Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks



This was turning out to be one of the best first days of my life. I was in a car with two strangers, my mother probably wouldn't approve of that, on the other hand they were really hot, really weird cheerleaders. I laughed at the formation of a bruise on Georgia's forehead. I was really confused, as to where we were going, but I decided to go with it. I didn't have any friends at Summerwood and its not like they were gonna kill me. The the possibilities flooded my mind my eyes grew large, I checked my phone to see if it had batteries and signal, just incase.

We pulled into a driveway in a line full of houses, I assumed we were at one of their houses. I still had signal, I checked again, if worse comes to worse I can speed dial emergency services. Georgia shuffled her keys around the ring until pulling out her house key. She shoved it into the lock and forcefully turned it, she had a really aggressive look on her face. We walked into the southwest themed house and I soaked it all in. I looked on a table next to the door holding a key bowl, a candy bowl and centered with a picture frame of three red haired siblings, one older brother, Georgia, and a younger sister. I heard someone playing guitar excellently in the distance and remembered what John had told me about being on the look out since Ryan and Alex had decided to go in a different direction.

"W-who's playing the guitar?" I asked, I don't know why I stuttered but I was just a little nervous around strangers, it wasn't nearly as bad as when I was younger. Sometimes it just slips out. I looked over to Georgia who had her head in her refrigerator, she grabbed two diet cokes and handed one to Walker, the pretty brunette. Georgia looked like a model out of a magazine, only shorter and not a stick. I guess kind of not, but she was really pretty, like those statues you see from the ancient Greek times, but they're always naked and I'd never seen her naked, not that I wanted to, how did I get down this train of thought? I brought my attention back to the present situation.

"Oh, that's my brother," she shrugged as if I was asking who was shining her shoes. Walker who had been zoning out looked up the stairs to listen.

"Jared's gotten really good," She commented, using her index finger to open the coke creaking a cracking noise. "Do you want anything Pat?" She asked before taking a sip and maintaing eye contact.

"Can I just have water, p-please?" I asked. This was fucking pissing me off, why couldn't I just stop stuttering. Georgia smiled at me and felt awkward, they were nice and they wanted to be my friends why am I nervous? I yelled at myself in my head.

"Here," Walker handed me a glass of ice water. Georgia snickered at Walker who returned to the bar stool she was sitting at.

"I like how you just get everything out my house," Georgia smiled brightly.

"Shut up I basically live here," Walked laughed slightly embarrassed. Georgia nodded in agreement taking a huge bite of a Fuji apple. I noted how different she was at school and around friends. Basically it was the difference between her being a huge bitch and her being a warm and lovely person. She looked over at me with her big hazel eyes and smiled.

"Pat do you want meet Jared?" She asked trying to make me feel comfortable. I shrugged, I did, but decided it best to play it cool. She nodded and led me up the stairs. I tried not to look up her skirt, I really did, but it was a narrow hallway with bland off white walls, I just ended up looking at my feet once I reached the top of the stairs.

The guitar got louder I recognized it as All Time Low's song Jasey Rae. He was humming along with the melody keeping time in his head. I was impressed he changed the chords effortlessly. I had my eyes peeled and this is who I found.

"Hey," Walker said knocking on the side of the door frame, since his door was already opened. I walked around the wall so I could see him. He looked like Georgia except with a little blonder red hair and green eyes. He had freckles spilled over his cheeks when Georgia had pale, creamy skin. I guess they didn't really look anything alike.

"Hey Walker," he chuckled after looking up, "Nice outfit." He sneered sarcastically like an older brother.

"Shut the fuck up, this is Pat," She said nodding over to me, she changed to a funny accent joking, "he likes yo' tunes."

"'Sup man?" Jared asked me I muttered 'hi' under my breath and nervously shuffled on my feet. "So what are you doing hanging out with Walker and my sister, they're nothing but trouble." He joked and I laughed a little.

"I-I know, they pulled me out of class, and basically kidnapped me here," I said with my head at a median of looking at the floor and his face, which was his crotch. I panicked and shifted my eyes over to Walker who was laughing gently

"This is the thanks we get for pulling him out of Matthews's class," She shrugged pretend to be hurt fanning her chin, like a winner of a beauty pageant, only.. sad. I smiled and looked back over to Jared who was laughing and nodding.

"Right man, do you play any instruments," Jared asked extending small talk, I nodded and I opened my mouth to speak before Georgia yelled from downstairs slightly scaring me.

"What the fuck are you guys doing up there?!"

"We're leaving you for your brother!" Walker screamed back down. She smiled and bit her lip turning back her attention to me.

"Fuck you guys! Y'all can walk back to school!" Georgia berated loudly. Walker checked her cell phone in her pocket and after observing the time yelled back down.

"We still have forty-five minutes fuck-face! Chill the fuck out!" Walker said laughing, breaking her yell to breathe. I looked around before starting to speak, there was five seconds of good silence and I opened my mouth to speak.

