Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks


The sun beat down on me forcing beads of sweat coming out of every pore of my body. I felt my skin burn with the UV rays coming down, I was glad I was wearing a Nike tank with sports bra included and some old shorts I grabbed. My shocks were burning at the soles of my feet and I began to lose my breath. I changed the song after something slow and un-motivating came on, it was Coffee Shop Soundtrack from All Time Low, I began to speed up with the fast pace of the song pushing me further. I laughed reminded of singing with Garrett earlier today. I finally got to the stop sign at the end of my neighborhood, my halfway point, I turned around and saw a car with Garrett and John who wave wildly at me when they came to a stop at the sign.

I held my hands at my hips and caught my breath, Garrett rolled down the window to have a conversation, and checked my reflection in the window as he rolled it down. I was tinted red and glistened with sweat. I pulled my earbud out of one ear and simply paused my iPod in its little pocket in the waist band of my pants.

"Hey," I said breathing heavily.

"Why are you running?" Garrett asked, dumbfounded by my motives.

"Because I don't want to get fat and die," I chuckled, I was staying on my toes just so I wouldn't cool down. Garrett laughed at me and shrugged.

"You look like the energizer bunny!" He cackled slightly, I laughed and nodded. I bent down and pressed my hands on my knees keeping me up. I saw John looking straight ahead at the main neighborhood road.

"Hey John," I said condescendingly, smiling Garrett looked over at John who simply turned his head and smiled politely.

"So I had a killer time today, give me your number so I can stalk you and text you from outside your window," I laughed at Garrett who enlarged his eyes to seem creepier. I nodded and he pulled out his phone and typed in my name getting ready to save my number. "Okay, go!" he said like a racetrack starter.

"480-555-2698," I listed pausing between digit intervals, he pressed a button and then smiled up at me, a bustling soccer mom in a large black suburban honked loudly waving her hand, I stepped back on the sidewalk and John accelerated into the street.

"Bye LITTLE SALLY WALKER!" Garrett yelled, his half of his body dangling from outside the car. I laughed loudly, I'd actually never heard that one before. Then my face grew serious for a while waiting for the soccer mom, who gave me a dirty, disapproving look drove past before I plugged my ear bud back in and made my way home. I was curious why John had been so quiet. As always the way back was always quicker than the way out. It had been a good three mile run. I ran into my house passing my little brother again who didn't even look up from his PSP and up the stairs. I stripped off my sweaty clothes, pulled out the hairband from my hair and climbed into the shower.

I let the hot water refreshed me as I got lost in my thoughts. I was curious why Pat would be a transfer student if he lives a couple streets away from me, how on Earth John O'Callaghan had kept himself from looking down my shirt (not to sound narcissistic, but he was a guy with a reputation) and how Garrett managed to be so hyper and happy without dying of exhaustion. Once I had cleaned myself, I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my body, throwing my workout clothes down the laundry chute. I wrapped another towel around my head and walked out into the hallway, I turned left and went past a couple of doors I usually forgot about and turned into my room.

It was painted a soft sea green and had dark blue curtains over the blinds. I walked over to my white walk in closet and picked a hoodie, I know that this is Arizona and it's hot and everything, but frankly my house was freezing. I slipped on a pair of grey boy shorts and realized I needed to go downstairs to get my uniform and hang it up so I sighed putting on a random pair of boxers. I lightly jogged down the stairs and my muscles burned slightly. Yep, definitely a good workout. I grabbed the canvas tote bag and ran back upstairs with more burn. Once I had hung up my uniform I heard the door knock and I sighed.

"TRISTAN!" I belted loudly for him to opened the door, he didn't respond and the door bell rang indicating it still hadn't been answered. I sighed and trotted down the stairs once again, only this time slipping on one of the steps and catching myself on the rail. I looked around and saw that no one was there, except for the eager stranger on the other side of the door, I sighed figuring it was a UPS man who needed me to sign for a package. I looked and saw Tristan on the couch unmoved with his PSP in hand, "Jerk-off," I muttered under my breath.

