Sequel: Chasing our Fate

You Can't Fight Fate

intriguing heiresses

I got to my apartment and closed it quickly, leaning against it and sighing.

I was met by Storm, Jackie and Eric's confused eyes. I had called them over as soon as I landed in Chicago. Nick had to stay in Texas for another day, so it gave me the perfect time to think of an idea on how to tell him the truth.

"I have to tell him," I finally stated.

The mood of the room instantly turned serious and the gang all looked at each other. They all sighed and muttered words I didn't bother trying to understand.

"How do you think you're going to do that?" Jackie asked. I shook my head as I removed my coat and purse.

"I have no idea, but do you know how horrible I felt lying to his family. His family is amazing, and they love me. Tell me again why I didn't want him to know who my dad was?" Eric guided me to the couch and let me lean into his shoulder.

"Because, you think that Nick would judge you off what your parents did over twenty years ago, even though he is a huge fan of Chasing fate and you think that his family wouldn't let him hang out with you anymore," Eric cooed, "so, for completely pointless reasons basically,"

"Then why didn't you stop me from lying!" I complained.

"I doubt Nick will just drop you like that after he knows the truth," Storm pointed out, "Its not like you hiding the fact that you killed someone or something. Plus he cares too much about you."

I shook my head at them, "No, guys you don't get it, Nick likes me because I'm normal and real. He was done with Hollywood girls...and that's what I am...I live off my parents. I get everything that I want, and I'm spoiled to death. I don't pay for anything and my daddy pays my bills!"

"Stevvie, you're over-reacting. You aren't that bad either. You pay for your...well," Eric bunched his eyebrows together in thought, "...actually, you are pretty spoiled"

"But, you forgot to mention that fact that she doesn't take advantage of your daddy's mon-...well, you kind of do....but, its not like you act like a brat," Jackie stated.

"Look, for as long as we've known Stevvie, you guys can agree that she definitely isn't like some other billionaire heiresses...sure she gets an allowance more than I'll ever make in a year or her outfits can buy me a car...but she's not conceited, or bratty....I think Nick would be impressed," Storm declared.

"Yeah, and you don't use your money to get fame," Eric added as he answered my phone.

"Just tell him the truth,” Jackie decided.

"Um...Stevvie, its Forbes magazine...they want to know if they can feature you in their list of their most intriguing heiresses..."

I rolled my eyes and groaned loudly.

"Oh my gosh, that’s the fourth time they called," i complained, "no!"

"She's going to have to get back with you on that," Eric replied to them.


I sat back in my computer chair, taking a rest from playing my guitar.

"You guys never told me what you thought of Stevvie," I reminded my brothers.

Joe and Kevin looked at each other and finally replied, "Oh, you're going to marry her,"

“Yeah dude, she’s awesome.”

I choked on the water I had taken a sip of at what Joe had told me.


"Dude, she’s the're going to marry her," Kevin stated, "probably before Joe..."

I watched Joe's jaw drop in belief, then quickly jumping to attack Kevin.

"Guys, guys, guys!" I yelled at them to stop, " really think so...."

Joe and Kevin nodded simultaneously, "you should have seen yourself this had this stupid smile on you face and you were practically glowing when Stevvie was around, you're falling in love with her."

I sighed and spun around in my chair, stopping in front of them with my foot. The funny thing was that I actually dreamed about her and I married and I could actually picture myself married to her.

“But guys…she still won’t date me…” I muttered.

Joe scoffed, “I think if you asked her again, she wouldn’t say no,”

“Yeah dude, mom said all she talked about was you yesterday, and she definitely likes you,”
Kevin added.

I sat and recalled all the events that happened this past weekend, and I couldn’t help but agree with Kevin, she flirted with me all weekend and she didn’t do anything to stop me from being intimate with her (like she ever did in the first place).

I smiled. “You guys are right…maybe I changed her mind…”

“I seriously think there are aliens Stevvie, I promise you,” Nick assured her as he got ready to replace his omnipod.

Stevvie watched him carefully as she always did, watching each step he took.

“Can you give me that vial,” he asked, pointing to the tiny glass bottle on his dresser next to her.

“Where’s your proof?” she asked him while she handed to vial of insulin to him.

He used a syringe to carefully fill the pod with the proper amount of insulin before replying to her.

“I do actually, Garbo and I have had an alien experience, and we saw three space shuttles,” he stated as he removed the old insulin pump. Stevvie removed the back of the new pod, exposing the sticky surface and handed it to Nick. He gently placed it on his lower back, stretching to make sure it was in a comfortable position.

“Well, I still don’t believe it,” she stated.

Stevvie handed him his PDM and her bottle of orange juice.

“Where’s my keys? Are we going to be late?” he asked as he adjusted his insulin levels and gulped a few swallows of juice, “don’t worry, I’ll just prove it to you when I become president.”

“I have them, get your hat, it's snowing outside, “she replied, “Oh, what? You’re going to read the book of secrets?”

Nick jogged over to his computer chair and picked up his hat, leather jacket and scarf, along with Stevvie’s winter coat.

“Exactly,” he replied as he helped her into her peacoat, “and then, you’ll be like ‘oh, I guess Nick was right all along, just like always’ because, I am,”

Stevvie rolled her eyes, giggling at his cockiness and slipped on her boots.

“You need to wear pants, its cold,” Nick scolded her at her choice of clothing.

She stuck her tongue out at him and twirled in her new skirt.

“Your mother picked this out by the way. Plus, I’m wearing tights and boots.”

Stevvie pulled her thick, straightened her in front of her shoulders, making sure it didn’t get stuck under her purse strap and headed out the door with Nick following close behind.

“Did you get the camera?” Stevvie asked in a panic.

Nick simply nodded without looking up from his phone and ushered her to his car through the four-inch sheet of snow that had appeared overnight. Nick and Stevvie were assigned as partners in Music Theory for a project on famous musical buildings. Luckily, they were given the Chicago Theater, so they decided to take a trip to the iconic building to take some modern shots of it.

The fresh, bright snow and clear sky made the old building even more spectacular to look at. Stevvie smiled as she slipped on her Coach sunglasses and stepped out of the car. Nick closed the door behind her and followed Stevvie to get a closer look at the building.
The winter wind blew through her hair steadily, causing Stevvie to shiver. Once she felt warm enough, she removed her mittens and began to snap pictures in different angles of the building. Nick followed close behind, still paying more attention to his phone than what was going on around him currently.

“Who are you texting?” Stevvie asked absentmindedly.

Nick looked up, slightly taken back by her question. “Oh, um…Phil…”

“Cool, tell him I said hi, “she replied, “come on, we have to take pictures, get in front of the building…”
For the rest of the morning, Nick and Stevvie peacefully took pictures of each other and building, giggling the whole time. Eventually, a couple of fans stopped by, but other than that, it had been an uneventful outing in the city for Nick.
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Hm hm hm...oh Hai! ^_^ guys made it possible for me to have 10 STARS! : ) Thank you so much.
So, I was would you guys like to have's up to you guys.
comments? how about 130? please.