Status: slowly being updated.

My Hero.

My Hero - fourteen.

"Okay, Mrs Yates, we're ready for you," the same nurse returned, and we followed her to the xray room.
Ian waited outside and I greeted the male nurse with a faint smile.
"Okay, Mrs Yates, I just need to ask you something," he smiled, a clipboard in his hand.
"Go for it." I was nervous, this was to be my first xray.
"Is there any chance you may be pregnant?"
"I am, does that change anything?"
"Ah, no, no, not a problem, I'll just have to ask you to put this on," he handed me a lead apron to put on.
"To stop the rays," he answered my unasked question.
I nodded and offered my wrist.
"Okay, I'll just ask you to angle it this way - "
"Sorry, just tilt it this way a tad...perfect, okay, hold still!"
He disappeared behind a glass screen and examined the picture.
"Just a few more, Mrs Yates," he told me, pulling the black box of a machine and alining the red lines central on my fat, swollen hand.
"Okay, that's all I need..." He trailed off.
"If you just wait outside, I'll send a nurse for you," he took the lead apron back and held the door open for me.
"Thanks very much," I smiled, ducking under his arm; he was much shorter than me.
I met Ian in the waiting room and told him what the male nurse had said. We sat in a silence until the blonde nurse came back for me.
"If you could just wait there for me, please," she pulled the curtain to an examination over and then shut it behind us. I sat on the chair and Ian had the bed, as he could get onto it without using his hands as support.
He checked his watch.
"It's 7!" He exclaimed, "we've been here for 5 bloody hours," he grumbled, reading the titles of the injury leaflets.
He decided on reading one about knee injuries and spent five minutes examining the compensation advertisement on the back.
"Mrs Yates?" A young doctor shorter than both myself and Ian pulled back the curtain slightly. He had severe acne and bright flaming red short hair.
"Yeah, I'm here," I stood and Ian shook his hand.
"Right, could you hop up on the bed, please?" He asked me, lowering it slightly, so I could get on it easily.
He took out my x-rays and put them on a white screen. I failed to see how this would help until he flicked the light on, clearing showing a fracture along my wrist.
"I'll just call someone to take you down to get a cast, then."
I nodded and he left, taking my x-rays with him.
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sorry if the whole pregnancy thing is wrong, but use your imagination please. :)