Walk On

Walk On

He was an inch, perhaps two, under six feet, powerfully built, and he advanced straight at you with a slight stoop of the shoulders, head forward, and a fixed from-under stare which made you think of a charging bull. This man's name was Charles, and he was not one to mess with.

After school hours he disappears, nobody knows where he lives or what he does, but one day I found out, and now I wish I could go back and forget that horrible moment.

It was like any other day. My friend, Will, decided that we should follow Charles around the school and try to make him talk by being extremely annoying. As he was walking in the hallway we got out paper airplanes and wads of paper that we had made in study hall and we started throwing it toward him, but he didn't talk, he never talked, not even to a teacher.

After school that day, we were still following him in the parking lot, and he started walking down the road, so Will started his car and pulled up beside me to chase after him.

"Don't you want to see where he goes all the time?" said Will. "We can come back for your car afterwords, it's not that bad."

"Sure," I said, "why not?"

That was my first mistake, I should have just went on to my car and left for my house to eat roast beef my mother said she was making for me that night, but I didn't know any better. So I got in his car and turned up the volume as we listened to our favorite songs on the radio.

"There he is!" said Will after about two minutes into the drive. "He's still walking."

As I looked over on the side of the road I saw him as he looked at me with his red glowing eyes. We slowed down and started shadowing him as he walked, but the car was almost empty on gas, so we decided to put it in park and start walking the rest of the way. We pulled to the side of the road and parked the car, then continued shadowing him.

It's about thirty minutes into our walk when he finally went into an old barn in the middle of a field and shut the door, and I had a feeling that he was preparing for us.

"I'm going back," said Will, "My parents will kill me if I stay out too late."

"I need a ride home Will! I can't just walk all the way back to my car, you have to come with me, it'll only take a second or two, we can just walk in, unload on him with all our paper wads and leave." I said.

Will turned around and told me to come if I was leaving, but I felt curious and decided to stay, I could always walk back, it would only take 45 minutes or so, just 15 minutes longer than going with him.

That was my second mistake, my mom was probably worried about me by now, but I went anyways.

As I approached the door I felt a heated presence that something bad was about to happen. I busted down the door on the old barn and started throwing paper everywhere, blindly, then, it happened. I heard police sirens as I walked closer to Charles's lifeless body.

He had shot himself.
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This is just a short story that I came up with, I'm pretty sure there aren't going to be anymore chapters, but I might change it sometime when I'm bored =P I hope you all liked it! Comments?