Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

This Is It

Try Outs

Jen P.O.V.

Waiting in the waiting room with the other dancers for Michael, I was talking with one of the girls here, Orianthi was her name.
We both laughed at something funny we both were talking about.

"Wow, I can't believe someone your age can look so young."
She said drinking her water.

"Uhh, yeah. thanks."
I stutter'd

Michael then came and took us to the arena .
When we got their we had to get our numbers and start the try outs.


After the first round, I went to the water fountain to drink some water.
As I looked around, I couldn't Find Mr. Jackson anywhere.
I put my water down and that's when Lawrence came over to me.

"Jen, you were great."
he said hugging me.

I hugged back
"Have you seen the man in charge anywhere?

My brother was then interrupted by one of the choreographers.

"Hello, I'm Drake. May I talk you her for a second?"
Drake said with a funny ascent, wearing sunglasses. (suspicious ^.~).

Lawrence gave him a look and I elbowed him to leave.
Lawrence then left leaving Drake and I alone.

"Hi, I'm Jennavecia."
I said shaking his hand.

"Yes, I like the way you moved before. It was very good."
he said and I wanted to laugh cause he sounded like Borat.

"Thank you."
I said trying not to laugh
"Do you think I have a chance of making it?"

"If you keep it up like that then yeah."
he said with a smile.

I took a closer look at his teeth and they were the ones you buy out of the small machine, but I won't say anything, yet.

"So, it that your boyfriend?"
he asked, referring to Lawrence

"Eww, No. That's my brother."
I said with a chuckle

"Oh, How many years older"
he asked

"six years"
I said without thinking.

"What department is he working in?"
Drake asked.

"In Lighting — Wait, I'm sorry but, are you teeth fake?"
I asked with my arms crossed.

"Uh— I gotta check up on the other dancers."
he said leaving.

Oh well, not sure who that was but that was pretty random.
Now, back to try outs.


Now that the final round is over, two people have to go and I'm getting a little nervous.
They called up a lot of people and three off the others stand back, me being one of the three.

"Congratulations for those who were called."
a women said holding the list of people who were chosen.

I walked off the stage and went over to Lawrence.
"Hey, did you make it?"
He asked.

I said looking down getting ready to cry.

he asked shocked.

"I don't know how it happened, it just did."
I started to cry and Lawrence hugged me.


Lawrence P.O.V.

How did she not make it — Oh, That guy she was talking to earlier then talked to me after her

"Hello, I'm Drake"
he said in his ascent

"I'm Lawrence. Is their something you need?"
I asked

"Yes, How old are you?"
he asked

"I'm 22 sir."
I said

"Okay, Have a nice day"
Drake said leaving.

"Jenny, what did that guy ask you earlier?"
I asked

"How many years older you wer—"
She then realized what she did, then sighed
"I should really think before I talk."
With that she walked away from me and Over to the people who were let go.

"Ok, Have you all met Drake?"
Kenny Ortega asked everyone.

wee all said in unison

"Ok, Drake take off the mask."
Kenny said and Drake did.

Wen the mask was off, It was Michael Jackson.
Jen didn't even care cause she wasn't picked to work for him.
She then walked over to a seat and mopped around.

I saw Michael walking around shacking peoples hands.
I walked over to him with a pissed off look on my face.
He looked at me a little scared.

"Is their something you need?"
he asked

"Yeah, why didn't you pick My sister?"
I asked pissed off

"Cause she lied about her age."
Michael said

"So, she dances better then most of the people you picked."
I said moving closer to him

He looked at me with a look knowing I was right.
"Fine, I'll go talk to her and If she doesn't give me a good reason to stay she can't be apart of this tour. Deal?"
he put his hand out for me to shack it and I did.

He then walked over to my sister while she was sitting.


M.J. P.O.V.

I walked over to her as she was playing with her fingers.
She looked up at me and smiled a little then looked back down.
I grabbed a chair and sat next to her.
She looked up at me again with a look of confusion on her face.

I said smiling at her.

she said looking down.

"Are you mad at me?"
I asked

She snapped her head up and looked at me confused.
"N—No, why would I?"

"Cause, I had to disqualify you."
I said looking at her eyes, they're a very nice shade of green.

"No way. I can't be mad at someone for it not even being their fault."
She said.

I'm impressed, most people would be angry with me.
She has a good heart, I could tell.
I'll let her stay, we could us someone youthful around.

"You can stay."
I saw the look in her eyes when I told her and it was really nice.

She hugged me tightly then ran over to her brother.
I've got to admit it, she's adorable.
♠ ♠ ♠
well, that's my chapter. YuleChan797, lets see who wan't to take it from here!
comment, subscribe and tell us if you want to be in on this ^_~