Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


I was in a peaceful sleep when my phone started to ring. I jumped and accidentally elbowed Tim in the stomach.
"OW!" I heard him yelp.
"Ooh, I'm sorry!" I said, as I reached for my ringing phone.
"Hello?" I asked.
"It's Billie! Remember how we were going to sue People Magazine?" Billie asked.
"Yeah? What about it?"
"WE WON THE LAW SUIT!" He exclaimed.
"WE WON?! No way! Oh my God!" I shrieked.
"What happened?" I heard Tim ask over my shoulder. I put up my index finger.
"I'm so happy! How much money did we win?" I asked, eagerly.
"I say about five million."
"AH! AH! AH!" I kept screaming. I turned around and hugged Tim. "Um okay?" He said.
"Oh my GOD! AH!"
"Maggi, breath! I'll tell you more when you come home. Speaking of which, how is everything going?" Billie asked.
"Um," I felt like my throat closed up. "Well, Let's say that Scott and I are not with each other anymore."
A dead silence. "Why?"
"Well, I met someone a lot better. I mean, Scott felt like too much of a brother. I didn't feel like I was dating him, you know?" I explained.
"Hmm hm." Billie said.
"Are you mad?"
"Not really. I hope the guy that you fell for, will treat you with care, trust, and love." Billie said.
"Awh! Billie, that was sweet, yet, kind of sappy." I said and gave a little laugh.
"I want to meet him! Oh, I have to go, sweetie. Love you."
"Believe me, you will. Okay, bye. Love you too." I said, and hung up. I looked back at Tim, he was had that completely lost look on his face.
"What was that all about?" He asked. I cuddled next to him.
"Oh, it's a long story." I said with a smile.

Well, today was our last day of this interesting weekend. I helped pack everything and said good bye to everyone.

"Sine you and Scott are no longer together, how will he get home?" Tim asked. I looked at Megan, who looked at Scott, who looked at Tim, whom looked right back me. Then, everyone looked at me.
"What? Why is this up to me? Fine, he can come back home with us." I said. Megan did a little jump, and hugged Scott.
"Um, Megs, remember, he came with us." I said, and gave her a little smile.
"Oh, that's right!" She said. Wow. Blondie much? Scott and Megan ran back to the RV. Tim and I stood there.

"So, I guess I won't see you for about another good ten hours or less?" Tim asked, and smiled.
"I guess so." I shrugged a little.
"Here, this is my cell phone. I have unlimited texting and calling." Tim said as he wrote his number on my hand.
"Okay. So, if you see an unfamiliar number, that should be me." I said.
"Ha. Sounds good." Tim said, as he gave me my hand back.
It was a little awkward silence. "I'm glad we meet and started to date," Tim said.
"I'm glad, too. Scott knew too much about me. I like to start fresh." I said.
"So, yeah." I said.
"Yeah." Tim said. I looked at him and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"I'll text you later." I said, and smiled.
"Okay." He said, I turned and walked back to the RV.
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I've busy lately, so I didn't have a lot of time to update. SORRY!