Status: Bleh might be slow 'cause the 'rents are being EVIL

The Girl Who Cried Blood

ribboned flesh, red and glistening

Mae was walking down the concrete at the back of the school towards the beat down strip mall she worked at after school when she heard the clacking of high heels behind her. Rolling her eyes she stopped and waited, they would catch her either way. Ebony smirked behind as she extended her step just a little more and caught up to Mae quickly. Shoving her hard in the back she started to laugh.
“Did you have a good sleep last night?” she repeated. Mae instantly regretted her mocking words; she should have known she would have gotten hurt. Biting her tongue hard to keep from speaking Mae glared straight into Ebony’s eyes with her hardest stare.

“Look at me like that will you?” she asked as she slapped Mae hard across the face, Sadie caught her and pushed Mae forwards towards Ebony who stepped to the side punching Mae in the face as she struggled to get her hands in front of her to stop her fall.

Michelle kicked Mae’s ribs hard and spat into her face before she turned on heel and followed behind Sadie and Ebony hoping neither would turn and see her guilty expression.
One day things would be fair and there would be justice, but until then the weak would be made weaker and the power hungry would just keep taking with out any human conscious. Michelle’s only hope was that she would be able to witness the justice that had to be made.

Mae waited until they had walked away before she stood up and began to painfully walk the rest of the way to her shift at the shop. When she arrived she locked herself into the washroom and pulled out a razor adding five cuts along her wrist, her own special form of a tally sheet, one that would make sure she would never forget. Quickly covering it with thick gauze she pulled down her sleeve and changed into her uniform and went through the motions with her customers. One day she’ll get what she deserves, Mae thought, some day I’ll make the final tally and she’ll be forced to see all the times she’s hurt me before, all the times she’s nearly killed me.

Ebony ‘s eyes few open as something glass or ceramic smashed followed by something that sent searing agony up her forearm. She sat stunned in the dark for a moment unaware of where she was. Looking around feverishly she flicked on the light with her arm and uttered a string of obscenities. She was standing in the middle of the living room; a hole had been punched through the top of their glass coffee table. Looking down Ebony nearly vomited at the red stain forming on the carpet below her arm, her forearm was a length of ribbon flesh, red and glistening. She had been sleep walking again, and this time she had almost killed herself. Running to the washroom she dug out a first aid kit and cleaned the cut and applied gauze. Her mother’s groggy face appeared in the mirror.

“You alright?” she slurred half asleep, Ebony nodded feverishly,
“Mhm, just go back to sleep.” She insisted, her mother complied and shuffled back down the hall way. Gathering several cleaning chemicals she drenched the carpet where the blood stains were present and picked up the broken glass. Why? She wondered silently.
Was karma finally starting to kick in after all these years?

After vigorously scrubbing the blood from the carpets Ebony walked into her room and locked the door and window and rearranged the furniture so she would have to be conscious to be able to leave. None of this had any other reason than pent up stress, nearly asleep again Ebony laid her head down and resolved to go for a nice long run after school to loosen up and with that she fell asleep again.

“Nice face,” Ebony mocked as she passed Mae in the hall way. Mae’s face contorted, she had made the decision, and tonight would be the night she would get her revenge. Tonight it would be fair. She kept walking ignoring Ebony’s quip, she wouldn’t comment on the gauze or the coffee table or anything like that. Tonight it would all come together and she would get her justice, twisted? Yes, but it was justice all the same to her.

As Ebony sat eating her salad with her friends she felt the heavy blanket of anxiety and fear smother her once again, foreboding permeated the air. Something bad was going to happen tonight. She just knew it.
She walked home and looked around the house searching ever corner in every room. There was nothing to be concerned of, nothing and no one. She laughed and stretched a little before going out for the nice long run she had promised herself. This was all just stress and after a nice run it would all be better.
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woot woot xD