Status: putting story to the side for a while. sorry ^^'

This Is It

Happy Birthday, and Good Riddance

*8:43a.m. August 17, 2009*

"Jen, where were you."
Lance yelled at me.

"Yeah, you were supposed to be here at 6 o'clock."
Lacy popped.

"And Michael's kinda mad."
A-Kid added.

'Thanks for remembering my birthday, guys.'
I thought.

I sighed and just walked over next to the stage.
I was still exhausted from all the rehearsals I've done with Michael.
Oh, well.
I've gotta suck it up and get on with the show.
I got onstage and saw Michael with the other dancers.

Michael just looked at me with no emotion then back at the dancers.
"Okay, everyone. Were good for the day."

Evey body left for the day and stud onstage with Michael.

He walked over to me and our faces were close.
"Where were you?"
he said with anger

Michael cut me off

"Why are you late?"
he said with anger yet more calm

he did it again.

"Why didn't you call to say you were coming?"
he calmly said

"I'm sorry, I didn't wake up on time. and I've had this dream I didn't want to get out of —"
I was then cut off with his hug.

I just stud their and I felt his hand rub the back of my head.
"Don't ever do that again."
he chuckled, lightening the mood.

I sighed.

Most girls would probably be glad that he cares but with me, I have a very different way of thinking.
He doesn't care about me, only the show.
I guess this all started with my father leaving my mother.
Mom always said he was a 'bad man' —well, not in those words— but she did love him.
My father and I still keep in touch but, not ad often as I want.
Sometimes I wish he was their for Lawrence and I but, he chose what he wanted and that was life on the rode, wrestling.
I also with that he told me he loved me, I never heard him say those words to me or Lawrence.
Mom said that he would always say it when we were baby's but, I don't believe it.

Right when I thought of my father, my phone started to ring.
And guess who, My dad, Glen Jacobs.

I looked at Michael and smiled a little.
"I have to take this."

Michael said letting me go.

I answered my phone and prayed for the best.

"Jen? It's Glen."
He said, referring to our little joke we've had for years.

I'll admit, It still make me laugh.
"Hey, Glen what's up?"
Ever since he left, Lance wanted me to only call him by his first name

"I knew it was your birthday and I just wanted to wish you a good one."
I could hear the smile on my fathers face threw the phone.

"Thanks, you're the first person to tell me that."
I smiled. that's when Lance came over.

"Really, what about your mother?"
he asked, he has no idea where I'm at

"Where she's at, she's sleeping."
I chuckled.

"I'm sorry, what?"
I love it when he's confused.

"I'm in London."
I giggled

"Oh, for how long?"
he asked.

"Till March. Why you ask?"

"I'm gonna be in London next week, maybe we could catch up."
My father said, I could just hear the hope in his voice.

"Umm, sure."
I said without thinking.

"Great, So, hows Lawrence."
As soon as he asked,

I looked at Lance with a smile.
"He's good."

It then got quiet till I spoke again.
"I can't wait to see you."
I smiled

"Neither can I. ——— I love you"
I could hear the tears in his voice

"I love you to."
I replied.

"B—bey, I love you so much."
He didn't want to end this call, I could tell.

"Can we talk a little more?"
I asked and Lance looked at me like he was going to kill me.

"Yeah, I'd like that."
my dad said and I walked off stage.


"Dad, my phones gonna die, I'll call you later."
I laughed.

"Okay, I love you, honey."

"I love you more."
I giggled.

"I love you more."

"I have to go, before I get fired. Love you."

"Love you too, bey."


We finally hung up and I walked back over to the stage.
Right when I get their, Lawrence pulls me to the side.

"What did HE want?"
Lance asked with anger in his eyes.

"He called to say Happy Birthday."
I said backing my father up

"Do you even know why he's 'REALLY' calling you."
Lance crossed his arms.

"Yeah, he missed me and wanted to talk."

"Bull Shit"
Lawrence said very loudly.

I scram at him

We started yelling at each other and it looked like we were about to fist fight.
The dancers and Lighting crew broke us up.
Michael came over to see what was going on.
"What's going on?"

Lacne and I just looked at each other with anger.

"Remember, when you're gonna need Glen the most and he's not their, don't even come crying to me."
Lawrence said then walked away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Glen Jacobs