Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


It has been two days since Billie left in an outrage. We keep calling Billie's cell phone, but it keeps going to voice mail. Mom is crying every night in her room. Also, Jakob started to cut, my life is a wreak, but Scott is helping through it.


It was the day after Billie left. The house was quiet, no one really spoke. Breakfast and dinner were dead silent. The only talking we did was when my Mom asked me to do chores, take care of Sam, or whatever. No one was the same, Billie really torn apart our family.

It was eight o'clock at night when I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. When I opened the door, and saw Jakob was laying on the bathroom floor. His wrists were cut open wide, bleeding, a razor blade was laying next to him. His face was white, and his eyes were closed. It was a murder scene.

"JAKOB!" I shrieked, and knelt next to him. Tears filling my eyes. I felt his neck, good a pulse.
"Jakob, come on, wake up." I coaxed, as I shook him a little. The whites of his eyes were showing.
"Jakob, please, don't die." I said, I laid on him, and broke down crying. It was like he was Romeo and I was Juliet. I felt like killing myself, too. This couldn't be happening.
"Maggi, I'm sorry, I am a horrible person, I can't stand life anymore." Jakob spoke, weakly.
"No you're not. Jakob, we love you. Please, please, don't go now." I said, and sobbed harder.
"You were a great sister, keep up the good work for Joey and Sam. I love you, more than a sister. Good-bye." Jakob spoke, he closed his eyes.
"AH! AH! AH!" I screamed louder, Scott, Mom, and Joey ran into the bathroom.
"Oh my God!" I heard them say in unison.
"Call 911, Scott, hurry!" Mom command. Since Mom is a nurse, she she started to give him water to drink, and covered his wrists with a towel.
"The paramedics are on their way. I told them this was a suicide attempt." Scott reported when he came back. Mom and Scott lifted Jakob off from the floor, and brought him in the family room, and laid him on the couch. Scott and Mom were covered in blood.

I saw the paramedics were here, I opened the front door, and pointed at the couch. The took Jakob away on a stretcher. Mom went with them.
"We'll call you when we get to the hospital." Said a really, cute ambulance guy.
"Okay, will he make it?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"I'm not sure, they might have to do a blood transplant, depending on how much blood he lost." He responded, and left.
The blue and red light flashed, brightly in the night. Scott held me in his arms as I cried harder. Joey hugged me from the side. Our good neighbor, Annie, ran out of her house, and came over to us.

"What happened?" She asked.
"I'll tell you later," Scott said, and we all went into the house. Scott escorted me to my room, and laid me on the bed.
"Maggi, I love you. Just pray that Jake will make it, he is a strong boy. I'll be back in a little bit," Scott said, slothing, and gave me a kiss on the head.
I looked at my Green Day posters, "You are a sick bastard, sometimes, Billie Joe." I closed my eyes and dozed off.

A few hours later, Scott woke me up. "Hey, honey, Annie left. Mike and Tre are going to stay here with us, until Jakob gets home." I felt Scott lay next to me. His arms snaked around my body, and I snuggled close to him, inhaling his body spray.
The sun was shining through my window, and I slowly opened my eyes.
"Baby, what time is it?" I asked Scott. I wasn't sure is he was awake or not.
"It's nine thirty. Are you hungry?" Scott asked.
I shook my head, "Not really,"
"Okay, well I'm going downstairs to grab something. Come down when you are ready." Scott said.
About ten, I went downstairs, and I saw Tre and Mike were drinking coffee. They greeted me with a smile.
"Are you feeling better?" Tre asked, and opened his arms. I went over to him, and hugged him.
I sat next to him, "Yeah, I know he is going to make it."
"Your Mom called, she said we can see him today," Mike said.
"Okay, let me get ready." I said and got up. I went into my room and grabbed some clothes. I went into the bathroom, I started to cry, just by standing in the doorway. Scott was near by, he came over.
He hugged me, "Sh, it's okay. You will be okay, sh." I kept looking at the blood and the razor blade. Everything was coming back to me. Scott lead me to the downstairs bathroom. I took a nice hot shower, then finished getting ready.

Tre took Scott, Joey, and I to the hospital. We went into the ICU, I walked up to the reception desk. The lady was reading a magazine, she looked up, and smacked her gum.
"Can I help you?" She asked, as I was interrupting something important.
"Yeah, what room is Jakob Armstrong?"
"Are you related?" She asked, I nodded.
"Room 584,"
We went into the waiting room. Since it was visiting hours, I asked if I can go first.
The boys nodded. I went into the white hallway, and looked for 584. I knocked on the door, and Mom answered it.

"You made it, Jake really wants to see you. Who came with you?" Mom asked.
"Tre, Scott, and Joey. They are in the waiting room." I told her, she patted my shoulder, and left.

"Hey, Jake." I said, and walked to the bed. He had a bag full of blood in one vein and an IV on the other side. He didn't say anything for about two minutes.
"Thanks for saving me last night." He spoke.
"What are sisters for? You really scared me, all of us. What made you do it?" I asked.
"I hate my Dad, Maggi. It was a honest mistake, I swear. He made it sound like I fuck girls for a living, and I don't. Then, when he left, that was when it started. I kept thinking in my head, 'Jakob, you are worthless piece of shit, a waste of sperm. You don't need to be on this planet. You hate yourself, cut, cut, cut!'. Maggi, it was scary. I had to do it. Now, your Mom wants me to see a shrink." Jake explained.
"You sound like your Dad," I laughed a little. "Jakob, you mean a lot to our family, your dad just lost control. You need help, I'll be here the whole time. I can't solve your problems, but I can give advice. I love you, Jakob."
"Thanks, Maggi. How is Joey and Scott?"
"They are pretty shaken up, too." I said, "Want to see them?"
"That would be nice," He smiled. When I had my hand on the door knob, something came over me. A weird urge. I turned, and looked at Jakob. I went over to him, and kissed him on the lips. He blushed, and I did, too.
"I love you," He said, and I looked at him, then I turned to leave.

I came back to the waiting room. Everyone looked up, and I broke down crying. Scott hugged me, "He wants to see you, Tre, and Joey." I sniffled. I sat next to my Mom.
"Did he tell you the story?" Mom asked, when the boys left, I nodded.
"Poor boy. I'm going to find him help, someone he can talk to." Mom said. About an half an hour later, the boys returned.
"Um, I'll call you when he can leave," Mom said with no emotion. We left, and headed home.
End flashback

It was the second day that Billie has been gone. Jakob is still at the hospital. They are trying to make him eat, he is still weak to move.

"Maggi, we are going to bed, wanna come?" Scott asked, while I was laying on the couch.
"Um, I'll be up in a bit," I said, and kissed Scott good night.
About two hours later, while I was watching a Reno 911! Marathon, is when I heard the doorbell ring. I got off the couch, and tip-toed to the door. I unlocked it, and there he stood.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was trying soo hard not to cry while I wrote this!!
