Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


All I could do the next few hours was look at my ring. I started to think about the one day I crashed into Scott and who knew that it come this far? I thought he would want to be friends, because we used to go to elementary school. Of course, he only was in Kindergarten for a year, then left. I always wanted to find a man like him, I knew he was out there somewhere. Who would of guessed he was in my very own school?

"Baby, you okay?" Scott asked me, as he rubbed my back.
"Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just happy that I found you." I said and smiled a bit.
"But, I didn't run away." Scott said, I laughed and got up from the couch.
"I was serious!" Scott yelled back.

He followed me in the kitchen, and I saw that Sam was watching his new Sponge Bob fourth season DVD. I opened the freezer and took a couple of waffles out, and put them in the toaster oven.

"Hey, want to see a movie?" Scott asked, as he poured himself a glass of orange juice.
"Sure," I said, and walked over to the paper and found the movie section. I ran my finger down the list and couldn't really anything that I liked.
"How about 'The Bucket List'?" Scott suggested.
"That looked like a good movie, yeah let's see it." I said, and grabbed various toppings for waffles. The toasted dinged, and I put them on two plates. Billie and Mom came down to the kitchen, and Mom put on the coffee.
"What do you guys want to do today? It's so nice for Christmas morning." Mom said as she looked out the window.
"Scott and I thought of going to see 'The Bucket List'. Is that okay?" I asked, and took a bite of waffle.
"Sure, why not? After the movie, we should have a lunch picnic at the beach. Sound good?" Mom suggested and poured herself a mug of coffee.
"Yeah," We all chorused, and nodded.

It was about twelve noon when the movie was supposed to start. So, about 1:45 we walked to the movies. Mom, Billie, and Sam were going to meet us at the beach when it was over.
In the line, I happened to glance over Scott's shoulder. I spotted Tiffany flirting with her boyfriend, I assume. She saw me, and slowly walked over to us, with her boyfriend linked to her arm.

"Oh, Cody, stop." She said, playfully, and slapped him on the arm.
"Oh, hello, Scott and Maggi. What are you doing her?" She acted surprised to see us.
Well, smart one, we're seeing a movie, what else? I thought in my mind.
"Uh, going to see 'The Bucket List', how about you?" Scott said.
"Wow, so are we! How about we sit near each other?" She suggested. Some how I doubt that, she just said that so she can be near Scott.
"Um, I don't mind." Scott said. WHY SCOTT, WHY? I bit my lip down really hard.
"Well, get your tickets, and we will meet you in there." She said, and trotted off with Cody.

After we got our tickets, we walked to the food stand.
"One medium popcorn, please." Said Scott.
"Why did you agree that you wanted to sit near her? I thought this was our special day together?" I said.
"Why are you being so overprotective of me?" Scott asked and pulled out a ten dollar bill.
"Let's see, oh, you gave me a promise ring this morning." I said, and stomped my foot, slightly.
Scott was handed back his change. "Let's go and get this over with. I don't want to do this as much as you don't. Plus, this day isn't over yet," He gave me a sly smile.

We entered the dim lite room, and saw Tiffany and Cody making out. I think I just threw up a bit. We walked over by them, and sat down. The place went pitch black, and the movie previews started. Once those were over, we saw watched some random guy climb a snowy mountain and listened to a guy narrate. Scott wrapped his arm over my shoulder, and I snuggled up to him. I saw Tiffany rub her hand up and down Cody's leg.
During the movie, I was thinking, 'Okay, maybe Tiff did have a crush on Scott. But that doesn't make it right for her to flirt with him. I just need to be my friendly, kind self and keep my mouth shut.'

When the movie was over, all four of us walked out and waited by the exit. I called Mom and told her we were done.
"Where are you guys going after this?" Tiffany asked us.
"We are going to the beach to hang out with my, my surfer buddies." I blurted out.
"You surf? That's so radical, dude!" Cody said in that surfer voice. Scott and Tiffany gave me a confused look. I just smiled, "Look, here they come now! Let's go, Scott." I pulled Scott by the arm, but he didn't budge.
"Great seeing you, Tiffany. Merry Christmas," He said.
"Yeah, same here. Um, and anytime you two want to hang out, call me." She said, and smiled a bit. We left and walked to the beach.

"I know you don't like her, babe, but I had to be nice to her." Scott said.
"I know, but I have this feeling that she still likes you. I don't want to lose you." I said, and we crossed the busy street.
"What? I won't leave you for her, she is my sister basically. We are too close to date. On the other hand, you mean so much to me." Scott said, and I looked him in the eye.
"I love you," I said, then kissed him on the lips. We finally made it to the beach, we had to cross the hot, burning sand. We screeched in pain, then saw Billie and Mom waving us down. We made it over, and I threw off my shirt and shorts. I was wearing my black and white dotted two piece suit.

I raced Scott to the water, and Sam came running after us. We splashed around, and skipped stones. When we were done with the water, we played in the sand with Sam. We built a demented sand castle. Around four or five, we cleaned up and headed home.
I took a shower when we when got home, then Scott took his. He said I should dress formal and nice. I was confused, but I went along with it.

I wore my dress that I was going to the wedding and I wore some sexy black high heels. I straightened my hair, and wore some black and red make-up.
"Baby, you look amazing." Scott said, as I walked down the stairs.
"Thank you, where we are going?" I asked.
"You'll see," Scott said and put a blind over my eyes. Kinky. I held Scott's hand, as he lead me into a car. I heard the car door slam, then I felt the car move. It felt like forever, but we finally got out.

"Scott, tell me!" I pleaded. I smelled something really good cooking. I sat on something, and Scott took off the blind fold.
"Oh my God," Was all I can see. In front of my eyes was a table with candles, and two plates, white lights lite the gazebo we sat in. And Tyler, Tim, and Megan were dress up, and served us. I looked to my right, and there was the beach and a gorgeous sunset.
"Scott, this is wonderful." I said, and took a sip of fake champaign. Megan greeted us, and gave us our dinner. Steak, mashed potatoes, and green beans.
After we talked and ate, Megan gave us huge sundae, and two spoons. I smiled and laughed, and Scott and I started to eat it.

"Today's Christmas dinner was brought you by Tim, whom cook everything. And Tyler, who decorated, and me, whom served you. Hope you liked it. Your total is five hundred dollars. Just kidding, but Merry Christmas, Maggi!" Megan said, I stood up and gave her a huge hug.
"Ha, I love you all!" I said, and gave Tim and Tyler a hug. They stood off to the side, and I heard this soft music playing.
"May I?" Scott asked me, we stepped off the gazebo, and slowed danced.
"I love you, Scott . " I said in Scott shoulder.
"I love you, too, Maggi." He said, and kissed me underneath the stars.
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Hoped you liked it! =]

THE BUCKET LIST is a good movie! I saw it with my bestie, Megan. I loved it. Jack Nicholson was funny. =]
I would watch it, if I were you.
