Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

This Is It

Coming to London

"Jennavecia, come over here and give me a hug before you leave!"
My mom shouted from the front door when i was already at the cab.

I ran back over to her and gave her a big hug.
This is going to be something I'm only going to miss about Florida.
I looked up at my mother and she looked back down at me.
I was a look in her eyes and I could tell they were joy and 'I'm going to miss you' tears.
Great, now I'm starting to feel bad for lying to her about the age limit to audition.

"I'll miss you, honey"
My mom said as she placed a motherly kiss on my forehead

"I'll miss you too."
I said placing my head in her upper chest.

I heard Lawrence shout from the cab.

"Make sure you keep an eye on your brother for me."
My mother giggled a little.

"Yes, mom."
I said letting go of her.
"Bey, mom."
I said giving her one more kiss before leaving back to the cab.

When I finally got into the cab I saw my mother waving good bey as we drove off.
I had a big smile on my face as Lawrence smirked at me.
I looked back.
When we both smiled we did our handshake and started laughing.

"We are finally FREE!"
Lawrence said with the biggest smile ever.

"I know"
I smiled the same.

"So, can I see the tryout sheet?"
He asked giving me the look

I said getting the paper out of my bag.

I handed it to him and he started reading.
I then saw his face turn from joy to shock.

He looked back up at me .
"You do know you have to be 18 and over, right?"

"Yeah, I know. But, I'm with you so nothing bad will happen. I promise"
I said with a smile

"Do you have ID?
he asked

I pulled it out
"I'm 21, remember that."

He sight and we were quiet the rest of the way.


*In London*

We are finally here!
The plain ride was so crazy, Someone shouted Obama and they got arrested on the spot.
As we walked over to out next cab, I pulled out my cell my brother found some girls again.
I pulled him by the ear and we both were now in the cab.

We are now at the hotel all the dancers are supposed to meet at.
I saw a lot of people in one section in the hotel lobby where we were going to meet with Mr. Jackson, or his bodyguard — I'm not sure.
As my brother and I waited with the other dancers, My brother was flirting with girls and I was being flirted by guys.
We then saw paparazzi crowding the Hotel and I knew he was here, the King of Pop is here.
We all stud up as we saw bodyguards around him, they moved for us to see him and there he was.
Handsome, Tall, Suave, and all Michael Jackson.
I wanted to scream, but i didn't want to creep him out.

"Hello everyone."
Mr. Jackson said with a smile as we clapped for him.

"Try outs will be tomorrow. Get some rest, you're going to need it."
With that he left to his hotel room, as did we.

My brother and I went to our rooms to get some sleep.
When I sat on my bed, I sat on a note.
I then looked at it and it had my name on it, I opened it and it said —

Jennavecia, I am very greatful that you have taken the time to come out and audition for this. Can't wait to see what you can do.
P.S. be in the lobby by 6:00am.
—Love, Michael Jackson.

After reading this, I was starstruck.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really hope you like it.
this is my first story after being banned.
so, Comment, subscribe
Yul'z ^^
Lawrence, handshake, look
*In London*
hotel, lobby, room