Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


As Scott and I walked into the mall, we decided to eat somewhere first.
"Where do you want to eat, Maggi?" Scott asked, as we entered the food court.
I scanned the people and what they were eating. I wasn't quite sure what I wanted, so I said, "What ever you are in mood for."
"Great, leave it up to me." Scott said, and he lead me to Subway.
"Out of the exotic foods they have here, you pick Subway? I love you!" I said and gave him a hug. He gave me a weird look, I better explain.
"I haven't had Subway for a long time. Glad you picked that." I said, he was still lost.
I ordered the seafood sub, and Scott ordered the BLT. We sat at a table by the window, and started to eat.
" You've been acting strange lately, are you okay?" I asked, and took a sip of Dr. Pepper. He just shrugged.
I looked him straight in the eye and said, "Scott, tell me. I know something is bothering you."
"I don't want to talk about it," He said.
"Fine." I said and we finished eating within ten minutes.

We walked around outside for awhile, and Scott suddenly stopped.
"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked, starting worrying. He better not puke! He sat at the edge of the curb.
I walked over to him, and rubbed his back.
"I need to tell you something." He said, and looked into my brown eyes. My heart pounded faster.

He hesitated, "I went to the doctor a few months ago, before we were dating. I told him I been having these strange dreams and felt very suicidal. So, he tested me for all these things, and I found out that I am bipolar." His eyes were watering, I stared at him.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. Is that why you wake up in the middle of the night, sweating?" He nodded.
"I can't be around my Mom at all. And she doesn't know, neither does my Dad. My Aunt took me, she is the only one I can trust in my family. Now, with my Mom getting a divorce, I feel so sick and very suicidal. I love you, Maggi. I have to get away from this feeling, I feel like killing myself."
I felt a tear roll down my cheek. "Scott, please don't. You are the only guy I fell for. We have so much in common, and baby, I don't want to lose you. I love you, Scott Ray Dint."
He smiled, then kissed me.
We departed, "I love you, Maggi Lynn going to be Armstrong." I smiled, and we went back to kissing. About 4:00 P.M., I called Mike to pick us up.

Mike came to pick us up, Scott and I sat in the back, holding hands.
"Hey, Mike. Where is Sam?" I asked, hoping Mike didn't leave Sam at home.
"Oh, Billie is back home. We were writing new songs," Mike explained.
Since Billie is home, I should wait to till Mom comes home. I need to tell them, and soon.

Mike dropped us off, and Scott went upstairs to take a shower. After I heard the bathroom door shut, I walked upstairs, and sat by the door. No one came upstairs. I heard Sam laugh, and Billie laughing in the family room. They must be bonding, and playing.
Half an hour later, the bathroom door opened. I was half asleep, and Scott nudged me.
"Hm?" I asked, and looked up.
"Why are you down there?" He sat next to me.
"I care about you, and I was making sure you didn't kill yourself." I said, a smile formed across his face. We stood up, and went into my room. Scott laid on my bed, I laid next to him.
"Shower feel better?"
"Yes, it did indeed." Scott said, "I have more stories to tell you."

"When I was about five years old, I started to have these dreams. Dreams of people telling me that I am worthless. I was told that a few times, when my Dad was drunk. So, night after night, I was scared to sleep. When I was thirteen, I found out about cutting, so I tried it, thinking I wouldn't have those dreams again. Still didn't work. I just suffered with it."
I looked over at him, he was staring at the ceiling.

"Baby, you know they have medicines for that. But sometimes, they don't work. Do you ever pray? I mean, you believe in God. But maybe if you rebuke the demons in your house, with the power of prayer, maybe you won't have those dreams." I suggested, he looked at me.
"You know what, I knew there was something that drew me to you." He said and kissed me.

We watched some TV for awhile, and when Mom came home, I went downstairs. Scott and Sam were sleeping. Billie was on the lap top, and Mom was drinking coffee, reading a book.

"Mom, I need to tell you something about Scott." I said, they both looked up.
"Yes?" Mom said. I told them the long story, their eyes were watering.
"We will do anything for that boy. He can live here for God knows when. I like him and trust him." Mom said.
"Thanks, Mom." I said, and gave her a hug. Now, I can sleep in rest.
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I'm sorry if any of you suffer from this stuff.

I have been brain dead for a longggggg time! Sorry if this took forever! I have mid-terms up to my neck...So I have been "studying".
