Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

This Is It

Just a Little Crush at Practise

Well, we have been working on the tour for two months now and only 2 days left till the concert starts.
I've got everything down, even the choreography I wasn't working on.
I've made new friend here and their but I mainly hang out with Lawrence, Akeno, Jiro, and Lacy.
We're going to share a tour bus with Michael, were the lucky ones —Yay!
As I watch the others working on the dance movements in the lighting room with Lawrence, I couldn't help but keep my eyes on Michael.
Something about him is just so —Wow.

Lawrence called me but I'm stuck in my little work of M.J.

I'm still stuck.

He the threw a cheeto at my face and I kind of snapped out of it.
"Isn't Michael just so —"
I then realized where I was and who I was with.
"Never mind......"

Lawrence just chuckled at me.
"You like our boss."

That's when I neck turned over slowly to look at Lawrence.
"I— I do not, Lance."

"Well, you haven't called me Lance since you were 12. So that must mean I'm right."
He said arching his eyebrow with a smirk.

"Bite, Me, You, Butt Face."
I said. Now he knows he's right.

"Aww, that's too cute. Just don't try anything stupid."
He said fixing the lighting on stage.

I just sighed and left the lighting area.
As I walked over to the stage to talk to Akeno, I kind of bumped into Michael and he had water in his hand.
Luckily I didn't get water on him, But he got it on me.

"Oh, boy. I am Soooo sooo sorry."
Michael said with guilt in his eyes.

"It's fine."
I said shivering. The arena was freezing today.

"I really am sorry, I'll get you a towel."
He was just about to get me the towel till Lacy came and saved the day.

"OMG, are you okay?"
She asked drying my face.

"I'm good"
I said with her still drying me off

"It's such a good thing you chose to wear black instead of white today, hu."
She chuckled

Dude, did she Just say that in front of our boss, in front of Michael Jackson?
What the freak?!

I looked down blushing and just walked away, to the closest exit.


I was in my hotel room with my face in a pillow still embarrassed about what happened earlier.
I then heard a knock on the door so I got up to answer it.
I opened it and it was Lance, Akeno, Jiro, and Lacy.

"Hey, Jenny."
Lance said leaning on the door frame.

"Hey, guy, what's up?"
I asked

"Everybody's going to eat out with Michael, wanna come?"
Jiro asked looking very nice I might add.
I'm not interested but, He must be interested in someone.

"I don't know —"
I said till I was interrupted be a heavenly voice.

Michael said as he walked behind my brother.
"Come on, come with us. It'll be fun promise."

Dang, who could say no to those eyes
I sighed.

"Great. We'll meet you downstairs. Oh, and wear something nice."
He said smiling at me as the others were suddenly gone.

"Uhh, sure."
I smiled blushing.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's short. My aunt wont leave me alone.
Akeno:Dancer, Jiro:Musician, Lacy:Dancer
All 21 years old