Status: *writing chapters*

Comeback Kid

Beginning 01

Michaela Rochell’s P.O.V

“Ugh,” I moaned, turning over to my right side, clutching my white body pillow I had to sleep with or else I wouldn’t be sleeping at all that night. I opened my eyes and my hand pounded on the ringing alarm clock.

“Mademoiselle Rochell,” I heard Randolph the butler’s voice come toward me from the doorway of my large angular bedroom. “Time to wake up, darling,” Randolph continued. “Emma already phoned for you twice and it’s already seven thirty.”

“WHAT?!” I screamed. “It’s already seven thirty? That means I only have an hour in a half to get ready. This is bullshit! I don’t even want to go back to school. What is this?” I muttered to Randolph.

Randolph breathed and set down the pantry for my breakfast on the pull-out table over by my bedside table that holds my alarm clock, ready-to-use moisturizer and my cell phone (when Randolph sets it there in the morning, I could never be bothered during my sleep with random texts and forwards). He took one more breath and then left my bedroom and then tapping on probably my failure brothers’ rooms (Jake and Joel – they’re twins).

I rolled my eyes and pulled my heavy blankets off of me and sat up and looked at my palm pre. 8 Missed Calls, I read. I rolled my eyes again. Four calls from Emma, three calls from Brianne and one call from Landon. I threw my palm pre back on my king-sized – what Emma and Brianne and well anybody else who came in my bedroom ‘princess-bed.’

I quickly moisturized my face and then opened my curtains, not really caring that Randolph didn’t even bother to open them. Ugh that guy. I pulled my hair out of the elastic band I threw it in the night before and swiped my beautiful (it was very beautiful), moist, dark brown hair behind my shoulders. It was very straight from when I got it cut yesterday for school today. I yawned and then started to cleanse my face and then moisturize once again.

Once I was back in my bedroom and not in my bathroom, my palm pre was going off the hook. There were now fifteen missed calls – more from Emma and then some from Angelina (my mother). I rolled my eyes dialing Emma’s number.

She answered almost immediately in a frantic voice, “Michaela! Michaela! I seriously don’t know what to wear! I picked something out yesterday but now I just realized it was the worst choice over. The Marc Jacobs faux fur vests do NOT look good with Vivienne Westwood designer dresses.”

“A Vivienne Westwood dress with a faux fur vest? You must’ve been smoking a lot of weed when you picked that outfit out. Seriously, Emma - Vivienne Westwood dresses don’t even look good on you. We all know I’m the only one who can really pull of the satin look. You’re more sundress type – maybe try some of those Hollywood Intuition items I bought for you when we went to Cali for summer,” I explained to Emma.

“Good idea, boyfriend tee look?” she tried.

I sighed with a smirk. She was such a newbie. If only she had her sister’s fashion sense… I suggested still laughing at her, “Emma, the boyfriend tee look would be like late Thursday-Friday look you know in the afternoon? Not for the first day of school / Monday. Try the Hollywood Intuition long, white dress I bought and then left over at your house. "

“Well, what are you wearing?” She asked.

Just as she asked I was already walking into my walk-in closet. It was pretty big, almost as big as my room (because my wardrobe was more important than anything else in my bedroom). I immediately spotted out five outfits me and Miss Lanai (fashion coordinator/Angelina’s assistant) picked out.

I answered with a smile and grabbing the third outfit we picked out, “I will be wearing black sequin tights with those gold Jimmy Cho’s I bought yesterday in Indianapolis, with this really beautiful Valencia pink corset underneath with a Le Chateau black leather jacket. It’s pretty fashionable.”

“Awe man, I was going to wear leather.”

“Not going to happen, Emma, pick something else,” I disagreed with right away. Emma or Brianne was definitely not wearing anything I was going to. “What is Brianne going to wear?”

“Some classic Louis Vuitton outfit, prob,” Emma answered.

I sighed responding, “Of course. Well, tell her not to wear a trench coat. She never looks good in those. I seriously think Vivienne Westwood satin gowns or short-cropped dresses, black stilettos and those light grey-shaded trench coats are just my partners in crime.”

“Of course Michaela,” Emma replied in agreement.

“Well, I’m going. I woke late. Make sure to add some diamonds too,” and then I hung up quickly before Emma could ask me anymore annoying questions on what to wear on our first day back to school after everything that’s happened last June.

Basically, what happened last June was my best friend Leah Le Blanc (Emma’s twin sister) died. I don’t to elaborate on it that much or else it will just become a weight’s burden which I had too much of an emotional summer to deal with.

Leah didn’t really die though. She was murdered. Of course she was murdered, aren’t all emotionally-ridden best friends only upset if their best friends were murdered? They’d be happier if they weren’t murdered because then they’d know that their best friend is really resting in peace. But now I’m just scared I’ll be either haunted by Leah’s ghost or Leah will not be resting in peace. Both is horrible but both is still unknown.

