Status: I think I may ahve this completed by the end of tonight

Sorrentegra the Half-Breed

Chapter 5

The men became terrified as they saw the demon land in front of them. The majority of them were drunk and the others began scrambling for their swords. The demon placed Sorrentegra on the ground and he went after the men. They drew their swords and sliced at him but he easily dodged most of their blows. He caught one man’s sword in his hand and suddenly a smoke like substance rose from where his hand held on. Quickly the demon let go but used his claws and dragged them through the man’s face. The man crumpled to the ground in agony.
The others came at him. Sorrentegra saw that after the men withdrew their swords they began to drip. Was some kind of liquid in their sheathes? Surly it couldn’t be the demon poison? She was too busy watching the demon and his lithe movements that she didn’t realize she too was surrounded. One man grabbed her hair and hat and ripped off. Her braided hair fell down revealing her ears.
“We’ve got another demon over here!” one of the men yelled and he thrust her sword at her. She jumped back in fright. Why hadn’t she been paying attention? Her claws flexed out. She had never used the properly before but they were itching to rip through flesh if she needed to. She was frightened, she had never had to defend herself like this before. She continued to back up and she ran into another man. He grabbed her around her neck and held her close. He reached down and pulled her tail out from it’s hiding place. He gripped it hard and pulled it up.
“Nice fur on this one!” he said. The pain was enormous of him holding her tail. She didn’t mean to but she squealed in pain and ripped her claws into his arm. He released her but pushed her to the ground. She was surrounded. The men had their swords drawn and she felt their blades touch her skin. It burned like the poison but for some reason it didn’t hurt as much as she was used too. Was she becoming immune to it like she did the powder in the old woman’s house?
She growled at them, she didn’t know she could growl. If she was going to save herself it looked like she was going to have to take them all out one by one. She readied herself and lunged for the first one, the swords scraping her flesh as she jumped through them. She dug her claws into his face. The feeling of his breaking skin under her fingers sickened her but for some reason a kind of rage was awoken within her and she continued. One man pulled her back by her tail. She retaliated and scratched him. A man removed his sheathe and poured its contents onto her face. She wasn’t going to go blind again now that she just regained her vision. She shielded her face with her arm. The poison leaked into her wounds but it was tolerable. The other men did the same but she dodged many of the attacks. They continued to grab at her ears and tail. They were well trained on a demon’s weaknesses.
One man loosened a rope from his belt and caught her around the wrist. She pulled him forward and he fell knocking the two men around him down. Suddenly more ropes were thrown at her. She wasn’t as strong as she was the first day. Her muscles protested but she continued to fight. Ropes upon ropes flew at her. They went around her neck and arms. Some even got around her legs. As soon as she struggled free from one another took its place. The men continued to pour the liquid from their sheathes on her. It stung but not as much as it had before. She lashed out but every time she moved she became more entangled. She growled again and one of the men approached her. She gnashed her teeth at him but he didn’t flinch. She saw why. He had one of those metal devices in his hand. She moved back from him. She did not want one of those on her. She freed one of her legs and kicked him back. The men became brave and held her down. She continued to struggle. She felt the metal around her wrist and it clamped shut. The tiny needles pierced her skin and she felt the acid lace her blood.
She groaned in pain and she heard the sound of another metal device coming from somewhere. The leader of the group, who had been hiding, now came into her view. “So now we know why the demon wouldn’t attack him. They don’t eat their own kind- beasties all of them-.” He grabbed her tail and examined the fur- “This is nice fur though, better quality than that other demon’s. Take her in.”
Suddenly the demon jumped over the men and landed inside the circle. He gripped a sword that was on the leader’s back and pulled it from it’s sheathe. It shone through the night and almost sparkled but it was not moistened with the same liquid like the others had been. There was something different about this sword. With one swing he decapitated half the men holding Sorrentegra’s ropes. She worked to free herself but the bracelet caused so much pain at any movement that it was hard. She gripped the latch and pulled it, not just one arm hurt but now the other did too because it was connected. She pulled it off and threw it far away.
“She removed the device!” one of the men exclaimed. She sliced through his face. The demon swung his sword again and killed off the other men. All that was left was a few bumbling idiots that were too drunk to comprehend anything going on and the leader. The demon slowly pressed his sword to his chest and sliced him through as though he were cutting butter. The man screamed in pain and blood gurgled from his lips. He fell over dead within a few minutes. The demon then removed the sheath form his back that held the sword. It was a tough and shiny leather casing for it. The demon placed the sword in it’s casing and tied it around his belt.
Sorrentegra was frightened. Now she had seen him in action and what he was capable of. She felt weak in his presence for allowing them to capture her. She held her injured hand close to her and she wiped away the spreading acid. She watched the demon as he scanned the camp for others. The girls were screaming in the carriage but Sorrentegra could see that the lock for them was easily removed if they wanted to escape. They were probably just to scared or dumb to try and escape earlier.
She wondered what the demon would do to her now that they were free? Was she unneeded? Had she served his purpose? He turned to hr and looked at her. She flinched and cowered in fear. Should she beg for her life too like the men didn’t have a chance to?
He leaned down and grabbed her around the stomach. What was he doing? He then leaped into the air and bounded across the tree tops. The cold air rushing by chilled her arms and made her teeth chatter. His arm was warm as it wrapped around her but it couldn’t shield her from the rushing wind. She didn’t know what was going on, why would he want to take her with him? Didn’t she annoy him- sure she had helped his hand which seemed to be good as new but that was all.
They continued to fly through the air along the tree tops. She was too cold to do anything. Her fingers became stiff and she wrapped them around her arms to at least gather some warmth. After a couple hours the demon jumped through the trees and landed on the ground. Sorrentegra could hear a stream sloshing nearby. She realized how thirsty she was. He dropped her to the ground and walked off. After a moment he was gone, just his scent was left. She shivered on the cold ground but made her way over to the stream. It was clear and lightly covered in bits of ice where the water stood still. Before drinking she lowered her hand into the ice water and cleaned the wound from the device. She washed away all the acid and examined the scratches. They didn’t seem too deep, easily healed in a couple hours. She dipped her hands into the water and brought it up to her lips. As she drank it down she was surprised at how thirsty she was. She gulped the water down in gulps. It stung her empty stomach. She wanted more but it was too cold and she knew that she needed to keep herself warm. Drinking more cold water wasn’t going to help her stay warm.
She stood and looked a little up the river. The demon was just standing up and he headed for her. Of course he was thirsty too. He had been locked up longer than she had. He walked tall and strong, did not eating not affect him? She felt completely weak and drained. He didn’t seem to be affected at all. She had trouble thinking of ideas for what he expected from her. Her eyes were continuously drawn to his face. It was more beautiful than any other person she had ever seen. He didn’t look fierce at all, if she had just seen him walking around she was quite sure she wouldn’t think him capable of such actions like he performed earlier.
She tried to move away from him as he neared but he caught her around the side and picked her up again. She had missed her chance to escape, was that why he set her down and walked off? Surly he could have easily found her by her scent anyway. Maybe he was testing her? She thought if she had escaped where she would have gone? She couldn’t return to the village, they would run her out thinking the men would come back looking for her or wanting to take the girls back. She didn’t have anywhere to go. She might as well submit to the demon and see where he would take her. He was just so confusing.
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I know I know I know I took forever to update. I have the story I don't have any good excuse as to why I didn't update. I just kind of got lazy. Oh well here you go. I think I'm just going to post the rest of these chapters.

I love you guys
I do.