Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


~The next day~

It was a Saturday, I was feeling bored so I plugged Billie, my iPod, into my iHome.
"Let's see, I feel like listening to 'Nobody's Perfect' by Hannah Montana." I said to myself. The song started to play, and I started to sing to it.
"Everyone makes mistakes, everybody has those days!" I sang aloud as I turned towards my door, Billie was standing there.
"AHH!" I screamed, jumping a little.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. What?"
"Oh my God, you scared me! I thought I closed the door." I exclaimed.
"You have a great voice," Billie said and smiled.
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes," Billie said.
"Oh, thanks. This is my favorite Hannah Montana song." I said and pointed at my iPod, I walked over to it and put it on pause.
"So, what is up?" I asked.
"Want to go to the mall?" Billie asked.
"Sure," I went to go take a shower and threw on some
clothes, of course, and grabbed my Hannah Montana CD and went to Billie's black BMW.
"So, why are we going to the mall?" I asked as we got into the car.
"I feel like it. Sam has a play date, and your mom is with the other mom's planning our wedding." I got warm. That's right. When am I going to tell my mom about Billie and I? I put the CD in, and put on 'Nobody's Perfect'. And started to sing along, again.
"Nobody's perfect, I gotta work it," I sang, Billie joined. I started to laugh my ass off.
"What? I love this show." Billie said.
"It's so funny, a 35 year-old watches Hannah Montana!" I said in between laughs.
"Ha. It is kinda funny." Billie said and started to laugh at himself. We arrived to the mall.
"Aren't you going to put a disguise on?" I asked.
"Oh. OK, then." We walked into Hot Topic, they were having a sale. Billie bought me a plaid skirt, not to short but the right size, a black tank top, and a pair of flats. I love him, he will buy me anything.
"Come on, I'll give you half," I insisted.
"No, keep your own money," Billie said.
"Ugh. Oh, that's right! I need to buy something for the wedding!" I blurted out.
"Well, let's go to Macy's." Billie said.
"Okay," We practically ran through the prefume department, and we found the juniors dresses.
We found some dresses that my mom would love, we bought them to show them to her.
Then we were leaving the store when we crashed into Tre.
"Hey," I said.
"Hey," Tre said and gave me a hug.
"So, what are you doing here?" Tre asked us.
"Shopping for me," I said and laughed.
"Whatcha get?" Tre asked. So, I showed him, he said the plaid skirt was hot.
"Ha. What are you doing here?" Billie asked.
"I need new clothes,"
"Ah. Well, we have to go. I'll eventually send you a wedding invitation." Billie said.
"Ha. Okay, see you guys later," Tre said and I saw him walk into Spencer's.
"Thanks for taking me shopping, Billie," I said when we got home.
"Anytime," We laid on the couch and fell asleep.
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