It wasn’t easy…” he mumbled into the phone.

“What?” I clarified. It was amazing how much fun it was to watch him squirm. Maybe this was the excitement of my new sense of power kicking in. I couldn’t say I didn’t like it.

“I got it from Ady aft—“

“You know Ady?” I cut in, a new sense of anger shooting through me.

“No, I know her boyfriend but he got it from her.” He admitted, embarrassment clear in his tone.

“Oh,” I barely whispered. He was silent again as I let my eyes fall closed, “Is there a reason you’re calling?”

“Uh, yeah. I was hoping we could talk.”

I twisted my lips and tapped my foot against the end of the couch, “What’s there to talk about?”

“I want to explain what—“

“What’s there to explain?” I cut him off again, wishing he’d hang up already, “You did what you did. I don’t see what you could possibly have to explain.” This power felt great.

I could hear him sighing in frustration, seeming to be getting impatient with me, “You don’t know the whole story. I’d like a chance to explain. I’m really not a bad guy.”

I paused, considering if it was worth it, “All right. Tell me what really happened.”

“Actually I was hoping we could meet somewhere to talk about it. I’m not good with the phone.” He continued nervously. I think he realized he was pushing it.

I groaned in response, “Fine, where?”

“I’ll come get you. Where do you live?”

My stomach twisted. I wasn’t sure if I should trust this kid but I was beyond curious; I had to know the truth or at least find out what he had to tell me.

A part of having more power was taking more chances…

“Cool, I’ll be there in ten.” He said, sounding a little happier.

“Okay, bye.” I replied warily.

“Bye Jennah.” He said, “And thanks.” He added before the line clicked dead.

Oh my god,
I had the most amazing time
last night, I dreamt I saw you again.
That’s when the flashbacks started to begin…
♠ ♠ ♠
i won't lie, this kinda sorta sucks
but i promise jennah that i'd have one up for her tonight (:

comments and subscribing would an be awesome gift to me for xmas? :D
can we get to 20?

(i saw this boy on saturday
lets just say...i'm in love ;)
sweetest thing ever!)

merry christmas and happy holidays everyone!!

thank you for reading