Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks


"ALRIGHT! LEMME SEE HANDS!" Someone shouted jolting us both up, we looked and saw a man with only boxers on and I didn't even know who he was.

"Who the fuck are you?" I asked reaching around for something to beat him or defend myself of both. I finally found a can of hairspray that had made its way to under my bed. John and I shifted up and the man scoffed at my 'weapon'. I looked at John who looked very confused and was still shirtless. Finally I took a deep breath and stepped forward, extending my arm as far as it could go and sprayed the mystery man in the eyes. He dropped his baseball bat on his foot and groaned holding his eyes as his feet at the same time.

John let out a laugh in disbelief and entertainment. I looked around awkwardly still wondering what the hell was happening, I saw my mom in a slip who had responded to the man screaming. She looked shocked then looked at me and John.

"What the hell Walker?!" She screamed collecting the man in her arms and he was crying now, I dropped my jaw and John was definitely checking out my mom.

"What the hell me? What the hell you! And who the hell is McGruff the crime dog here!?" I asked pointing to the half naked bald guy who looked like he was shorter than me and had a little belly on him.

"This is James, my friend," She explained trying to take care of him more than she had ever taken care of me or Tristan, "Who's that and since when has it been okay to have male guests without my permission?" She asked scanning him up and down trying to analyze the situation.

"This is John," I began.

"I'm her boyfriend, I'm incredibly sorry for the intrusion ma'am," He said waving slightly I was a little surprised at how well John was handling my crazy mother and her man friend. I looked at him surprised, partially because I wasn't used to hearing that word, and I had honestly forgotten after all the entire thing that had just happened.

"I'm Walker's mother, nice to meet you," she said before returning her attention to James and leading him to the bathroom. I looked at my alarm clock and moaned, it was three in the morning. I closed my door and dropped the hairspray on the ground.

"So, your mom," He began.

"Is a MILF, go ahead and say it," I rolled my eyes climbing under all my blankets this time. John ruffled his hair and turned off the lights and felt his way to the edge of the bed.

"Is she single?" John asked sarcastically. I scoffed as he tried to get under the covers, still weirded out with what had just happen. I smiled as his hand laced mine over the covers.

"No, she's married to my dad, but that's never stopped her so, go for it," I yawned moving to face John. He brought my arm up forcing me to bend my elbow and kissed the top of my hand.

"Eh, maybe later, I'm currently off the market," John smirked. I took a breath as I felt his lips smile on my fist. Everything in my life relating to John was against my better judgement, the fact he was a monumental man whore, the fact that I had just met him two days ago. It was ridiculous, I should be freaking out, I basically had a stranger in my bed, but I wasn't. I was calm, entranced with his presence. I moved closer and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"What are you doing today?" I asked playfully, I could tell he was already on his way to sleep and I was starting to get a little drowsy, he moaned not catching it, "what are you doing today?" I whispered placing my cheek lightly on his.

"I don't know, I haven't decided," John said letting go of my hand and wrapping his arms around me again. As if we had already established a sleeping arrangement.

"I know what you're doing," I bit my lip shutting my eyes, he moaned asking what and I yawned again, "spending it with me!" His arms pulled me tighter and I shifted so my back was to him, he moved me in even closer and I laughed clenching my abs.

"Good," He whispered in my ear, planting a light kiss on my cheek. I let my heavy eyelids shut. I smiled as he started humming a melody, it was beautiful and I hugged the pillow, falling asleep.

The alarm went off and I immediately slammed it off and climbed up. I was a little bit shocked and then remembered everything that happened last night, I tried to cross over John without waking him up, but when he woke up I was straddling him awkwardly. He laughed and looked around confused.

"Are you raping me?" He laughed lightly, straining from stretching his body. I rolled my eyes and looked in the mirror wiping under my eyes.

"It's not rape if you're willing," I winked and scanned my closet for something to wear. I pulled a navy spaghetti-strap sundress with on the v-neck collar. I turned around and cleared my throat. John looked around very confused. "Close your eyes or leave the room," I laughed spilling it out, I waited until he covered his eyes and I pulled off my shirt and shorts and replaced it with the dress, I pulled out my messy bun and turned around and saw John with a big grin on his face.

"You looked didn't you?" I sighed and he shook his head. I knew he was lying and I ruffled my hair walking up to him smiling. "The truth won't cost you brownie points," I smiled playing with his bangs and he remained silent. I coated my lashes with mascara and was content with my appearance. I grabbed some flip flops and followed John down the stairs.

"Hey Dubs, Hey John," Tristan said absent-mindedly yawning before stopping halfway down the stairs and looking up and giving us both a very confused look, "Why is John here?" Tristan asked.

"We watched another movie and fell asleep on the coach," I lied quickly John scoffed and I slapped his thigh to stay quiet. Tristan shrugged and continued down the stairs. I saw my mother who was bustling around the kitchen, James had stayed for breakfast so my mother was actually making it.

"Hello, John and my princess," I cringed, Princess made me sound like I was sixteen and made my parents spend an unGodly amount of money on a new car and a birthday bash. I smiled biting my lip and John waved hello. "Say hello," My mother prompted me towards the strange man, he had red, puffy eyes from our meeting last night and I gave a small hi.

My mother piled on food on plates for all three of them and it smelt so good, I almost took a piece of John's bacon, but my mother swatted away my hand and gave me a diet coke and an apple. I rolled my eyes and bit into the apple angrily. John looked confused and laughed a little. I gave a smirk and looked at him to the door. Tristan of course had finished his entire plate and put it in the sink and was now collecting his school things.

