Status: slowly being updated.

My Hero.

My Hero - thirteen.

"We should get married here," Andy suggested as we sat curled up under a blanket on the lumpy sofa of the caravan before we had left, and I thought it a perfect idea, so we did.
I went down to the hotel a few days before Andy, and we stayed in separate hotels. I would have my hen do in a bar I'd liked when I was there the first time, and he would most likely have a pub crawl in our area.
Three of my best friends and my sister Addy were the guests, and we had free drinks all night, courtesy of the barman that fancied my friend Ellie (they are together to this day) with some dirty games.
I had staggered back to the hotel near unconscious and fallen asleep on the sofa's downstairs, much to the amusement of the locals, who must have loved seeing a drunken girl in French maid's outfit asleep on the sofa.
I had woken up at six on the morning of my wedding, and I was washed, eaten breakfast, brushed teeth, garter on, my dress and the bridesmaid's dresses ready and in my control pants by seven. I needed two people to help me into my corset, however, so I was going to leave that until I put my dress on; I liked breathing comfortably.
At 3pm, I needed to be at the hotel lobby, in leather trousers, ready to ride down to the beach - that was four miles away - on a classic Harley-Davidson. I would then change in a large beach hut that had my dress and everything I'd need for the ceremony.
We had decided against a veil, so I simply had a tiara secured with clips in my long curled hair.
I felt a bit silly as I arrived at the beach hut in a corset and leather trousers, so I rushed into the hut quickly, eager to get out of the leather trousers. I slipped my dress on and had Addy zip it up, as it was difficult with the corset lace in the way.
Ellie, Addy, Sarah and Kayleigh then double, triple checked my hair (tucking away and hiding all rebellious pieces of hair that had decided not to be curly anymore) and make up before I put on my two inch heels, ready.
I checked the time. 5pm. Right on time.
I grabbed my lilies and put on my engagment ring, along with a white gold necklace with a tear shaped diamond pendant.
"How do I look?" I asked nervously, butterflies in my stomach.
Addy was near tears. She and the girls looked absolutely gorgeous in their cream knee length dresses and kitten heels, I grinned.
"Amazing." Sarah beamed, and the others nodded in agreement.
"Okay," I smiled. These were the ones that would tell me I looked awful if I did, so I trusted them.
"You know what...I've never had any doubts," I sighed happily, "I've always known this was the right thing to do."
"Oh, Lil!" Kayleigh grinned, hugging me, sparking a group hug.
"No!" Sarah pulled us apart, shoving her phone away, "we'll be late!" We laughed, it was so like her. She was the mother, the boss of our little group.
We hurried to where we would start walking, and I caught a glance of Andy in his black silk suit and tophat. He looked so beautiful, I grinned. As my friends and sister took their place, I started to walk towards Andy. The band we'd hired began to play the wedding march with a twist on their guitars, and the photographer started clicking. The videographer moved closer and I couldn't help feeling on top of the world.
This was our day.
♠ ♠ ♠
starts few days after he proposes.