Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks

Welcome To Hell

"Walker Emerson?" The teacher called out loudly, not even bothering to open her mouth all the way.

"Here!" I raised my and and sunk down into my seat, it was the first day of school and I was exhausted from our spirit circle, which a total of five people came to, well a couple of freshmen but they didn't really have a choice since their parents dropped them off or the buses came early, what else would they do? I attempted to get my uniform to cover my whole butt adjusting the my position in my seat.

"Very funny young lady, but the first week of school is not the time to be playing tricks, save that for a substitute teacher," She chuckled her nasal voice pierced my eardrum. I rolled my eyes as the rest of the class laughed. This happened almost every year, this or a Walker, Texas Ranger joke. I pulled out my wallet from my black purse by my feet and walked up to the front of class.

"It's not a joke, it's my name," I said showing her my driver's license that read Walker Evangeline Emerson, next to a picture of me. It didn't look like me now though, it was during winter so I was paler, my hair was a darker brown the usual and my hazel eyes looked almost black. She nodded and checked me off the paper roll and I walked back to my seat with kids snickering.

I groaned loudly, this was going to be a long year. I crossed my legs and saw my best friend Georgia, clad in the same uniform I had on, pantomiming the other kids by silently laughing and slapping the desk. I shook my head grinning at her.

She had bright blue eyes shadowed in thick eyeliner and dark eyeshadow. She was pale, which was odd for Arizona, most of the girls here were orange, especially the cheerleaders, but Georgia was a ginger girl, with medium length red hair and no freckles. As South Park would say, she was a day walker. She was still however very sensitive to sunlight and doused on the sunscreen.

"Jonathan Walker?" The teacher said calling out and looking around until her eyes landed on me. "A relative of yours Miss Emerson?" A couple of stoner kids laughed, probably already baked for the day and she had a pleased look on her face as if she was being clever.

"No, because Walker is my first name and it's his last name, obviously," I sneered, she looked surprised by my comment and a couple of kids laughed. She continued down the roll butchering ethnic names and making very bad jokes.

"George Monaco?" She called out looking around, this time I pretended to laugh wildly and Georgia flicked me off before raising her hand politely. "We have two girls with boys names in this class?" She looked around questionably.

"No ma'am my name is Georgia Monaco, it gets cut off sometime," She said sweetly. I stuck my tongue out at her and motioned sucking.

"Miss Emerson?" the teacher turned around.

"Yes Mrs-" I looked around her scrawny frumpy frame and saw the board, I had to stifle my laughter, "Miss. Boner?" I asked mocking her, the immature jocks irrupted in laughter and Georgia looked surprised.

"It's Mrs. Bonner, with a long 'o'" She corrected quickly before scolding me, "Is there something you'd like to share with the class?"

"Nothing at all Mrs. Bonner," I sneared her name. When she turned to finish the roll I judged her. She had a bad perm on a 80's styled mullet poof-ed out and all. Her hair was stringy and damaged with old highlights showing her roots. Her potato sack dress which she wore with matching jacket, both floral printed must have come from the side of the road. She wore it with high white socks with all-black sneakers. It was almost too sad to make fun of. Georgia puffed her cheeks out at me and crossed her eyes making me laugh. Mrs. Bonner looked at me and simple continued on down the roll. I watched the clock intently waiting for the bell to get out before we had to play meet and great games.

My wish came true and all of us flooded out of the classroom in a great mass into over crowded halls. I held two sprials and folder in my and and slid my purse over my shoulder.

"Very funny young lady," Georgia made her voice high and nasally to mock the teacher once she was safely out of the classroom. "Why do we even have English anyways?" she sighed, she flipped her hair over her shoulder and continued down the hall with a large Betsy Johnson bag that scratched my elbow.

"Honestly, Mrs. Boner can suck my dick," I said my nose scrunched up in disgust. Georgia laughed a little before pulling out her schedule to compare with mine, we pulled over in a nook between lockers keeping us from getting sucked from the tides of students. I pulled mine out of my top folder and handed it to her,

"Ugh, I have Miss. Stein! AGAIN!" She groaned.

"What's the problem with that, she loves you," I rolled my eyes making kissy noises. Georgia slapped me lightly,

"Shut the fuck up!" She laughed she observed how she had to cross the mass of students to get to the directional flow she needed. "Wish me luck," She side.