"Well, we better get to school," I said standing up, John started piling food into his mouth and I gathered my purse leaving my binders on the table I came back for my diet coke.

"Dankou fer de food," John smiled with a disgusting amount of food piled into his mouth, my mother nodded and then shooed him away from putting his dishes up. I knew she was relieved to get us out of house. Tristan was one step ahead of me this morning, running for the backseat.

When I turned on my car John laughed lightly. I gave him a daring look and my brother looked between us in awe. I dropped him off and he hugged me giving me a kiss on the cheek which took me back a little.

"That was weird," I said muttering from the side of my mouth. I heard my stomach growl and John laughed a little bit, he looked at me and cocked his head.

"Are you hungry? I mean your mom was like starving you," he chuckled and I shook my head embarrassed. He looked at me and then told me to drive to his house, I nodded and turned back into the suburbs. I laughed as Rex was waiting in the living room.

"Dude, where the fuck were you?! I'm gonna be late for school-" He stopped as soon as I walked in and looked thoroughly confused. He turned continuing on to John as if I was never there following him up the stairs to his room. "Were you with her last night? Dude she's like my teacher! What are you thinking?! Can't you think with your head instead of your fucking dick for once?" I laughed and looked around the ceiling.

"Hello," A man called out scaring me slightly. He was tall and looked like a spitting image of John, only older and with bright blue eyes. I smiled and straightened up awkwardly.

"Hey," I smiled and he extended a hand to me, I took it, expecting him to shake it but he kissed it instead making me feel very uncomfortable.

"I'm John O'Callaghan," I shifted my eyes awkwardly and scoffed, was this a joke. I'm really confused and I really want my hand back, he had dry hands and I didn't like it.

"Walker Emerson," I said back turning my body away from him. Rex's voice got louder as they came down the hallway, and they both stopped staring at me, I met John's eyes and was tempted to mouth 'help'.

"What an elegant name," he said dropping my hand and I brushed it off subtly, John had a fire in his eyes and continued down the stairs. Rex was silent shadowing John until he smirked.

"Dad," he said wrapping his arms around me protectively, frankly I was still really confused as to what was happening, I would have to make John explain later. My John, not creepy older John.

"Johnny, who is this gorgeous girl," I moved my body closer to John and he linked both his arms around me. Rex met my eyes and gave me a sympathetic smile. I looked up to the John's father and saw his eyes move to my cleavage and I had to keep myself from gagging.

"My girlfriend," John said gritting his teeth, I couldn't tell if it was to the nickname Johnny or to the face his dad was giving me major heebeejeebees and creeping. "We were just going," He said leading us to the door.

"Nice to meet you, sir," I said hoping it made him feel old, he only chuckled a little and responded.

"Pleasure's all mine," I gagged openly and John finally released me as we got into his car. I buckled my seatbelt and he waited until Rex was in the car before backing up and into the road. His shoulders were still stiff and finally I rubbed them.

"Hey, calm down," I smiled and he nodded his head and waited outside the high school, but Rex stayed in. "Hey, Rex, if Coach Smith asks, you never saw me," I smiled and he nodded before plopping out.

"He's not supposed to be home," John muttered, I think to himself as we pulled into an IHOP, Jesus, did he not eat enough at my house. I looked around as he got out of the car still talking to himself opening the door for me. I guess we were going to IHOP.

"John, I'm secretly in love with violet hippopotamuses and we get freaky in the African heat," I said seeing if he would've noticed. All that did was earn me weird looks from the older patrons of the IHOP. John was still concentrating on something and I sighed as the hostess led us to a booth.

"I've been dying to tell you I'm a man so we can't be together," I tried again, the hostess raised an eyebrow and I smiled politely, "not really," I whispered laughing and she nodded biting her lip and rushing off. John was still unfazed, I decided to just wait it out.

"How can I help you guys today?" An older jolly man with a gap tooth came up with his notepad ready, John shot up and I scoffed 'of course'. I smiled when the waiter cocked his head to my behavior.

"Can I have a coffee please?" I asked sweetly and scribbled it down and turned to John who was cramming the menu. Before smiling smugly and looking up at the waiter who was growing impatient.

"Can I have the same thing please," he wrote down everything on his little pad and then smiled taking our menus and leaving us to ourselves. I pretended to zone out before John waved his hand in front of me and then finally resorted to kicking my shin.

"Ow! What the fuck?" I asked grabbing it and he smiled innocently, "so you can do that whole zone-out and now pay attention to anything, but I can't?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Exactly," John said shortly and tapping his fingers before smiling at me, he wiggled his eye brows and crossed his eyes trying to break my glare.

"So what were you thinking about?" I finally chuckled after he made a monkey face, which I didn't even know you could work with your face, but apparently.

"My dad," I shrugged for elaboration, "my parents are getting divorced and he's supposed to be in Chicago. Even if he did come back here, he has his own apartment," John looked vacantly as if the truth would hurt less. I grabbed his tapping fingers and held his hands.

"I'm so sorry," I said sympathetically.

"Don't be, I just wish he would leave, do you know he has another family up there?" I held on to his hand throughout his whole story, his dad who had a girlfriend and two daughters in Chicago. How his mother had tried to keep their family together and I finally stood up and moved next to John, wrapping my arms around him as best I could.

"I'm still really sorry, because you deserve better than that," I whispered into his ear, kissing his cheek softly. I knew my words didn't mean much to him, but it was worth a shot. John nodded and I saw him wipe away a single tear as the server brought out a pot and placed some napkins on the side of the table. I thanked him and rested my head on John's shoulder.