Leaving You

Alternate Ending

The sun began to disappear when a knock on her door reverberates to her bedroom.

“Who could that be?” she murmurs to herself, getting up off the floor to answer the door. Pulling her top down a little, Rebecca opens the door.

Arms engulf her frame and a familiar scent fills her nostrils.

“I love you so much,” Alex says into her hair, his voice shaking.

“What are you doing here?” Rebecca questions softly, her tone one of amazement. She pulls him closer, making sure he’s actually there.

“I can’t let you go,” he says, pulling away slightly and moving his lips to her forehead. Her cheek. Her lips. Rebecca allows herself to swoon at his manipulations for a moment before pulling away.

“Why are you here?” she repeats.

“I lied. I didn’t cheat on you. I thought it would be better for you to leave if I wasn’t holding you back. And I didn’t want you to break up with me first. I love you,” he says, pulling her to him again. Rebecca pulls his head down to connect his lips with her own and they stood in the doorway, embracing and kissing for an extended period of time before a door slams down the hall and brings them out of their moment of bliss.

“Can I come in?” Alex asks. Rebecca nods, taking his hand and closing the door behind them.

“How long are you here?” Rebecca asks, unable to stop the grin gracing her lips. Overjoyed, she swings their hands lightly.

“As long as you are,” Alex whispers, raising his brown eyes to Rebecca’s blue ones.

“What do you mean?” Rebecca’s heart jumps in her chest.

“I’m staying here. This, you and me, means too much to me. I love you Rebecca.” His hand reaches out to brush her cheek and she closes her eyes, enjoying the feeling.

“That door down the hall is mine. I want to live with you,” he says softly. “I hope you don’t mind. Max didn’t think you would,” he starts to ramble.

“I couldn’t be happier. I love you Alex,” Rebecca interrupts, kissing him to end the conversation.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is my alternate "happy" ending.
