Status: Coming Along

Show Me How A Heart Breaks


I don't remember falling asleep but the screeching alarm in my ear from my phone. I moaned slapping around for my phone, finally I got it and pressed the dismissed button and groaned letting my face fall into the pillow. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs out. I walked over to my closet trying to decide on what to wear. Finally I settled on skinny jeans and blouse. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and sleepily ran down the the stairs. I saw my school books and realize I had forgotten to sign everything, I sighed and made my way to the kitchen and saw Tristan smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, my mother came around with an orange juice for him and a diet coke for me, her subtle sign of saying that I've gained weight.

"Walker, you are a lady, at least act like one, it is 'Good Morning Tristan'," She said moving her arm away from her in a graceful manner to accentuate her sayings, I rolled my eyes and opened my diet coke before standing up.

"Alright, if you want a ride you better come now," I said over my shoulder. My mother looked up from her plate of waffles she was about to serve him and looked a little pissed.

"Honey are you not eating?" She asked, placing the plate in front of him. Tristan never wasted time and had successfully downed an entire plate of waffles in a matter of seconds, it was truly disgusting.

"No," I said shortly before taking a sip of my diet coke.

"Good girl," She said handing me an apple, and lowering her voice to a whisper, "only 70 calories!"

"Thanks mom, come on Hoover," I said walking away. I put the apple in my bag to forget about it. Now that my self esteem was completely ruined for the day. I supposed it couldn't get any worse. I walked out of my house and saw it was already hot, I unlocked my car and I saw Tristan scurry around and jump into the front seat. I turned the key in the ignition and he turned it to the radio, I smacked his hand.

"No! No!" I scolded him like he was a dog and switched it back to All Time Low, I don't know what he was complaining about, he only had to listen it for five minutes since his school was walking distance away.

After I let Tristan out, I continued down the road out of habit. I didn't even have to look at the road. I groaned as I drove, realizing that I had to park a million light years away. I held my bag on my shoulder and saw Stephen and Johnny laughing and making their way to the school, I ran to catch up to them and jumped on Johnny.

"Holy fuck! She's a fucking ninja!" Johnny called out shocked, I chuckled and said hello to both of them. I finished my diet coke surprised that I didn't spill the whole thing on Johnny. I threw it away and kept walking even when Johnny stopped and realized he didn't want to go to school. I pulled his arm.

"No you can't make me!" He shrieked.

"Johnny! No Johnny you have to go to graduate!" I said trying to suppress my laughter, I finally stood up straight and raised my voice, "Jonathan Ezra Walker! If you skip right now you're going to keep doing it and not get credit and have to repeat your senior year, another year... here," I said in one long-winded breath before showing him the school.

As he was processing things, Stephen and I made plans for Friday night after the game, apparently there was going to be an awesome party and I chuckled as Johnny finally popped out of his thinking and grabbed my hand and ran us all the way to English, I waved bye to Stephen, when we finally got inside our first period class, the bell rang and all the attention turned to us, I dropped Johnny's hand.

"Alright Mrs. Emerson and Mr. Walker make it to your seats, I was unaware that the two of you were seeing each other outside of school," Mrs. Bonner said cockily fixing her attendance.

"We're not!"Johnny called out, earning a few laughs and Mrs. Bonner ignored him and continued on a lecture for 45 minutes about the importance of grammar in the English language. I sighed and jumped up and made a line for the door when I heard my name.

"Walker, may I speak to you?" Mrs. Bonner, asked straightening papers on her desk, I nodded and walked over to her. She moved the stack of papers before simply turning her attention to me. "Mrs. Emerson, I just want to you know that you're 'Tude'" She used her fingers as quotation marks, "ain't gonna fly with me."

"Didn't you just lecture on how important grammar was Mrs. Bonner?" I smiled curtly.

"Very funny, Mrs. Emerson I will have no problem assigning a schedule change because I am not going to worry about queen bees this year, so right now this is a warning, another toe over the line and you'll be out of this class." Mrs. Bonner said.

"Good threat, Mrs. Bonner, see you tomorrow!" I said overly enthused. I made my way to Anatomy and saw Mr. Gray shaking hands with everyone before they walked in. I was so not in the mood for this, I put on a big fake smile and shook his hand and he kissed it.

"Enchante, Ms. Emerson," he smiled, I had smother my gag with a smile and then once safely out of eye sight I wiped my hand and stuck my tongue out. I saw Pat sitting next to David and I think they were talking about me, due to the classic looking up and pretending that they weren't just conversing.

"Hello gentlemen," I said plopping down behind David. Pat looked between us awkwardly, "you told him?!" I said with disbelief, David looked over his shoulder and tried to smile innocently, I bopped him on the head and turned to Pat. "We were really drunk at a party, sophomore year! I'm not really sure if it happened except what this one says," I said and David nodded raising his palm seeking a high-five. I slapped him in his exposed midsection.

"It happened all right, Pat was just telling me how you two went swimming together," David said with innuendo.

"Yes, we went swimming with Taylor, Pat's Brother and two friends," I said shooting down all allegations. I turned to Pat deciding to ignore, "See David here has a small penis, so the only time he can 'get with girls' is when they are drunk, so note how he brings up a sexual escapade with me from two years ago, is because he know that it will never happen, even if I was a sex addict and he was the last orifice in the world."

Pat's jaw dropped and a few people who had been ease dropping started busting out in laughter, but it quieted down when Mr. Gray cleared his throat at the front of the class room. Just then I decided to zone out, anything Mr. Gray had to say didn't really interest me. Pat asked me if I wanted to come over again after school and I accepted making my way through my two classes before Art, which is when my hunger hit me. I took my apple and finished it in a matter of seconds, everyone looked up at me and I smiled. They were probably thinking, "Little Miss Piggy eats apples?" I smiled and threw away the core.

