Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

This Is It

The Talk and a Broken Ankle

*Jennavecia P.O.V.*

~July 11, 2009~

I just got to the arena with Lance to get ready for the show and I see Michael with the dancers.
I had a big smile on my face when he looked over to me.

"Good job everybody, Take five."
Michael said and everyone got off the stage.
He motioned for me to come over to the stage with him.
When I got onstage, Michael and I sat on the edge.
That's when the questions started coming.

"Call me Jen — or Jenny. What ever is best."
I said looking down blushing a bit.

"Okay, Jenny.
He giggled.
"Their has only been one thing on my mind since I found out about your age,—"

"Oh, boy."
I sighed

"What about school, you're so young to give that up."
he said with concerne

"That's it?"
I asked

"Yeah, don't you want an education?"
he asked

"I already graduated high school."
I chuckled.


"Yeah, I work as hard as I could to get out as soon as I could."
I smiled

"Oh, okay then. I just wanted to know cause I didn't want you to drop out for this."
He said 'accidentally' put his hand on mine then moved it away quickly when he saw that I noticed.
"I'll see you later."

I replied


~July 13, 2009~

It's now the day of all days.
It's time for the 'This Is It' concert.
I am so excited for this.
We have another few hours till the show starts but just getting somethings ready.
I'm with some of the musician and Michael walks in.
Everybody started clapping and cheering for him.
When I saw him smile, my heart melted.

"I would like to thank everyone for helping with this—"
I was now in my own little world staring at him.
When he was almost finished I snapped out of it and back to reality
"And I love all very much."

With that everyone got back to what they were doing.
When It was time for Michael to practice for 'The way you make me feel' with one of the girls, i think her name was Mia.
When it was her quew to go on stage, right when she got on she fell and twisted her ankle.
Okay, you might be wondering how I know that, but you could hear it crack in Japan.
My brother and some of the other guys helped her into a seat .

"Are you going to be okay?"
My brother asked.

"No, I think it's broken."
she said in pain.


When the ambulance came to pick her up, Michael said bey and then started to panick.
"Oh, boy. Who's going to take her place."

I looked at Lawrence and he looked at me with a smirk on his face.
I then looked at Lacy and she had the same look.

"Lawrence, can Jen dance in heels?"
Lacy asked.

I gave Lance a look to keep his mouth shut.
"Why, Yes, Yes she can."

"And does she know the moves for 'The way you make me feel?"
she asked again

"Yes, she can."
I'm going to kill him.

They both shouted. Now I'm going to kill them both.

Michael walked over to us and before I could run, my brother grabbed me and picked me up over his shoulders.

Michael said a little upset.

"Jenny knows how to dance i heels,"
Lacy said then my brother stepped in.

"and Knows all the moves."
That's when he put me back down.

"You can?"
Michael asked with hope in his eyes.

I blushed looking down.

"Will you do it?"
he said with his beautiful eyes

"Uhh—I— N—I can— What if someone notices that I'm too young"
my nerves got the best of me.

"No one will as long as you where makeup. You always look 22"
Lawrence said

"Yeah, know one will know"
Lacy said.

"I don't know......"
I looked down

"Please? We really need you right now."
he said grabbed my hand.

I couldn't help but fall for his charm and gave in.
I sighed

"Yes! Thank you so much."
he said hugging me.

When he let go he walked back onstage with the others.

"What was that?"
I asked with a glare.

Lacy started till I interrupted.

"You Lacy I know, But you!"
I pointed at Lance

"Cause, I know nothing is going to happen between you both so, why not"
he said. he did have a point but still.

I was going to give him another peace of my mind till Michael called me onstage.
"Jen, come on we need to practice!"

I looked over to him and shouted
"I'll be their in a second!"
I then looked over to Lacy and Lawrence and whispered.
"I'll give you both a peace of my mind later."
With that I walked away.

While I was going over 'The way you make me feel' with Michael, Akeno was on the side of the stage with Lacy and Lance.
"What's going on?"
A-Kid asked

"Jen's going to be doing 'The way you make me feel' with Michael now."
Lacy said watching Michael and I.

"Wh—wh—Hu? Lacne, are you going to let this happen?"
A-Kid asked

"Yeah, why not. She's happy, I'm happy."
Lawrence said with a smile.


The show started a while ago and it's almost time for me to go onstage with Michael.
Kenny then came over to me.
"Okay, your on in 3....2....1....."
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