Billie, Ever Think of Having a Daughter


At ten o'clock in the morning, I woke up, in the arms of Tim. My head was killing me, and I groaned.
"Why do I feel like I have a hangover?" I mumbled.
"You don't. You have your period." He said, his head in the pillow.
I think he was partly awake and partly sleeping.
"Wow, I never felt like this before. I don't like it." I said, and hugged my stomach as a painful cramp shot through me.
"I don't like it either. I had to carry you to the bathroom when you started to gag." Tim said.
"Yeah, I stood there, and held your hair, while you puked your guts, or should I say ovaries, out."
"Thank you, Tim." I said with a smile. "I wonder what Scott would have done?" I pondered as the memories came back.
"Are you hungry?" I asked Tim, he had his eyes closed, I assumed he fell asleep.
So, I moved his arm from my body, and got out of my bed. I looked back, and he turned over and pulled the covers over his head.

I walked out the room, and I saw Mom cleaning the toilet.
"Hey Mom," I said, as I leaned against the door frame.
"Are you feeling?" She asked as she added more Clorox to the water in the toilet.
"Hungry. What should I eat?" I asked.
"Hm. Something light. I made an appointment for you with an OB/GYN doctor." Mom said as she scrubbed.
"What? Why?" I asked, a little stunned. "I'm not eighteen, and I'm not sexually--"
"Yeah, I want to see if the fact you are sexually active has anything to do with these symptoms." She said and stood up.
"That can't have anything do with this. Unless I'm pregnant, but I have my period!" I started to flip out.
"Sh, honey, we will see what the doctor says, she is really nice, the same one I go to." She hugged me.
I stepped back, and shouted, "Oh my God! I'm seeing the doctor that looks at your vagina!"

I ran down stairs into the kitchen. I grabbed a glass cup from the cabinet, and turned the faucet on and chugged the water down. I leaned against the sink, panting, sweating.

I felt arms around my body, I jumped, and saw it was Tim.
"You gave me a heart attack!"
"Looks like you are already having one now." Tim said, and kissed my cheek.
"I thought you were sleeping?"
"I was, until your outburst scared the shit out of me, so I woke up, and came down here." Tim said squeezed his arms a little tighter.
"Ha. Yeah that. I'm going to an OB/GYN appointment today. Want to come?" I asked as I leaned against his body.
"Of course, that was defiantly the number one thing on my to-do list for the day." He said sarcastically.
"Well, you can sit in the waiting room. I am so nervous, I keep sweating." I said, and turned to face him.
"Go take a shower, and that will calm you down because your leg keeps shaking." He said, and pointed to my leg.
"Oh my God! I'm losing it!" I shouted and ran upstairs.

I hopped into the shower, and when I was done, I wrapped a towel around my body.
I walked into my room to grab some clothes, Tim was laying on my bed.
"You always walk around like that?" He asked and raised his eyebrow in a sexy way.
"Only for you." I winked, and left the room. I went to the bathroom to get ready. I wore a pair of Hollister sweat pants. What? They are comfy. A cami and a zip-up hoodie.

"Hey, come on. We are leaving." I said when I walked into the bedroom, to find Tim still laying there.
"I thought you hated Hollister?" He asked as he put his shoes on.
"I walked in the store one day, because I had a gift card from there, and I tired on them. They are so soft!" I explained. "I still hate that store."
Tim chuckled and we walked downstairs. I went to the mud room to get my flip flops, said bye to Billie, Jakob, Joey, and Sam. Then headed out the door.

It was an intense car ride, it was dead silent. I squeezed Tim's hand, "Maggi, I can't feel my hand." He said, and I eased up a little.
We arrived to the doctor's and I couldn't move. I was like a dog going to the vet. They had to drag me out.
"Mag, come on! It won't be that bad. Please, Maggi!" Tim said, and pulled me by the arm.
I barked at him. "No! I'm not going!"
"Maggi Lynn get out of the car!" Mom shouted in her angry tone.
"Yes, Mommy." I whimpered, and got out.

Tim held my hand as we walked in the building. We walked into the office, and I plopped on the first chair I saw, and started to shake.
"Maggi, they aren't going to stab you with needles." Tim said soothingly, and held me.
"It's not that, but, but, what if I am pregnant?" I said and looked at him with wide worried eyes.
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might update later today. i do not know.