"Good luck!" I yelled she flicked me off above the crowd of people stick her arm straight up locking her elbow. I laughed to myself before checking my schedule. I groaned, Honors Anatomy and Physiology. I sighed before walking into the crowd of people, but as I looked up to see the room numbers, I felt something tapping on my shoulder I looked to see a small mousy boy who looked completely lost.

"Hey, uh the guidance counselor said to ask cheerleaders if we needed directions?" He asked his voice cracked I looked at him, he was scrawny, my height and had long hair over a large nose.

"Yeah the freshman hall is down the hall that way," I pointed ahead lifting my arm up so he could see, "and to the right." He simply shook his head laughing.

"I'm not a freshman, I'm a transfer," He clarified his voice cracked and I nodded.

"Sorry," I smiled, I guided him to the side of the hallway where we still got bumped. He showed me he schedule and I scanned it for second block. "Honors Anatomy with Gray, you're in my class, follow me." I smiled brightly handing the schedule back to him, he sighed seeming relieved that he didn't have to venture the halls of the school alone.

We navigated our way to a relatively large classroom and with skeleton and body part posters plastered on the plain walls, the flourescent lights looked dull since there was no sunlight or natural windows. I smiled at the teacher who was a frumpy middle-aged balding man with a slight hunch. He wore a brown sweater vest over a white t-shirt and khakis. I could see sweat when he moved his arm revealing an armpit.

"We have a cheerleader," he noted my uniform and I held in a groan. Mr. Gray was a noted perv who creeped on girls. It's not my fault the cheerleading uniform, which consists of a short skirt, a halter top sheath and the letters SHS across my chest, makes me susceptible to creepy old me.

"And a transfer student," I joked, after Mr. Gray turned his attention to the new kid I stuck out my tongue and rolled my eyes making my way to a seat in the back. The new kid took the seat next to me and David Garcia, our varsity quarterback.

"Hey Walker," he said head on his propped up arm which was all over my desk, he shifted his eyes from mine to my breasts.

"Hey David, going to a losing season of 3-17 again?" I asked my voice laced with sarcasm. He tried to laugh off the sting, everyone blamed him for the losing season in our otherwise state champion history.

"Maybe we could go for a winning streak friday night?" He said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"I would love to, but I'll be in the hospital with a nasty case of Jock-in-my-face-itis," I smiled curtly and cocked my head to the side. The new kid smiled at my joke but seemed to quiet to laugh.

"You'll change your mind, and when you do I just might not be willing to take you out," David said over confidently, turning to face the front again. I gagged a little and this time the new kid let out a small laugh.

I was about to ask him his name before the bell rang loudly, a few kids bolted in at the last minute and got left with seats in the front. I leaned down and crossed my legs staring at the back of David's buzzed cut head.

"Alright students, I am Mr. Gray and this is second period, Honors Anatomy and Physiology,"he said slowing down to write it on the chalkboard. One blonde girl stood up and looked around confused before she realized she was in the wrong class. "We lost a student, it's alright, I'm passing around a seating chart, I hope you like where your sitting because it will be your seat until June," He said handing Brandon Davis a sheet of paper that was to be passed back and weave through the rows of students.

"Abigail Adams?" He called out from the roll sheet, a curly red head with glasses sitting in the front row raised her hand, "like our former first lady!" She laughed uncomfortably.

"Thomas Brian?" He looked around, a tall burly football player with a perfect dark complexion and the beginnings of an afro raised his hand, "right on man, dig the hair!" Mr. Gray tried sounding like a hippie, Thomas was not amused at all, but a few kids in the front giggled indulging Mr. Gray.

"Walker- Texas Ranger Emerson," The same laugh pattern occurred no one considered cool laughed and an anger singe in me that my prediction had come true. I raised my hand and his eyebrows went up,"Oh the cheerleader, alright." That time David laughed obnoxiously so I flicked him in the back of his head.

"Ow!" he exclaimed bringing his hand rubbing his "wound". He was about to make an argument before Mr. Gray called out his name rolling the r's festively. David didn't laugh he simply said, "here". All this time new kid was staring with big eyes looking around at everyone. I zone out for the remainder of the class, which consisted of Mr. Gray attempting to make jokes and using the syllabus as a scare tactic. I rolled my eyes when David turned to talk to me.

"Hey, what's your name?" I asked nodding toward the new kid, he looked behind him first before realizing I was talking to him, I chuckled at how awkward this kid is.

"P-P-Pat," he stuttered eventually I smiled and waved over his schedule which laid atop of books he was carrying despite having an empty backpack. David had his jaw dropped and stared back and forth between us.

