‹ Prequel: Still So Young
Status: On Hold. Check out my other stories(:

Always Attract


The sun was setting in the distance as I stood on the back porch of the little flat I was sharing with a new friend, Claire. She was tall with bouncy blonde curls that reached her shoulders. I didn't spend much time there, so I didn't mind her constant parties and random "friends" showing up at random hours. My cell phone rang from across the room, and I quickly made my way over, retreaving it from its spot on the counter.

"Hello?" I spoke in to the little device.

"So, I have this totally hot friend I think you'd love to meet, hun." Luis, my best friend said from the other end.

"Babe, you know I hate when you set me up on these crazy dates with guys I don't even know." I sighed, taking a seat on the couch, picking up a magazine.

"Please Ellie, you know I'd love you forever!" he cheered from the other end. I could tell how excited he was but I just couldn't do it. I'd tried going on these little blind dates he'd set up before, but not this time.

"Luis, I don't want to go. Ya hear me, no." I said throwing the magazine down. My hand fumbled threw my hair as I sighed, I already felt the guilt building inside of me. The line was silent, he knew me too well. "Fine!" I yelled, "give him my number and if he seems okay, you can set up a date." I gave in.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" he cheered, "Now when Jake and I go out you and John can come with us!" he said.

"John, hm, sounds... old." I shrugged, "Whatever, I got to go. I'll talk to you later." Closing the phone I made my way down the hallway towards my bedroom. Like always, the blinds were shut leaving the room in complete darkness. I stripped out of my jeans, throwing myself down on the mattress.

Settling down in to the bed, I let my mind wander back to him. Everytime there was a free moment when I wasn't thinking it always went back to him. Brendon. My eyes would never close, every night I laid awake staring at the ceiling, listening to the cars outside, people talking next door. It was pathetic.
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