Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


At 10:00 A.M., I woke up in Scott's arms, and I snuggled into him. I listened to his heartbeat, the beat so soothing. Nothing in this world can replace him. Not even Billie Joe can replace this feeling I have for Scott. It seems like we were meant to be together. A few minutes later, Scott woke up, and I looked up at him.

"Hey," He said, in a whisper almost.
"Good morning, baby."
"Did we happen to do anything last night?" Scott asked as he wrapped his arms around me.
"No, you just gave me oral." I said with a sexy smile.
"Ah, I remember. I'm sorry I did that, I don't know what came over me." Scott apologized.
"Baby, it's okay. I liked it, a lot. I'm just glad we didn't go any further." I said.
"I love you too much, that I didn't want to hurt you."
"Scott, you are so sweet!" I said, and gave him a kiss on the lips, which turned into a make-out.

We heard a knock on the door, we stopped hoping we wouldn't get caught again.
"Come in," I said.
"Hey kids, WHOA! Scott what the Hell are you doing in my daughter's bed?!" Mom exclaimed.
"Mom, we didn't have sex. I was scared and he slept with me." I protested.
"I believe you, Maggi. What? Why were you scared?"
"Um, can we go downstairs and we'll tell you. Are the boys up?"
"No, just Billie and I. Why?" Mom questioned.
"Because Billie is involved." Scott said.
"Oh God," Mom said, she turned and I heard her walking down stairs.

Once Scott and I got into the kitchen, Billie was drinking coffee at the table in his silk boxer shorts. Now that is sexy. We sat across from them.
"Mom, something happened last night." I said, I looked at Billie, he looked shocked.
"No, I'm not pregnant and Scott and I DID NOT have sex." I said to reassure them. They looked relived. Billie then understood what I said.

"Yesterday, Billie's car was beaten up at the skate park. So, we called the cops, then a tow tuck, who took the car away. Then we took a bus, walked downtown, then, something really bad happened. A guy held us at gun point, and snatched me away. Scott kicked him in the nuts, and we all ran all the way home. When we got home, Scott crashed with me, that's how Scott ended up in the bed with me."
"Is this true, Billie, Scott?" Mom asked, as if she doubted me. They nodded their heads, "I'm so sorry I slept in the same bed with Maggi. We didn't do anything, I love her too much." Scott said. I smiled at him, and Mom did, too. Billie? He just took another sip of coffee.

[underline]A FEW HOURS LATER: 7:00 P.M.[/underline]

"Does this match?" Mom asked me, as I sat on her bed. She held a red and green polo in front of of a pair of nice black jeans.
"For the tenth time, Mom, yes." I said and rolled my eyes.
"This is a big thing. Billie and I have been engaged for three months." Mom said, as she walked into the huge bathroom.
"Big whoop. Scott and I have been dating for two months." I said. She came out of the bathroom, she looked nice. We walked downstairs, Billie was waiting for Mom, Scott was laying on the couch flipping through the channels. He is staying over for a few days, until his parents come home. I sat down next to him.
"Hey, can you two watch Sam for me? Joey and Jakob are at Adie's house for a few weeks. She wants to be with them, before they start living with us." Mom said as she was putting on her high heels.
"Yeah," We both said, our eyes glued to the T.V.
"We'll probably be home late," Billie said.
"Sure," We said in unison. I heard the door close.
"I'm going to check on Sam." I said. "I'm coming with you," Scott said. We walked into the play room. I sat down on the floor, Scott sat next to me. Sam was playing with blocks.
"Do you want a baby?" Scott asked, as he put his chin on my shoulder.
"Yeah, how about you? He's five, Scott." I was surprised by his question.
"I know, I kinda want one. They are disgusting at first, but get fun later on."
"Ha. Yeah, they sure are."
Scott moved his chin, I grabbed the bottom, and pulled him into a kiss.
"Sam, it's time for a bath." I said, in a fake excited voice.
"YEAH!" Sam said, Scott lifted up Sam, and took him in the bathroom. I ran the water, running my hand through the water, to make sure it was warm. Scott undressed Sam, and talked to him.
"Hey, I'm going to run in his room to get some pajamas." I said, and left. When I came back, Scott had Sam in the tub, and started to wash his hair. I knelled down next to him.
"I never knew you were this good with kids." I said.
"Yeah, my step-sister has a little six month old baby. So I help her with little Sara, and play with her.
"Aw, Scott. That's so sweet. You have a step-sister?" I asked.
"Yeah, you never knew that?"
"Uh, no. We've been together for two months, and never knew that." I said, we took Sam out of the tub, and dried him down. Scott put on his pajamas. I carried him into his room, and laid him down in his little toddler bed.
"Good night, Sam.' I said and kissed him on the head. Scot and I walked hand-in-hand downstairs. He sat down, and I cuddled up to him.

"We have the whole house to ourselves. What do you want to do?" Scott asked.
"Want to watch a movie?" I suggested
"Sure," I stood up, and walked to the DVD player, and found a few scary movies. My Mom and I love Alfred Hitchcock.
"Which one?" I asked, I had 'The Birds,' Vertigo, and Psycho.'
"Hm, how about all of them?" Scott said.
"Daring, aren't we?" I joked. I put in The Birds, and cuddled back up with Scott.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry once again, this took awhile to update!!!!! =]
God, I wish I found a man like Scott!!!!!!

Thanks for all the wonderful comments!!! :D