I swung the door open and saw a very tall, very pensive John O'Callaghan. I looked up and shocked I closed the door, checking my face in the mirror, I looked passible, I smelt good and I just tried to crunch my hair a little to make it appear more wavy. I opened the door again, sticking my head out and looking around. He had his classic smirk on his face.

"What are you doing here?" I asked looking up at him completely confused.

"I wanted to talk to you," he shrugged jamming his hands into his pockets, talk to me? About what the migratory patterns of the European swallow? I ignored him.

"How do you know where I live?" I said slightly freaked out, I mean if you're going to get stalked by a boy it might as well be one that's freakishly attractive and in a band.

"I over heard you saying you live two streets down from Pat and there aren't that many Walkers let alone cheerleading Walkers who are a member of the class of 2008, I sighed realizing my parents had put a lawn sign. The ones made of a piece of plastic glued on to a steak with your name and class on it. I nodded and sighed.

"Well, what did you want to talk about?" I said, opening the door a little bit and leaning against the door frame. He looked at me up and down and smirked slightly.

"Anything, mostly about me and you going out on Friday," He said confidently, as if seeing in my pajamas would make me so self-conscious I would do anything to make him go away.

"We could talk about that, also about the 2012 armageddon and unicorns sailing across the sky in pirate ships killing leprechauns for their booty, none of which are going to happen," I retorted he seemed confused as to where I was getting all these references from. That was just how my mind worked though. I raised and eyebrow and crossed my legs.

We'll see," He said shrugging completely disregarding what I had just said. Tristan finally woke up from his video game daze and came to the door poking his head in between me and the door.

"Who's that?" He asked, looking up curiously at John, John smiled and pulled his hand out of his pocket and offered it to Tristan.

"I'm John, I'm a friend of your sister's," I snorted at his use of the word friend, I had never known John Oh existed before today and regardless we weren't friends.

"I'm Tristan," he said proudly shaking it as if he was suddenly grown up from it. He pulled John in which took us both by surprise. "Come on in, do you want something to drink." He said pausing awkwardly to sound more mature.

"Actually, Tristan," I began before John cut me off.

"I'd love some water," Tristan led John into the kitchen. It was like he was doing this on purpose to scorn me, but while I closed the door behind me and trailed after them, I did help myself to a look at John's rear end. He's attractive, I'm not denying it.

"Oh my gosh," I muttered to myself, I thought 'Stop it Walker', I made my way back into the kitchen where Tristan had excitedly poured John a glass of water. I stood glaring a whole in John's head from position leaning on the counter. "John I was actually just on my way out," I began before I realized I wasn't fooling anyone.

"Where are you heading to, I'll come with you," he said standing up calling my bluff. Luckily I had a best friend to fall back on. I smiled grabbed my phone from my tummy pocket of my hoodie and texted Georgia.

"Emergency! I need to come over right now!" I texted I pressed send and told John to wait downstairs while I got my keys. I ran up my muscles seething again grabbed my keys and felt a vibration in my pocket.

"Alright, Kennedy is here, but come on over." I sighed and responded that I would be there quickly. When I came back into my hallway John was waiting next to the door conversing Halo tactics with my little brother. I rolled my eyes and walked past them. John said goodbye quickly and followed me out of house. I jumped up into my silver Range Rover and turned on the ignition. All Time Low came blasting through the stereo, I blushed a little bit before turning it down and switching it to the "hit station" all the kids at my school listened to.

"You like All Time Low a lot don't you?" John smiled cockily as if he had figured me out. I shrugged and sped over to Georgia's house. The whole five minutes we were driving John was talking about how he broke his wrist at some party a couple of months back and how he had just gotten it out of the cast. Frankly, I didn't care. I jumped out of the car and walked straight into Georgia's house, where I stopped immediately upon seeing Kennedy, Jared and Georgia lazing on the couch watching some show. John ran into my back and grabbed on to my shoulders, saying "Whoa".