We were sketching objects in the middle of the table, to work on rendering. I felt someone looking over my shoulder and I turned my head towards the ceiling and saw Mr. Garza smiling down at me.

"Hey creepy," I smiled before returning to my work.

"Hey, " he said like he was accepting a compliment, he snatched up my paper and walked to the front of the room, "Ladies and germs, this is a perfect example. I will now be giving Walker a smiley face sticker!" Everyone laughed and he stuck a blue sticker on my forehead.

"Thanks, my life is complete!" I said sarcastically, when we were finished we turned in our drawing and I walked Pat to his next class which was on the way to mine. I walked to Student Leadership and realized Georgia wasn't at school today.
She usually texted me when she was sick, so I figured she was skipping. I made my way to the classroom and set my stuff down on the desk.

"Alright, Walker is here, is Georgia?" Coach Smith asked. I shook my head and saw little Trotter, I mean Brock smiling up at me.

"Can I help you?" I asked bluntly and he shook his head.

"But I can help you," He said stretching his arms over his desk. I rolled my eyes and started passing out surveys for the students to fill out. "Seriously, I saw you with John Oh, my brother's friends with him, I can totally hook you guys up," I laughed to myself.

"Okay Jake, first of all, I'm not interested in John Oh, and even if I was, which I'm not, why would you just assume I can't get a date by myself?" I asked Jake looked awkward which I felt bad after.

"I don't know I just wanted to talk to you," Jake said looking around.

"How about next time we can talk about your school work," I smiled and he seemed to have a better disposition of the world. When Coach Smith started his lesson after calling out roll, I texted Georgia asking where she was.

"Walker?" Coach Smith called, I tucked my phone in my pocket he used his index finger to motion me towards his desk.

"Yeah Coach?" I asked looking around, he never usually minded when I used my phone, especially if he was teaching.

"How good are you at French," he asked. I had passed French one and two with flying colors, but French three I spent all last year ditching to hang out with my ex-boyfried.

"Pretty good, with lower level french," I shrugged, Coach smirked and pointed me to two boys hovering over a french book. I laughed and nodded making my back over to Jake.

"You guys take french?" I asked smiling. Most people in our school took spanish, which is probably more useful.

"Oui, oui!" Jake said smirking slightly. I laughed lightly before sticking my hand out to the other boy.

"I'm Walker," I introduced myself.

"Rex," He shook it before looking down at the assignment.

"What do y'all need help with?" I asked crouching down and tucking a piece of hair that had fallen loose. I smiled realizing that they were both in French one.

"Everything?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow.

"Okay, so this is basic memorization, there's not grammar involved yet, so just make flash cards or something and I know it sucks but you just have to study" I said trying to empathize for them.

"Damn, could you maybe tutor us?" Jake said smiling mysteriously. I looked between him and Rex and sighed, I felt obligated especially since Georgia's sister would kill me if she ever found out.

"Alright, but I can only tutor after school, not on Fridays, what day works for y'all?" I asked wondering what I was getting myself into. Rex and Jake high-fived and asked if after school today was okay.

"Alright, we can hang out and study for like thirty minutes, but I have plans after that, do you wanna do it at the library?" I asked. Jake and Rex looked like I had called their mothers dirty whores or something equally offending.

"Please, the library is for nerds," Jake said I rolled my eyes, like he wasn't.

"We can do it at my house," Rex suggested, I was such a good person, I agreed.

"Do y'all need a ride, we can all carpool?" I asked and they both high-fived and nodded excitedly. After that class got out, I met Pat in the parking lot. "Hey I'm really sorry, but I have to tutor some kids after school and you could come hang out if you want? It's only for a half an hour," I suggested feeling slightly guilty.

"Sure, who are you tutoring, Jake Brock and his friend named Rex," I said, Pat seemed to identify with them and I was slightly confused. We made had decided on Wendy's I ordered a salad and Pat downed a triple-patty bacon cheeseburger. I felt myself getting fatter by just looking at it. I laughed as he told me a story about a slutty older girl who tried to get him to like her by offering to do sexual things.

"Jesus, dude! Hey so meet here?" I said pulling into a much closer parking spot, we were early and I had to dress out for cheer today. All we did in that class was stretch and practice cheering, the boring stuff. The only reason I was in cheerleading was for the flips and awesome shit. I changed back into my outfit, hardly working up a sweat and waited in the parking lot. Pat informed his brother who was here to pick him up, I waved politely and I saw John Oh sitting in the passenger seat.

"Walker!" Jake said holding his arms up, I looked around slightly embarrassed for the same reason he thought he was cool. I laughed and said hey to Rex who ran over to Pat.

"Does he know them?" I asked Jake who started walking over dragging me with him.

"Yeah that's his brother," Jake said as I stood sandwiched between Jake and Pat. John and Rex were talking about my presence at the house.

"I already asked mom, douche! Besides Jake and I need help with French," Rex said, his raspy voice broke with puberty and a slight anger. I realized that he had braces lining his teeth, John looked up at me and Pat wrapped his arm around me.

"Yeah that's a little awkward," I said jokingly, Pat seemed embarrassed and lowered his arm, "I was just kidding. Is it not okay for us to tutor at your house, because we can just go to Starbucks or some shit like that," I said to John.

"Do you guys all want a ride?" Tim asked past John, who simply sighed.

"I actually drove, so we can meet there?" I suggested, just then Jake and Rex were both pulling me towards my car, Pat had already ran ahead and was waiting with his hand on his passenger door. We made our way to the O'Callaghan house, I almost wished I had asked Rex's last name before agreeing.
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so i realized that i messed up her little brother's name, but i fixed it. sorry!