Status: slowly being updated.

My Hero.

My Hero - nine.

Why? Why did he have to go? Why couldn't he have had better body protection? I screamed out of pure frustration, curling my hand into a fist and punching the wall.
A sickening crunch and a sharp shot of pain told me I'd just broken a few bones. Cradling my painful hand, I sobbed, out of longing and pain.
I stood, slowly, and got out of the wardrobe, Andy's coat still draped around my shoulders.
It was a warm night but I put the coat on, awkwardly, and did the zip up.
Tilly jumped off the sofa and clawed at my ankles as I put my running shoes on.
"No, sorry girl. I'll take you out tomorrow." I stroked her head with my good hand and then swung my bag over my shoulder.
I pulled my phone out of my bag and clumsily dialled Ian's number with my right hand.
"Hey, no, what? No, no, I'm okay, but could you give me a lift to the doctor? I think - Ian, listen! I punched the wall, it's nothing, it's just a bit swollen and it hurts. Yes, I'm sure I've been concious for the past three hours. Scout’s honour. Okay, see you in a bit. Love you too. Bye."
"Five minutes," I smiled to Tilly, who meowed in reply.
I rinsed a cup from the side and then opened the door at Ian's rap.
"Hey, sorry it's such short notice..." I apologised, picking my bag up.
"Here," Ian slipped it gently off my shoulder and waited patiently as I fumbled with the keys. Finally, I had locked the door, double checked it, and turned to Ian.
"What did you do, then?" He asked me, indicating my swollen hand.
"I just got so...angry. I was..." I lowered my voice to a mumble. "I was furious with him for...leaving me..." Guilt burned at my insides, but I refused to cry. Ian nodded and put his arm around me.
"Bit warm for a coat isn't it?" He asked me, fanning himself with his own T-shirt.
"It was his." I said, and Ian understood.
As we approached the car, Ian opened my door as I couldn't without pain, "Madame," he laughed.
I clipped my own seatbelt and rested my aching head on the window.
"It's been a weird day." Ian commented, and "Mm," was my reply.