Status: On hiatus. It may be deleted so if you want to take over then you can. Just leave a comment and I will sign it over to you. It's not the story thats my problem, it's just things that are going on so if someone wants to take over I will keep reading. Thanks.

Just Another Metro Station Romance Novel...


Trace was the one that got the girls. He never had a problem with finding a girl to come back to a hotel room with him. And he never had a question about whether he was hetero or homo.

But hasn’t that changed now.

He thought that he never questioned, but was he in denial? Maybe now he will remember when he was in 8th grade couldn’t help but stare ate the other guys during the class trip to a life guard class, or even when he lost interest in the hot cheerleaders and paid attention to the game, or rather, the player.

And now he can’t help but stop and stare at mason.
♠ ♠ ♠
So here is the prologue!
I'm about to add Trace to the charecters list and then i will add a cover.
I'm really excited to write this!
If you guys like this then subscribe and go thank Jema!
And I think that im going to name each chapter after a song and put a Youtube vid of the song in the authors note, so I'm going to try!

i really like this video even though the person that created it spelled masons name wrong.