Status: slowly being updated.

My Hero.

My Hero - twelve.

"Delilah Yates?" A short, plump blonde-haired nurse called my name from a clipboard, looking around expectantly.
"Here," Ian replied, as I wiped tears from my face.
I followed him through the doors and was told to wait even longer to be seen.
"You want a drink or something?" Ian offered, nodding towards to vending machines.
I shook my head, smiling weakly.
"Right, 'kay..." He got himself a can of pop and then picked up a woman's weekly and browsed through it, bored. When he had finished, he handed it to me, but I declined.
I wanted to return to that night. August the thirteenth. One of the best days of my life. Of course, it came second to our wedding.
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again, i'm sorry.