Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


Billie's Point of Veiw.

I walked down to the kitchen where I saw Callie reading a magazine at the island.

"Hello, baby." I said, and greeted her with a kiss on her head.
"Hello," She said back, and sipped her coffee.
I poured myself a cup of coffee and asked, "What magazine are you reading?"
"People. I just got it today in the mail." She said, and showed me the cover. At the bottom right hand corner, I saw a small picture of me. 'BILLIE JOE ARMSTRONG A RAPIST? Pg. 56'
My jaw dropped, and Callie looked up at me. "What?"
"Let me see that," I said, and took the magazine from her. I turned to page 56, and there was this picture of me having sex with Maggi. I read the story that went along with it. Not really a story, more like a long paragraph of lies.
"What?" Callie asked, and looked over my shoulder. "BILLIE!" She yelled, and slapped me hard in the arm.
"It is a total lie!" I yelled back.
"Yeah right. This picture is kinda hard to say it's a lie. That is defiantly my daughter. I can't believe that you would do this." Callie stormed off.
"I hate paparazzi." I said, under my breath.

I went to the living room, and turned on the T.V. Lucky me, MTV was on and the headline news was what was written in People about me. I watched it, and Maggi came downstairs.
"What are you watching?" She asked me. I just stared at the T.V. Stunned at the lies they were saying about me.
"What the fuck?!" Maggi said, loudly. "Billie, when did this happen?"
"New Year's night. This is my fault. Who even invited the guy in the house?" I asked, puzzled.
"We don't have time to ask questions. We need to go to MTV and tell them this a lie. It never happened." Maggi said, and stood up.
"People Magazine stared it. The guy that took our picture must work for them." I said, and looked at Maggi, she was trying not to cry.

"Oh, Billie. If all my friends find out about this, they will call me a slut and whore!" Maggi said, while she was crying hard.
"Sh. We will figure this out. I promise, Maggi. I'm going to get out of this mess. Sh." I held her, and soothed her. I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
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Kinda short.....At least I updated!!!

next chapter update maybe tomorrow?