Status: On hiatus. It may be deleted so if you want to take over then you can. Just leave a comment and I will sign it over to you. It's not the story thats my problem, it's just things that are going on so if someone wants to take over I will keep reading. Thanks.

Just Another Metro Station Romance Novel...

"everything about you"

The silence was… awkward to say the least.

I tossed my iPod to Travis. “Pick whatever you want, just please not one on my songs.”

He replied with “awesome!” and started going down all of my playlists before settling on the one that I recognized as “called by the wrong name”.

I had always wished that I could listen to a song that another guy sang and hear him say he instead of she or him instead of her, but the reality was that if that happened, the music wouldn’t sell, so the labels didn’t take it.

So when trace and I started metro station I had to be careful not to slip up, even in my own music. It was even in the contract.

It sucked but if I wanted to put out the music and tour then I had sing from a hetero point of view. That was just the way that it worked. and I fucking hate it

Trace was always there to keep me on track. If I wrote a song and it didn’t fit then he would produce it for me and help me get it on my MySpace without the label throwing a lawsuit in my face.

I had thought about just breaking the contract and putting out the music that I wanted or to just let myself slip and sing the true lyrics to the songs that I wrote, but I couldn’t afford it, I had a great career in front of me and didn’t have the money to pay off a lawsuit.

But trace should be my focus right now.

I looked over at him when we reached a red light. He was staring out of the window lost in thought, he was adorable.

I really felt bad for him, if he was gay then he would have a lot to get used to and he would have to deal with the haters and bible thumpers.

I have no idea if he would even be okay with it if he was. He did let me kiss him, but how far would he let me go…

I bit my lip as the light turned green and the song changed to one of mine, How Much.

I wrote it back when I was fourteen. It was one of my first songs and it was about my first girlfriend. I had already figured out that I was gay but I wasn’t out and I figured that if I had a girlfriend then maybe nobody would find out, they did.

Her name was Chealsy Kay, and she was the head cheerleader. It was perfect. I could go to the games and pretend to be paying attention to my girlfriend do stunts in a tiny outfit, but I was really drooling over football players.

It took about six months for her to figure out what I was doing and to piece together the bits and pieces that would give away my orientation.

I never looked at other girs- I was always checking out the guys behind her back. She never found a “playboy” magazine in my room- but my browser history was always empty except for the cookie, which gave away some of my favorite sites. I never pressured her to do anything and I never tried to push her during our prolonged make out sessions- I really wasn’t interested in her body, at all.

So she confronted me and I just told her the truth, the whole story. And she told everyone else.

And then when we moved to California for mitchel’s job with Disney I just didn’t hide it. By then my family knew and I actually left my first boyfriend behind in Texas.

But of course Cali was no stranger to the anything lgbt and I was mostly accepted by my peers and my family.

mostly. My dad wasn’t too happy when I came out.

The first thing out of his mouth was “Mason Tyler Musso, how the hell can you be so selfish. I thought we raised you the right way mason, what is wrong with you?”

After that he wouldn’t look me in the eye unless it was to tell me that he was “disappointed” with my choices. But it wasn’t a choice at all. I am who I am and I will love who I love.

He also took my door off of the hinges to keep me from trying anything, and he wouldn’t let me leave the house unless it was to hang out with a girl or a large group.

After a year, when I was fifteen, he walked out on us because nobody would back him up. My mom would always cover for me, she let me go on dates and even stay the night at one of my boyfriends’ house a few times. Mitchel was always there for me after one of dads fits. He would talk to me and let me cry, he was great. And marc wasn’t too sure about it. He was only eight when I came out and he had no idea what I was talking about, but he was always there for me.

When my mom set me up to jam with trace I don’t think that this is what she expected. The band, the album and now the…

what where we?

It was too early to be dating; he wasn’t even sure, which meant that he being my boyfriend was out of the question too.

experimenting the word just hit me, but it worked.
“Skyway Avenue” came on and Travis couldn’t help but to belt out every word of his own song, so trace and I joined in.

Just as the song was about to end I realized that I had missed my turn. “FUCK!” I guess I surprised them.

“What?” “I missed the turn.” I grumbled mad at myself.

“Well, just make a U-turn and go back, its midnight on a Thursday, there is no way that anyone’s on the road.” Trace said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

I sarcastically added, “Well gee trace! I would have NEVER thought of that!” I shook my head and rolled my eyes, and when I did I saw him sink back in his seat.

I sent him an apologetic look and he brightened up, this time Travis didn’t notice anything. He had taken the bass headphones out of the compartment under the seat and plugged them into my IPod. I knew that it had to sound horrible but he looked like he was falling asleep.

“Travis? You awake?” no answer. “TRAVIS!” stills no answer.

Well, it looks like I have a chance to really talk to trace….
♠ ♠ ♠
important chapter, yet a short chapter. oh well. =)
okay, so i have some news.
so, first of all, i am sad. and i have a good reason, blake left the band! so, check out the third video.
and second, i want you guys to remember that this is set back in '07 and '08, so, watch the second video for an idea of what im thinking about when i writing this.
and third, i am soo sorry that i didnt get this up earlier but i had to go somewhere, it was last minute and when i got home i just passed out because im sick and im afraid that i might have strep for the 5TH time. ugh. and its making me feel, well, sick.
alright. um, so please comment you guys! i have gotten some good feedback so far so lets keep that up! I LOVE YOU GUYS!
seriously, you have NO idea how long i spend listening to songs and trying to find th right title.

"everything about you"- 2:01, 2:08 (i love mason! i just thought that i would throw that in there!)

so here is your little taste of metro station! (i know that its mostly mason, but all of the vids are like that)

0:45, 1:06, 1:21, 1:28-1:42, 2:09, 2:38, 3:06, 3:49, 2:12, mason musso, its moments like that that make me love that boy!

we love you blake!

gosh, and they already have a new guy which means that they probably planned this. the new guy is named Steve Jocobs acording to wikipedia. god, and i cant find anything about him on google or bing, so im kinda scared...