Status: slowly being updated.

My Hero.

My Hero - three.

I was sobbing, I didn't hear my family's reactions.
Before anyone could say anything, Andy's mother and younger sister walked in.
His mother Rosemary hugged me first, then Alyssa.
"Oh, Delilah! You've been crying, dear!" She sat on the bed next to me and took my other hand. Her sickly sweet perfume overpowered me and her silk flowery blouse covered my nose and mouth. I broke down again and heard my brother, with every regret, tell her what she had missed.
"A termination! But, Delilah, this is Andy's baby!" She paused, looking at me. "This is Andy's baby, isn't it, dear?" She sounded too hopeful, leaning closer to me, her perfume choking me, "you can tell me, it's okay."
"Of course it is!" My sister stood, letting go of my hand, furious. My mother placed a warning hand on her elbow, and she slowly sat down again, never breaking eye contact with Rosemary.
"Of course, of course." Rosemary nodded, exhaling slowly, avoiding my teary face. "I do apologise, my dear girl, first grandchild, you must understand, and...well, how will you mange without Andrew?" She asked me, sighing.
"Perfectly well, thank you, Rosemary," My father said slowly but calmly, staring out of the window at the dying garden below.
"Oh, no doubt you will support her, you mistake me, sweet Samuel! I was merely implying that the child would be fatherless..."
"Andy always said how much he hated having no dad," I confessed, wiping my face. "I can't do it to our baby," I hugged my stomach, "I can't."
My mother nodded, coldly. I knew she hated that she would miss out on this grandchild, but she understood my reasoning.
I had completely forgotten the nurse was still there, so when she stood and cleared her throat, I jumped.
"I'm very sorry to butt in, but we have incredible therapy services here," -she handed my sister a card- "I must continue with my rounds. Mrs Yates?"
"Yes?" Both Rosemary and I looked up.
"Um, Delilah," she said apologetically, "you're free to go whenever you like."
"Thanks," I nodded.
She smiled and left.
"I want to go home," I said, my voice breaking.