"FUCK YOU BEE-ITCH!" Georgia called out from downstairs. I didn't even want to attempt anymore. Walker decided to ignore her and looked at me raising her eyebrows.

"Go ahead," she smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I play drums in a band called The Maine," I said successfully without a stutter. Jared looked up with a shade of interest. He seemed to like me and invited me to a party this friday night. I was free to bring friends if I wanted.

"Where are your parents?" Walker asked with a concerned look in her eyes, Jared didn't seem nearly as concerned simply shrugging and pulling a coke from out of the mini-fridge he kept under his desk. I looked at his cargo shorts and Arizona State T-shirt, he looked a little more preppy than we did, but he was chill and laid back.

"Want a coke?" He offered me, I shook my head and began to look around awkwardly, there few good solid seconds of awkward silence until I heard a hideous growling sound. I looked over to Walker who had a slight tint of embarrassment on her face.

"What? I haven't eaten since six this morning!" She defending looking down, she had a really nice laugh, it wasn't conventional. It was hearty without being masculine and when she laughed her whole body shook including her boobs.

"Kennedy and I are getting Chipotle if you guys want to come?" Jared asked sneaking past us. I let Walker follow him first, I pulled out my phone and texted John:

I think i found sum1

The phone instantly buzzed back:

Good, didn't want you to die alone :)

I scoffed and texted back quickly:

STFU, 4 guitr

I waited patiently before stowing my phone away, he probably just got busy, or got his phone
stolen by a passing by Eagle who scooped it up and swallowed it one gulp. Maybe.

"Who's Kennedy?" Walker asked following Jared out of the house, I followed and Georgia quickly snatched her purse before closing the door behind her. She stuck the apple in her mouth to have make her hands available to pull the door shut and turned the key in the lock. I laughed slightly impressed with how large her mouth is.

"JF? Apparently some shit went down with his mom, so he and his dad and his brothers all changed their names," Jared said informing us as we closed the lawn as Georgia caught up.

"The Brocks?" Georgia asked confused about why the Trotters had a new name, but Jared just ignored her. He rang the door bell and finally a skinny guy wearing skinny jeans and plain white shirt came to the door he smiled and showed his gap between his front two teeth. His eyes a strange full lime green and he had faux hawk at the top of his head.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Jared asked Kennedy before they did some hand shake hug mixture, he pointed from all of us starting with Georgia taking an big bite of her apple, to me and then Walker introducing us. He was shy too, he simply smiled and nodded a little bit.

"Do you guys just want to meet up there?" Jared suggusted, Walker and Georgia shrugged and crossed the dead lawn to her car. I was about to turn and follow when I heard my name, "Dude, just come with us." Jared said, they climbed into Kennedy's black accord. I heard Third Eye Blind blasting from the radio along with the air conditioning which came out rather warm before cooling down.

"So you're still in high school?" Jared asked from the passenger seat. I nodded biting my lip shyly.

"I-I'm a senior," I said looking from Jared and Kennedy, they both nodded rather apathetically. I was born with awkward genes, my older brother didn't seem to have any, luckily the drive was short. Kennedy pulled up to next to Georgia's car, the girls were already inside. I had lost myself in thought, I was nervous so my stomach was numbed, I wasn't hungry. I didn't have money anyways.

"You're sister is like ridiculously hot," Kennedy laughed, Jared socked him in the arm- hard. "Shit! I was kidding." Kennedy said clinging to his arm, I followed them from behind awkwardly and Walker had already paid and made her way to the drink fountain. Georgia was just now paying and she looked over and smiled at Kennedy.

"Took you long enough," She smiled, I saw Kennedy chuckle lightly before blushing brightly. I looked between them and saw something I didn't recognize. A stale awkwardness, from Kennedy not Georgia. The radio played relatively loud and had finished playing some rap song I didn't know. I made my way over to the table Walker and Georgia were adding a chair. Finally they sat down and I smiled before taking a seat between Walker and Georgia.

"Are you not eating anything?" Walker asked concerned laced her eyes. I laughed, she sounded like my mom, only hot and young. She did remind me of an older sister who took care of a brother who was like ten years younger than her, but we were the same age. I shook my head and smiled, slightly puffing up my cheeks, Walker laughed at my face.

"I don't want to go to cheerleading!" Georgia whined unwrapping her salad, Walker nodded it seemed her mood had instantly dropped in a matter of one word. She shook her head angrily lifting up her burrito and taking a massive bite.

"Nice," Jared said towering over her before sitting down, Kennedy, who wasn't short, just seemed so small compared to Jared. He sat down and opened his massive burrito. Georgia laughed wildly and Walker simply flicked him off while chewing, she was going to say something but her bite was taking longer than she thought. We all looked at her as she finished chewing making hyperbolic head movements. Finally she swallowed and took a sip of her water before talking.

