Status: Updating whenever me and Gianna get the time!

Records At The Knight

So Much For My Happy Ending

"What the hell do you want?" Gianna spat, her brown eyes piercing with anger as she stared at the teenage boy in front of her.

"Lay off, Armstrong I'm not here to talk with you," Frank sneered. Lucy gasped. How dare he speak to her best friend that way.

"Why you little filthy piece of!-" Gianna started, only to have Lucy cut her off.

"Frank, what do you want?" she asked him, letting out a great sigh. Gianna rolled her eyes and got up.

"Fine, speak to the rotten bastard. While you're at it, why don't you tell him our exciting news? Or maybe not, I'm sure he won't give a shit." She walked off, going to the direction of Hot Topic, flipping her hair angrily for a few teen guys who were eyeing her.

Lucy stared after her, but then realized what her friend had said.

Why don't you tell him our exciting news? Or maybe not, I'm sure he won't give a shit.

She mentally cursed her best friend. Now it was up to her to tell Frank about the record deal; all by herself.

"What exciting news?" Frank asked her, his brow furrowed. Was he angry or confused?

Lucy took a deep breath and answered him. "Gianna and I were offered a record deal. And we took it."


"Wow. That's all you have to say? Ohh? See, I knew you didn't care about it."

"That's not true."

"Oh, please, Frank! I'm not stupid. I know you never gave a crap about this band. I know you hate Gianna. I know you purposefully never show up to our gigs. I give you so many reminders about when they are that you shouldn't forget but you still do. I stand on that stage and search for you in that audience every time, and every time you're never there or never show up. Yet, you expect me at your games and I go because I support you. But if you can't support me, then I can't keep supporting you."

"What are you saying? Of course I support you!"

"No, Frank. No you don't. Its over. Everyone was right about this relationship."

"So, by everyone, I'm assuming you mean Gianna? What, can't think for yourself?" I stared at him, hating him more than ever.

"How. Dare. You. I trust her judgements. She looks out for me. Now I see what she's always told me." I got up and put my purse on my arm, reaching for my shopping bag when Frank's hand firmly grabbed my arm.

"Luce, wait."

"Let. Go. Of. Me," I sneered, shrugging away from him. "tThere's people everywhere, let go. Or you'll be sorry." He let go quickly and I stormed away, going in the direction Gianna had gone before.

"El, chill. If you want me to go to the party, fine. Its a harmless reunion, I'll go... Yeah, yeah... And no, I'm not performing... None of them deserve it... Haha love you girl!... Alright, I'll see you Friday."

I found her sitting on the bench facing those same three boys and talking on the phone to our friend, Ellie. I sat down next to her as she ended the call and sighed.

"Oh, hey. How'd it go with Frankenstein?" I opened my mouth to answer, when she quickly interrupted. "don't answer, I already know."


"The entire mall heard that. Quite entertaining." I felt my face flush red and looked down. "Don't worry, big singer's lungs. Part of the package, girlie." I sighed and nodded. "Cheer up, those three were listening, too. The little curly haired one was smiling."

"Really? What else was he doing?"

"I don't know, I lost interest. The one with the straight hair caught my eye and that was it." I shook my head at my best girl friend and rolled my eyes.

Typical Gianna.
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I'm sorry! Before you say anything I'm sorry its so short and that its been so long since the last update. Forgive me?