Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks

Break Out!

Mr. Garza let us talk and chill during Art since he hadn't gotten any art supplies. He was young and ridiculously attractive for a teacher, he was skinny and wore long sleeved shirts buttoned down to cover his tattoo sleeves. He looked like a tanner Adam Brody, his first year teaching was my freshmen year so we were tight. Today he had on the same skate shoes as Johnny who insisted that they were twins.

"Mr. Garza, you have to bring us Doritos next class to compensate for this terrible travesty! What kind of art teacher forgets the art supplies?" I said sarcastically loud. Stephen's eyes got wide, I honestly thought he might be high. Munchies perhaps.

"Shut up Walker, bring me Starbucks next class for talking back!" He laughed writing it on a detention slip, Mr. Garza was nice to the upper level art classes because we took art seriously, but to the freshmen he usually scared the crap out of them forcing them to drop into non-Academy art. He smiled brightly his eyes creasing, he had the cutest dimples I laughed. Pat had begun talking to Johnny and opened up incredibly which made me happy.

"Mr. Garza, it would be cold by the time I got here!" I said raising my eyebrows and adding a valley girl accent, "Duh!" Stephen nudged me laughing slightly Mr. Garza side and stood up from leaning against his desk.

"Walker, I know you're a cheerleader, but try to wrap your mind around this. You. Bring. Me Coffee. Before. School," he said towering over me condescendingly. I softly punched him in the stomach, he tightened his abs and I was surprised at how hard they were. I laughed and blushed lightly, Mr. Garza returned to his post on our desk.

"So Pat Kirch, where did you transfer from?" Mr. Garza asked curiously. Pat looked around and seemed a little more at ease than he had before, but froze back up again when he saw people looking at him.

"Gilbert," he said quietly. Mr. Garza nodded awkwardly crossing his arms over his chest. Pat was slumped over and resumed his conversation.

"Stephen!" He said loudly, Stephen jumped up shock and looked over at Mr. Garza, he chuckled softly and rolled over to my chair resting his head on shoulder sleepily.

"Sup Mr. Garza?" He asked looking up, I laughed shaking his head on my shoulder. His hear was tickling my neck giving me goose bumps.

"Are you coming to my art class high?" Mr. Garza interrogated harshly. I knew he was just kidding. Mr. Garza was well aware of Stephen's drug use, I would be completely dumbfounded if someone didn't know.

"No way Mr. G! I respect your class and you too much to do that!" Stephen raised his head off my shoulder and held out his palm on the table and raised his eyebrows trying to look sincere. I laughed and shook my head. "You smell like really good by the way," Stephen added awkwardly. I looked around at my table who tried to woft my scent over to them. I chuckled awkwardly and Pat nodded,

"You do." I shifted my eyes and laughed awkwardly.

"Y'all are so weird," I said Mr. Garza ignored my comment and looked over at Stephen who as cross-eyed staring at his own bangs trying to blow them out of his face as if he'd forgotten about his hand.

"Stephen," Mr. Garza whispered, Stephen stopped mid blow and looked up at him, "what does she smell like?" he whispered loudly so everyone could hear him, pointing very obviously using his whole arm at me. Stephen chuckled and shrugged. He got really close to my face and took a big sniff. I bit my lip trying not to bark out laughing, everyone made fun of my laugh since it was so loud and "could be heard a mile away" as Missy Edwards had described it.

"Like apples, flowers and fresh clean deodorant," He said after assessing it in his mind biting his lip and shaking his head to decided what it was like. I nearly died the whole classroom erupted into laughter and Stephen simply chuckled a little bit and nodded, more in a bobble-head motion. Not completely comprehending the situation at hand.

"Thanks, Mr. Garza, thanks" I said raising my eyebrows sarcastically. He simply put his left hand folded over his chest and his right behind him and bowed three times facing different directions. I laughed and shook my head, Art always put me in good mood. I was sad when the bell rang, but all I had was Student Leadership, which was an easy class when Seniors could go in and volunteer to help kids in lower classes if they needed help tutoring, most teachers were territorial when it came to joining the classroom, so I ended up in the Health class where Coach Smith always puts on a movie. Only it was the first day today so I sat in the corner as Coach Smith entertained the class.

"Alright, its the first day of school, you're all nervous right? Well calm down, you got the cool teacher," I saw shoulders go down in the rows of younger kids. "We're watching Mean Girls, because Coach Carr, is everything I'm not, however we do teach abstinence so if you do have sex, you will get pregnant and die." The class chuckled lightly, I saw Georgia sneak in, with both got placed in Student Leadership because we were cheerleaders, we got first placement in Student Body classes like this.

"And if you will turn your attention to the two lovely ladies in uniform," A sea of heads turn toward us. I chuckled holding my smile, and waving. "Stand up," we obliged, "These ladies are Student Leaders who will be assisting us in our class, if you ever need tutoring." We both smiled gave small waves and sat down.

"I might just need tutoring already!" Sophomore boy called out, I sent a glare into the clutter of students.