I smiled knowing I looked terrible compared to my made up self. Georgia waved at me, she had changed out of her uniform to basketball shorts and a tank top. I smiled and walked in slowly, partially being pushed by John into the living room.

"Jeez, you didn't even bother to get dressed before you came over," noting my apparel Georgia laughed, I used my eyes to motion towards John, but Georgia simply laughed at my attempts.

"First of all, fuck you," I said looking at Georgia, John came to my side and everyone looked up, "Secondly, this is John, my stalker."

"JOHNOOHHH!" Jared said after looking up and registering who he was. He and John did some weird fist bump, guy hug thing and then continued to Gossip like girls,

"Hey Jared! What's up dude," John said after they spread apart, "Dude I haven't seen you since graduation! What the fuck have you up to?!"

"Still playing guitar, working at Best Buy, you know, what about you? Creeping on my baby sister's best friend?" He said nodding towards me. I had a flat face that in l33t would look like this ( -__-) I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the couch between Georgia and Kennedy.

"What the fuck is happening?" Georgia muttered under her breath, I simply shrugged and sighed leaning my head against her shoulder. When I sat up she looked down at my chest.

"He showed up at my house and I couldn't make him leave," I sighed helplessly, Georgia wasn't even paying attention to anything I had said.

"You really didn't get dressed did you?" She said loudly drawing attention to us, "Are you even wearing a bra?!" She asked about to poke me with her index finger. I felt my face turn bright red and I slapped her hand down.

"No," I muttered under my breath, all the boys simply cackled and I slapped Georgia on the knee very hard. She forcefully exhaled in pain and smacked my ass as I stood up to leave. "Well this has been fun, not really I think I'll go home and finish signing a massive stack of papers that all read the same things demanding to be signed.

"What homework its the first day of school," Georgia asked obliviously. I smiled and flicked her off and walked out towards my car. I heard footsteps chasing me, I figured was Georgia.

"If you want me to help you get back together with Kennedy, its not going to happen," I said not bothering to turn around.

"Why would I date Kennedy?" I heard a slightly raspy, low voice respond. I whipped around and came face planted in John's bony chest. I rubbed my nose painfully and unlocked my car again.

"Ow," I said whining a little bit, it did hurt and brought tears to my eyes. John climbed in the passengers seat, "Is there blood?" I asked quickly removing my hand that had been rubbing it for a split second so he could see.

"No," he chuckled, I turned and saw him with a slightly bigger crooked smile and I couldn't help but crack up when I saw how amused he was. His voice dropped to a moment of seriousness, "Are you okay though?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I said putting my hands back on the steering wheel. "This thing did not work out as I planned," I chuckled lightly looking at him.

"I figured it probably wouldn't ," John shrugged, I smacked him hard across the chest and he folded his body in, "Violent." He commented and I laughed.

"Shut up, my plans are genius and have a 90 percent success rate," I told him in a manner-of-fact tone. He simply laughed softly and nodded before getting out of the car and opening my door for me. I unbuckled my seatbelt and let my barefoot touch the ground, John moved to between the door and the car and looked me square in the eyes. He was alarmingly close and I felt nervous.

"So do mine," He said slyly revealing his crooked smile, he let his face get to a distance I could almost feel his nose against mine and stopped, never once leaving my eyes. "Bye, Walker," he said pulling away and walking back over to his car.

I pulled the keys out of my ignition and sped walked into my house, where I full on sprinted up my stairs and into my room, closing the door behind me. I leaned against it my palms feeling the sturdy wood behind me. A smile spread across my face, a smile I didn't understand. I let my cheeks heat up and I closed my eyes tight and squealed dancing around in place before, relaxing myself and sobering down to the facts that he was a man-whore and a player. I needed to have my head on straight regardless of how nice his chest felt against my face and his scent of soap, fresh vanilla laundry detergent and the outdoors filled my senses. I also had to disregard his perfect smile, his large nose he pulled off so well and his golden eyes that glinted green if you really looked.

I made my way over to my bed and fell down, "Goddamnit John O'Callaghan," I muttered to myself.