Sequel: The Poison
Status: DONE

Her Heart Beats Red Wine

Girly Time - Clair

It’s been 3 weeks since the whole incident. The trauma. The attack. The guys are all out hunting, the punks have been causing trouble lately. Killing way too many. The humans have started to notice but none of them know what to do. Usually the Dandies would have stepped in weeks ago, they keep the peace mostly. Well by keep the peace I mean kill any that cause trouble. It may seem drastic but its kind of needed.

Like I said the guys are all out hunting and I’m staying in the warehouse. They say I’m too shaken up to do anything and bad things are mostly going to happen if we run into dandies. I’m not going to admit it too there faces but I believe the same as the guys. But I’m not going to let them know that, there ego is already large. Also Pete would gloat about it. We are both dating still and its been great.

I was ripped from my thoughts as the timer on the cooker went off. I walked over and turned off the ring and poured the blood from the pan into a glass. Warm blood, it’s the best kind. We this isn’t exactly blood but I tell myself it is then I will believe it right? Taking my glass I walked over to the couch and plonked down, placing the glass on the small table. I snuggled down into the blanket thrown across the couch and pressed play on the remote. Starting my movie marathon. The credits to “Maid Of Honour” flew across the screen as I settled down. The entire warehouse being silent.

It was an eerie sort of quiet but what do you expect with the sort of things that happen here. And with two vampires living here it doesn’t exactly help does it. I ignored everything else and because submerged into the plot lines and actors/actresses. Only moving to change the disk in the DVD player. After “Maid Of Honour” I watched “Pretty Woman” followed by “The Notebook”. Yes. I am having a girly night, filled with Rom-Coms.

About three quarter through “The Notebook” I heard the front door close. It’s the guys I ignored them and continued the film. I didn’t hear anything except the footsteps. Light footsteps. A pair of cold hands covered my eyes. Placing mine on top I smiled.

“Hi Pete”

“I’m not Pete” Whispered the man. The man who I fear. The man who terrorised me. Brendon. Brendon Urie.

I tried to rip his hands of me. Failing in all ways. He removed them from my eyes and grabbed hold of my wrists. Forcing them to do what he please. He pulled my up. Ripping my from my seat. My legs caught up in the blanket and set me flying away from him. Pulling my arms. My shoulders filled with pain as he violently pulled me up. A smirk filled his face. Lust filled his eyes.

My body flew in the air. Crashing to a wall, but not sinking down. No, My wrists were pinned against the wall. My head hit the wall again when his lips crashed down. Literally. I tried to force him. He pulled of my clothes and attacked me. Just before dropping his trousers and everything else. With no energy left - due to the struggle - I let my body do limp. My limbs went heavy as I lost all control of them. Not even being able to more a finger. He stopped and smirked.

“Powers are wonderful things aren’t they?” He asked before returning to what he was doing.

I closed my eyes and tried to think of other things but he wouldn’t let me. What he was seeing filled my head. Disgusted even more I tried to block them out. I couldn’t. He was in control of my every move. Although my eyes were shut I saw it all. Suddenly I was hit with an almighty pain. I hissed and tried to struggle. Move. Hurt him. Anything. Yet I was still unable. Two sharp small points hit into my neck. His teeth. I felt even weaker as he drank my blood. Darkens filled me and with some last words by Brendon I lost conscience.

“Your heart beats red wine”
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so first off this is to make up for not updating lately, so you better love me. LOL kidding, nah really :D
I had a burst of inspiration today :D ba happy!
Also i would like to announce that there is only an Epilogue left to this and IF YOU WANT A SEQUEAL YOU NEED TO TELL ME so please do