Status: Finished :D

Counting down the days


I woke up my bed with the blankets all piled up on me. I recalled back to the other night where I fell asleep in Matt’s arms. It made me smile a bit. Having that one good moment. That one thing that felt right. I threw the blankets off me and rolled out of bed. Stopping just as I was about to hit the floor. I picked up the corners of my quilt and shook it. Making it land neatly on top of my bed. I was about to check the time when the loud bleeping began. 6am. My biological clock has it all figured out. I shut down the noise and walked through to the bathroom. I had a quick shower to calm all of my muscles and to relax my head, calm out my thoughts. I let the soothing water flow over me. As I got out I tightly wrapped a towel around me and walked through to the bedroom again.

Once dressed I plodded through to the kitchen. I pulled out the toaster and noticed a sheet of paper propped up against it. It had Star x x written on it. I flipped the sheet open and began reading it. It was from Matt.

You fell asleep on the couch so I placed you in bed, as you already figured. Also there is fresh bread and stuff in all of the right places.
Don’t forget to pay the bills after work and get some more electricity, there's only £5 left in the meter.
Matt x x x

I placed the note down and pulled out the bread bin. Like he said there was a fresh new small loaf of bread. I slipped a slice into the toaster and pressed the button down. While it was being toasted I reached up to the cupboard and grabbed one of the white side plates and placed it in front of the toaster. I walked over to the fridge grabbing a glass on the way and got a glass of fresh orange. The toast came flying out of the toaster and landed back in the slots with a small thud. I flipped the slide bit up and took the toast. It was a perfect golden brown on each side. I had my toast and orange and placed my dirty dishes in the sink after giving them a quick rinse before leaving for work.

It feels like a good day. The second I left the building of flats I stay in the sun was shining down on me. Birds were tweeting and everything just looked happy, even the plants. Well I think they look happy. As usual I passed the post man and gave him a smile to great him. I felt like skipping. It just feels good. I’m not sure why though. I want to run through the fields jumping and screaming. Just letting the world know that for once I’m really, really happy. But I cant. Sadly though I have to return to the awful place I call work.

I walked in the back door and hung up my jacket and placed my bag in the small locker type thing I have. I put my head through the hole in my apron and tied the back in a neat bow. Walking through to the dinning area I began cleaning and making sure everything was clean and ready for the morning. I flipped the all so controlling sign to allow customers in. Not long after flipping the sign people began to enter, looking for their much needed breakfast and a caffeine boost.

I began working and taking orders. I was running around franticly as it seems miss plastic decided to sleep in. I was getting on task and almost had everyone served when she walked in like she owned the place. I gave her a look to say "your late" but in return I got nasty looked back. Looks like she will be slacking today. The snobby cashier glanced up at the clock and I continued to serve and please the many morning people. The morning rush slowly ended, only a few were left. I took out the spray and set to work on cleaning the tables. It took longer than usual because apparently I’m working by myself, but I still got it done, and in time for me to have a bit of time alone with my thoughts and a bit of paper.

I shut off to the world. Only letting my hand and mind be free. I sat there drawing while the diner was empty but served the odd customer when I was needed. In time though the dreaded lunch rush began. I slipped my notepad under the counter and placed my pencil on top. I started taking orders for the hungry public. As well as taking the abuse. The seem to think it funny. Like its a sport to them. Oh well, might as well let them have their fun, while they can. It will all be over soon, they will need to find a new toy. Someone else to hassle, to slowly kill, someone else’s self-esteem to brake down.

I was almost on robotic mode. I spoke in monotone to all of the customers, not really paying attention. Just wanting to end the day. Soon enough though I got my wish. I got to end the day, or the end of my shift. I walked to the back and grabbed my jacket and bag. Punching out as I passed the machine. Stepping out the back door I let the sun hit my skin. My jacket was in my hand and I flung my bag over my shoulder, before heading to the offices to pay the bills.

There wasn’t a queue when I got into the office so I just walked straight up to the desk. The lady there had on a smile and spoke the usual, "How are you?" "Its a nice day today" and then when I left "Have a nice day", She did seem nice though. After paying the bills I walked over to the shop that tops up the key for the electricity meters. I put enough money on it and walked home, enjoying the sun hitting my face. I slowly walked home, staying out as long as possible. Soon enough my walk was over and I got to the block of flats. I opened the main door and started on the steps up to my flat. I am on the third floor so its not that much of a walk, well not for me because I’m used to it. I do ,do it every day, at least twice.

Unlocking my door I walked in and kicked of my shoes. I picked them up and placed them on the rack before putting the electricity in the meter. I put my bag on the table and hung up my jacket. I pressed the message button on my phone, surprise. No messages. I plodded through to the kitchen and took out a pan and the packet of pasta. I boiled some water in a pan and cooked the pasta. Just as it was cooked I took it off the heat and drained it. After placing it on a plate I walked through to my couch and sat on the it, pulling out a notepad. I ate my pasta in peace and drew some more. After finishing the outline I decided to add some colour, but I had only been doodling.

I walked through to my room and pulled out a large sheet of thick paper and a pencil and began drawing the picture again. After I finished the outline I took out some of my paints and added colour and tone to the picture. I got lost in my little world which resulted in me loosing track of time. I jumped up when I heard the slam of my door. Matt. I called to him, telling him I was in my bedroom. I was sitting on the floor, with paper and paint in front of me. I sat up as he walked in. He gave me a small smile as I started to clean up the paints and stuff. Leaving the picture on the table by my bed to dry.

Once I had cleaned and everything was back to normal state I caught Matt placing a DVD onto the tray of the machine. I flopped down on the couch and spread out so he couldn’t get space to sit down. He raised an eyebrow before sitting or crushing my legs. Lets just say that he is not as light as a fluffy rabbit. I threw my legs about as much as I could so that he would move off them. He did, and I curled up into a little ball and cuddled into him. My eyes went back to the screen as the title credits come on. Shrek. I love this film.

As the film drew to an end and the karaoke part started I jumped up and sung along with the characters. I ejected the disk and placed it carefully in the box on the floor. I gave Matt a hug and ran through to my bedroom to put on some pyjamas. When I got back through Matt was just putting all of his stuff in a pile so it was easy for him to pick up. I gave him one last hug before he kissed my forehead and murmured a 'goodnight'. I walked through and climbed into my bed as I heard the lock on the door go. I was all locked up and safe. I fell asleep quickly due to the quietness of the whole apartment.
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please comment, they make me happy, and a happy tasha writes more :D