"Good to know Mr. Trotter, we might have to transfer you to double block Health class, they go slower so you might be able to catch on to it," Coach Smith winked a couple of girls giggled. Coach Smith wasn't attractive, he was a cute slightly overweight balding coach in black basketball shorts and a Summerwood basketball sweater on. However Jake Trotter was, Georgia's sister who was a sophomore never stopped yaking about beautiful he was and how she would give a kidney for him to talk to her. I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs. Coach Smith excused us early and we walked out into the hallway.

"Hey let's get Pat," I said hoisting my purse higher on my shoulder and bringing my spirals and folder into my elbow. Georgia dug her eyebrows down at me.

"Who the fuck Pat?" She asked looking at me like I was crazy, she chuckled lightly. I rolled my eyes and bumped her with my hip.

"This new kid who asked me for directions in the hallway, he's in two of my classes. He's nice and new," I said smiling and explaining what had happened earlier. She sighed and dropped her arms to her side.

"I was late to AP Stat because some freshman basically made me pull her to her class! Fucking freshmen, I swear to God, it's not that fucking hard to find a classroom, there's fucking signs everywhere!" She said pointing to a black arrow at the top of the hallway that had Rooms 150-200 pointing to the direction we were walking in.

"Anyways," I said interrupting her rant she looked over at me, with a suspecting eye. "Dylan's working the main office during sixth block and we need to find out what class he's in."

"No!" Georgia groaned loudly.

"Please!" I stuck my lip out and batted my eye lashes.

"Fine!" she conceded, it wasn't hard to get Georgia to flirt with someone, she liked practicing for boys she actually liked. We made our way to a blue and red painted room which was the main office.

"Hey Walker!" Dylan Stout, a short, skinny, high-voiced boy chirped, he turned his eyes to Georgia, lust filled them and his smiled spread, "Hi Georgia."

"Hey Dylan," She said leaning on the desk he was working behind, "Dylan, I have a little problem," She said batting her eyelashes and sounding complete helpless. I rolled my eyes and stifled my laughter from behind.

"How can I service you today, Mi'lady," he said his retainer making him lisp slightly Georgia, looked down chuckling lightly before looked up at him and smirking slightly.

"Well, I need to find Pat," She turned to me for his last name.

"Kirch," I finished, before she returned his attention back to Dylan.

"Kirch," She repeated biting her lip slightly, "it's super important Dylan." She tapped her foot, he raised his eyebrow and typed into the computer and smiling back up at her.

"Patrick Kirch is in Keyboarding with Matthews in room 221," He smiled sweetly. I felt bad for the poor kid, he'd been in love with Georgia since first grade, she however liked bad boys with bad reputations. I laughed and waved bye to Dylan holding the door open for Georgia, she waved seductively over her shoulder.

"Thanks Dylan," She winked, she still hadn't turned her head back forward so I closed the door and she walked face first into glass. She looked around opening her eyes with embarrassment looking for people who could've possibly seen, I blew up in laughter she quickly opened the door and smiled nervously over her shoulder and smacked me once we were outside the main office.

"You're a cunt!" She laughed smacking me in the head. I tried to dodge it but she slapped me right in the ear. Which hurt extremely bad.

"Motherfucker!" I called out in pain. She laughed cupping her hand over my mouth before she passed her belongings on mine. She stopped outside of room 221 and took a deep breath, she opened the door and knocked on it.

"Hi, Mr. Matthews," She said sweetly I laughed, this was when sucking up was useful, I heard her respond dotingly. "Can I borrow Patrick Kirch?" She acted like she was reading it off of paper I was holding.

"Certainly Ms. Monaco," Pat got up with a quizzical brow and gathered his books, he curved his shoulders. I smiled when he finally came out of the room. Georgia smiled and waved closing her fingers down on her palm, before closing the door. We walked down the hallway and Pat looked over his shoulder.

"What's happening?" He asked slightly intimidated.

"Nothing, we sprung you out of class, and we're going to lunch early," I shrugged, I plopped Georgia's crap back in her arms. She pushed the door leading out into the parking lot. The sun stung our eyes at first before we had adjusted enough to bright Arizona sunshine. I also felt my skin thaw out from the freezing temperatures they kept the school at. We curved around to the building and crossed the empty street. We didn't have to walk that far into the school's massive parking lot since we had gotten here early due to the cursed Spirit Circle. She unlocked her red car, by sticking the key into the actual door handle, a small vintage V-W convertible it was outdated, but looked extremely cool. I slid into the backseat and let Pat get shotgun.

"I'm Georgia, by the way," She said placing oversized sunglasses on her faces and smiling at him.

"Pat," he shook his head confused on how to understand us. "Where are we going?" He looked around. Georgia smiled foxily and simple responded,

"Wherever the road takes us." I let out an enormous guffaw.

"Seriously dude?" I asked raising my eyebrow, Pat simply shook his head at us and let the wind blow in his brown hair as we pulled out of the school parking lot.
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