"Fuck you, perv," She finally retaliated. I personally had hoped for something a little more creative or offensive after hearing what she was capable of, finally my phone vibrated back.:

"Cool, when can we see him play?" I pulled my phone and extended my hands to response trying to duck out politely of the conversation which had resorted to girls with big mouths.

"Talulah Richardson!" Walker and Georgia both called out at the same time. Chuckling lightly.

"He's having a party this weekend, we'll crash and see if he fits in." I texted back, I tried to drag it out for as long as possible so I used correct grammar.

"She doesn't own a dress
Her hair is always a mess,
If you catch her stealin' she won't confess
She's Beautiful.

Smokes a pack a day, wait,
That's me, but anyway
She doesn't care a thing
About that hey,
She thinks I'm beautiful
Meet Vir-GEORGIA!"Walker and Georgia sang loudly scoring some looks from the workers and an older couple hovering over a booth on the other side of the restroom. They both continued singing loudly and badly, Walker was singing to a fork like a microphone, closing her eyes getting into it. Georgia was using her cup filled with Diet Coke and doing some weird arm movements as dance moves. I laughed along with Jared and Kennedy.

"You guys so are so weird," Jared laughed once the song had ended. I liked it and looked down at my feet.

"Shut up, you liked it," Georgia chuckled.

"I liked it," Kennedy said smiling at her, Jared simply looked at him suspiciously, before Walker groaned over her burrito leaning back, with her hands on her stomach.

"I'm SO FULL!" She said loudly and dramatically, "Damn you Chipotle and your massive serving sizes!" She cried and I laughed. Jared simply lifted it off her plate and moved it to his, she smiled appreciatively, before she cursed out. "We have to go eighth period starts like now."

"Who cares we have cheerleading!" Georgia said as Walker tried to pull her off her seat, it was like a mother trying to get her young child to leave their favorite toy, I had a vivid memory of my mother trying to yank me off the swings at a park when I was seven, I held on despite my body being up in the air.

"Pat has class!" She said rushing us out the door, "Bye Pat, Bye J- Kennedy!" She corrected herself. Georgia walked out cooly and waved, I simply waved awkwardly timidly making my way the backseat. I clung on to the door handle as Georgia sped, very dangerously back to the school. I made a couple of deals with God when we spun around the corner and right into her parking spot. They ran off to the gym and I looked around confused as to where I should be. I dialed my brother.

"Hey," I said after I heard the line pick-up.

"What's up little brother," Tim said from the other line, I heard other guys laughing and I knew they were hanging out with some other guys.

"Can you p-pick me up?" I asked looking around at the vacant.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Tim asked with a concerned tone in his voice. I shook my head before responding.

"I have P.E. next and I don't wanna go, its like 100 degrees outside," I complained looking towards the shade by the gym.

"You could use some exercise, good luck!" Tim said scoffing before hanging up. I was surprised he didn't make an allegory of how he played baseball in the 112 degree weather, but not just baseball, varsity baseball. I cursed under my breath as I walked into the gym, I saw a Coach look up at me and then look down to his roll.

"Are you Patrick Kirch?" He asked looking me up and down. I nodded miserably and anticipated the worst. "Sit down on the bleachers, I'll pass out t-shirts, its your responsibility to make sure you have gym shorts and tennis shoes. You will be expected to dress out everyday, and I know you need this credit so even though its after lunch you are expected to attend. One more thing, don't think I have a problem failing you." He said intimidatingly to the medium sized class of twenty kids, I of course didn't know anyone. Coach threw a small shirt at me and I scoffed. I could wear a medium if I wanted to.

The girl's soccer team came in along with the cheerleaders. I saw Georgia and Walker talking amongst themselves. They all spread out and began practicing flips, I was surprised as Georgia and Walker nodded at each other before flipping, passing each other at a perfect timing. Once they had stopped they both, out of breath, smiled at each other and bumped fists. Walker ran over to the soccer girls, who were juggling balls and stretching, and hugged some of them who commented on her flippy, ninja-ness. Georgia walked over and bossed some very skinny girls awkwardly holding pom-poms. I was still really, really confused.

When the bell rang I ran out into the parking lot where I saw Tim waiting in his car with the windows up, I ran straight in and closed the door behind me. The car was already cool, I sighed and let my head rest on the headrest, I chuckled at the blatant name for such a weird shaped thing.

"How was your first day of school?" Tim asked starting to drive off as Georgia, Walker and some other tall pretty girls passed in front of the car, Walker waved noticing me in the car and I waved back eagerly, after she rejoined the conversation jumping on Georgia who laughed as a tall blond held on to her trying to hold herself up laughing. Tim followed them with his eyes until he started driving again, he looked over at me impressed and all that came out was, "Damn."
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Sorry this is so long and slightly redundant :)