"Alright," I said putting it next to my schedule, biting my lip comparing it to mine, "so we have fifth period Art together, relatively easy to find, and all seniors have seventh period lunch, so how about we meet up in the parking lot?" I asked handing it back to Pat, he nodded happily trying to assess if it was a prank of not. I looked up to see Mr. Gray flirting disgustingly with Madison Crane, a disgusting orange slut. I pulled out my phone and looked at him, raising my eyebrows.

"Oh, uh, 555-2801," he listed out I typed them in, and saved it under my contacts. The bell rang and I collected my purse slipping my phone back in, and held my folders on my waist.

"So about Friday," David started following me out into the mass of students crowding and pushing through the hallways. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and pretended to not hear him. I investigated my schedule and found my way to my third period class, Statistics, I sighed making my way to the classroom. I saw a seating chart on the overhead projector I took my seat next to Stephen Gomez, I smiled and hugged him. I hadn't seen him all summer.

"What's up Stephen?" I asked laughing sitting down, I crossed my legs and set my bag on the door. His black hair had grown out over his eyes and it was obvious he had straightened it. I looked at his skinny body underneath his striped v-neck that he swam in and his skinny jeans that clung to him. He of course had vans on and reeked of cigarettes.

"Nothing much, seniors baby!" I smiled and nodded.

"It just sucks, because they made Georgia cheer captain and she made me co-captain," I said before remembering Stephen didn't know what I was talking about, "I actually have to do shit." I clarified. Stephen laughed loudly and the teacher cleared her throat, Mrs. Collins put her name up on the board and said hello. We all groaned a unified hello back, Mrs. Collins was actually really nice and had bumped up some failing cheerleaders up to passing last year. She was pretty, awkward, but pretty. She was reminiscent of Tina Fey in Mean Girls. I zoned out and when the bell rang I said bye to Stephen and rushed out of the class. I fixed my shirt that riding up again, I had a small ass and it bit me in the ass every time I put on my uniform which rid up.

I fast walked to the portables that were outside passing by the burn-outs getting a smoke in between classes they stared at me and I kept a straight face going straight ahead. Once I had gotten to my fourth period classroom which was, French Three (I failed last year and had to take it again), I walked into a portable filled with a bunch of organized desks, I realized that I was probably the only senior in this class and smiled a couple of over-achieving freshmen who stared at me like I was some God-like figure, cheerleading had been over amplified in TV and the media today, we were the bitches and the girls who victimized all the other ones. Frankly, that's probably true, we rule the school here, I personally don't like to partake in the social scene here unless it's a party promised to be good.

Finally the bell rang and I ran back into the main school, there was a hall painted with abstract murals. I smiled and felt immediately at home, a smile crept on my face as I turned into a bright blue door with Art 4: Drawing, painted ornately on it. I turned the handle and was greeted by a wave of kids in skinny jeans and random shirts. I laughed sitting next to Steven Gomez who definitely gotten a smoke between classes. I sat down next to him and Janie Briggs, called out my name I turned and she tackled me. Janie, was the typical art nerd, who was almost obnoxiously liberal and always out protesting something. I laid on the floor giggling,

"Hey Janie, I'm pretty sure my ass is hanging out, do you mind if I get up quickly?" I asked laughing sitting up and Stephen laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I looked across at a very gaped tooth, Johnny Walker, "Skipping already Johnny?" I asked.

"Fuck yeah, I spelt in, got some coffee and waltzed in just in time for my favorite art class. I laughed extremely envious and then someone pulled a white ribbon I had in my hair required for cheerleading.

"I always forget you're a cheerleader," Stephen looked at it curiously, he looked at my hair as if it were a foreign substance.

"Yeah, I know it's a very subtle outfit, it's hard to see if you're smoking the mary jane," I joked, Stephen looked up calmly. He smiled cutely as if to say "yeah" and then everyone turned to the front. I saw Pat, I waved him over. He took a seat at the end of the table.

"Oh, this is Pat everyone," I held my palm face up under his face showing him off like Vanna White.

"Hey," he said shyly. Stephen laughed and laid over me to shake his hand.

"Welcome to Summerwood High School," he said sarcastically pat looked around nervously and I laughed slightly.

"In other words, welcome to hell," Johnny said picking up where Stephen had left off. Pat looked panicked I wish I could've said a comforting, contradictory statement, but I didn't want to like to the poor kid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Walker and Georgia

So I haven't decided where I'm going with this yet, but I'm taking suggestions.