The Wrong Side of the Gun

Wanted Man

I found myself one evening tapping my toes to a bit of ragtime. Most think it improper for a woman to be in a tavern amongst working men like this, but I'm not your usual woman. My father said I march to the beat of a different drum, so when that drum led me into the arms of a wanted serial killer, I welcomed it.

Eddie isn't like most killers. He isn't mean, he doesn't have family problems, and he's definitely not loony. Eddie's victims are actually more like clients. He meets them in bars, like he met me, or in alleys. They're desperate people looking for a way out. Most are too cowardly (big business folks) to do away with themselves so they come to Eddie.

On this warm summer's night I was waiting for him to meet me behind the tavern. I often join him when he works with clients. I'm not sure why, but the stories, the people, and even the killing itself amuses me to no end. I stood impatient, waiting for my handsome man to come for me.

When I finally spotted him he wore a smug grin. He's always so vain around me, telling me he's the luckiest man in the world to have a girl as beautiful as me. He kissed my cheek once he reached me and moved a piece of hair out of my face. It's the sweet things he does for me that assure me he's not a savage beast, but a redeemer for those who have found wrong in their lives.

"In'eresting client tonight, love." Eddie told me. "Two men. They're business partners up at the textile factory that just went bankrupt. I can't wait to shoot their sorry a*ses."

Eddie smiled and pulled out his hand gun. He stroked the black barrel and kissed it.

"The cold metal tastes 'bout as sweet as you, my love." He winked at me.

Suddenly two figures stumbled into the alley behind the tavern. Eddie nodded seriously telling me his clients were here and to employ our hit-and-run plan. I stood against the wall prepared to flee the second the shots were fired.

"Gentlemen." Eddie addressed the men, shaking their hands.

One man was short, had auburn hair, and looked no older than I. His colleague was taller and of darker complexion. Eddie asked for final words. When none were given he quickly fired, killing the shorter man with pinpoint accuracy. He fell to the ground. Eddie was unmoved, but the taller man's lip trembled.

Just as Eddie raised his gun a second time the tall man swiftly pointed a gun of his own straight at Eddie's chest. I gasped.

"Officer Robert Infield." The man boomed. "New York Police. Edward Thames you've killed your last man."

Officer Infield shot Eddie without blinking. I screamed as my love fell to the ground. I dropped to my knees and held Eddie in my lap. I whimpered his name over and over.

"You animal!" I shrieked.

I was quickly surrounded by policemen. All I could stand to do was stroke my Eddie's face. Dead. I forced into handcuffs and taken from the corpse of my lover. At the last second I had hid his gun in my skirt.

"You've killed my one true love; my Eddie!! You'll have to kill me too!" I sobed, tears falling from my face like rain. "For I will avenge his soul!!"
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What do you think?
I call this a study hall one-shot because I wrote it all out of boredom in study hall.

