Status: Finished :D

Counting down the days


So what happens where you feel the tension building up. You feel like your about to split in half. That's how i felt anyway. There I was sitting in one of those horrible seats they have in doctors office's. I was there waiting for results. Results to see if they had actually cured me. I have or had one of those random diseases that only happen to one in a million. The killer diseases. Lucky for me there is a cure. It works 9 out of 10, so i have a pretty high chance of surviving right.

Wrong. The stiff backed doctor sat down with a frown imprinted into his old face. That was enough to tell me. Enough to say that that's it, I'm done. I tuned out. There's no point in listening to all of that drivel that they say, They only do it to try and break it to you gently. i want facts, not some elaborated story. I just want to know one thing. Then i can leave. How long.

"How long?" I'm not bothering with any politeness or any stalling. I just need to know.

"6 days. . . " I stopped listening to him the second he said 6 days. I have to be strong. Never live life with regrets right, They say life's to short to have regrets. I only have one regret, and that's taking that so called "cure" They said i had one year before i went in, They said that i would live ten more after this "cure". They shortened it, They ended it.