‹ Prequel: Still So Young
Status: On Hold. Check out my other stories(:

Always Attract


Pathetic. Pa⋅thet⋅ic [puh-thet-ik] –adjective - causing or evoking pity, sympathetic sadness, sorrow, etc.; pitiful; That about summed me up at this point in my life. For two whole years I'd been traveling around, unable to stop the constant thought that maybe, just some how I'd bumb in to Brendon in the enormous state of California. I'd been everywhere, San Francisco, Fresno, Santa Maria, Sacramento, and now finally I had settled myself down in Los Angeles.

I sat in a window seat at the same old Starbucks that I did every morning since I arrived here three months ago. My head sat in my hand as I sipped on my coffee. By now, I thought, Brendon must be in some college, with a new girlfriend, just living his life never thinking about me. I sighed, hopping off the stool, heading for the door.

"See ya Ell!" Max, the boy who worked there yelled as I left. I waved slightly over my shoulder as I made my way down the street. This was my life, this is what I did. So, as I saw it, I was the definition of pathetic. Right there between sympathetic sadness and sorrow, you could just throw in Ellie Cooney, and no one would even notice.
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Sequel :D
I already have 4 subscribers and this is JUST the first chapter(: