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406 words

I was walking in front of him, my master. I look back, glancing at him. He was old, around seventy to eighty years old, grey-white hair, but there wasn’t really much, because his almost bald. He had grey, pale blue eyes, and above them, were bushy eyebrows the same colour as his hair, that remained. A big nose, and small pale pink lips, makes you wonder if his really Blind or not.

Yes my master is blind, and yes I am my masters Guide Dog.

I look back in front of me, using my advanced hearing and quick movement to stir my master out of the way of a passing woman, and baby pram. I hear the sound of a baby laugh, and my master pulls on my leach, stopping me from going any further.

I look at him, curiously as I sit and I see him sway. I move towards him and watch as his stubbles on unsteady legs to a park bench, but don’t make it and falls.

He hit his head on the seat of the bench and fell hard onto the concrete ground. I bark repeatedly and move to nudge my master with my nose. People come running, some saying things to my master’s unmoving form, while others talk into small device things near their ears.

I lay down, my head on my masters stomach and growl whenever I think someone or something looks threatening to my master.

I soon hear sirens, and look up, knowing the familiar sound. ’help’ runs through my head. I bark so they can find us. I see and hear people coming to help and I look at my master’s form.

3 weeks later

’Come on dog’ my new master calls me and I follow her orders. My previous master, died in the park. His heart had stopped, killing him instantly. I was taken away, and given to my new master. A disabled little girl, who now calls me dog. She doesn’t remember the proper name she gave me, so she calls me dog, and I’m fine with that.

I did go to my previous master’s funeral, but that was the last time I saw him. I remember him well, after all he treated me as family, and I him, but the life of a guide dog is hard. Because when one master dies you are taught to forgive, remember, forget and move on.

There’s always another master out there...
♠ ♠ ♠
i know its not many words
and it's only a contest enter
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