When Angels Cry Blood.

Skeptics and True Believers

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Gerard's POV

You could sense the horror and despair in his eyes. I felt just so … fucking awful when I looked at him. He had big, round eyes and he looked lost.
"What's your name?" I asked him, once Mikey had left. I really couldn't stand Mikey anymore. He used to be okay, but now he was just Dad's puppet, hopelessly following his demands.
"Frank." He replied softly. His voice justifying the despair I sensed.
I nodded, glancing at my shoes.

He gave an odd, quiet little squeak and his eyes went wide. He retreated to his cabin.
I turned around slowly and came face to face with my father.
"Gerard," He growled, "House. Now."
"Alright, Alright." I said slowly, walking towards the house. I couldn't stand my family, not one bit. They counted on other people to do everything for them. For some reason, I wished I could take Frank's place, just so he didn't have to deal with that lifestyle. I hated slavery, but I could never let my parents know I'm an abolitionist; they'd hang me first chance they had. Family doesn't matter to mine when it comes to slavery.

"Gerard," My mother said sweetly when I entered the house, "You know how I feel about you talking to the slaves."
"They're not slaves, Ma, they're people..." I muttered.
"Stop talking nonsense. You know damned well they're slaves for a reason!" My father barked.
"Donald," Mom warned, "Look, Gerard, its just … stay away from your fathers property, alright?"
"They're not property!" I cried, "They're people!"
My father whipped his hand across my face firmly.
"Donald…" Mom started.
"No, Donna," My father said ominously, "This boy needs to learn how life works and he needs to learn it damn soon."

I slammed my door shut and sighed. I rubbed my cheek where my father had slapped me and dimly wondered what Frank was thinking about right now…