Mackenzie (Zie) Keetoowah’s P.O.V

“I don’t want to go,” I whined. Jordan was smirking at me while trying to comb his rough hair, Alexis was reading some book and Caleb was out getting some weed. “I don’t want to go back to school. I had the greatest summer and I don’t want it to be ruined by school.”

“Zie, baby,” Jordan spoke, dropping his comb and coming around to me, kissing me on the forehead. “C’mon think of it. Everyone is still going to be depressed about Leah Le Blanc’s murder - we could probably take advantage of that. You know like, ‘Leah helped me study for algebra’ we could totally get out of it. Seriously it’s going to be like freedom in Kokomo until they solve Leah’s murder.”

“She helped me study, Jordan, not funny,” Alexis spoke matter-of-factly. Alexis’s hair was cut short and it was a jet black color more of a faded black then a blue-black color. Her eyes were a dark brown also and I think the black hair was natural on her. Alexis and Caleb were sort of the odd-ones out but more Alexis. She has too much street smart. “I don’t want to go back either. Can we just drop out?” she asked. Alexis never wore any make-up and her face was usually either a tanned color or a very drained pale.

“I,” I spoke in agreement.

Jordan put his arms around my waist and kissed the back of my neck seductively and whispered, “Freedom.”

“Jordan,” I reasoned with him. It could be possible to drop out. We could all get jobs to pay for our apartment and we could –

“We’re not dropping out. Zie, as long as we’re in school my father and your mother will pay for our apartment. It’s like one of the biggest ones in Kokomo. In probably a year we could talk them into letting us move to Indianapolis and we will never have to worry about Kokomo Christian High School, again. Doesn’t that sound like a good plan?” Jordan continued to reason with me.

He stopped and removed his hands from my waist and gently placed them on my cheeks. “Zie, c’mon,” he spoke his eyes turning to puppy dogs. Jordan was really skinny and he didn’t really have any muscles but he was very tall. Almost as tall as Landon Grant or any of the popular guys at Kokomo Christian High School or Cassidy Matthews (he was very tall for some reason). Jordan was handsome regardless. His eyes were a beautiful hazel color but he had pure green-colored contacts on and his hair was dyed black with a midnight blue color on his bangs with a choppy side cut.

“Fine,” I said as quickly as I could before I could think of any reason to disagree. “Fine, fine, fine. We’ll go and finish off our junior and senior years of high school.”

Jordan jumped up and did an almost cute excited jump until Caleb came in and shook his head dangling the baggie of marijuana.

“Got the green?!” Jordan smiled more brightly.

Caleb threw the baggie of weed to Jordan and right away he was cutting everyone’s share of green. Caleb rolled his eyes and said in almost what sounded like disgust, “You guys are the worst emo-metal kids I’ve ever seen. I’m out, need to get to the library before my mom comes to bills to pay. Can you guys just cover and say I went to school early…don’t disturb? And please don’t get high until we actually go to school.”

“Can I come with you? I need to get some of the linguistics books in the library,” Alexis asked. Caleb nodded his head and the two were going out the door until Alexis stopped and looked at Jordan with uncompromising smile. “Can you please keep the green off until school starts? It would be better if you guys did that after school.”

“Lunch?” Jordan offered.

“Whatever, after school would be better,” she rolled her eyes, shaking her head with her black, choppy hair going from side-to-side.

Once the two left, immediately Jordan pounced on me with smiles and I was flowing on the double bed Caleb slept in, in the living room.

“Easy boy,” I said, slowly pulling him off me.

He laughed grabbing the baggie of weed and putting it on the bed and putting some in his very expensive LJ bong. He lit it and then he stopped before he started to inhale. “Does Zie want to do the honor?”

“What honor?” I laughed.

“Honor of like not having Mary-jay-want-ah for like forty-eight hours!” He laughed.
I rolled my eyes and pushed his hand (with the bong in hand) back towards him. “I don’t feel like chronic right now. School is about to start…did you hear anything Caleb and Alexis just said?”

“No, not really,” Jordan denied. “Alexisandra Ware and Calebona Pierce need to relax and smoke some chronic. So does Mackenzie Keetoowah.”

“Mackenzie appreciates it when you call her by Zie and Alexisandra also appreciates it if you only call her Alexis. And what is Calebona? Where did you even come up with that?” I asked.
Jordan chuckled and said, “Well, Zie, Alexis and Caleb to chill. I’ll meet bore-Zie at school. I’m staying to have some early chronic. Good luck with the whole depressing Kokomo Christian High.”

“Bye, bye stoner.”
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First chapter! :D Excited? I'm alright.