Status: Finito :)

I Can Keep A Secret


I went home and packed a duffle bag's worth of clothing and prepared for a long summer of hot air, limited showers and lots and lots of boys. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad. I had interviewed enough people to know that Warped Tour was essentially one long keg party and I was starting to get excited. I didn't sleep the night before, and I took my cab early after a hot shower. I met my Cameraman, and certified best friend, Cameron, he was tall, had dark, dark brown hair, long lashes that stretched out of bright blue eyes. He was dreamy and he was my cousin, so it was really awkward when everyone thought we were dating. He waved at me with his camera equipment in boxes surrounding him, it was ridiculously early and I hadn't slept well so I was glad when there were no crowds.

After checking in I pulled my purse higher up on my arm. I had on my black pumps from earlier and skinny jeans, a tank top and a red cardigan slouched on top. I didn't look glamorous at all. My hair was tumbling past me, I don't know how it had managed to grow so quickly in less than a year, but I wasn't complaining. I was suddenly excited for the Nationwide tour and meeting hot boys who played instruments. Maybe I was looking at the this all wrong, it wasn't about avoiding a boy it was about meeting a few more and making some friends. I smiled.

Cameron was up getting us coffee and scones, he smiled handing me mine and I thanked him. I sipped precociously incase the coffee was hot and scalded my tongue. I quickly downed it needing the extra strength to make it through the flight. Cameron's eyes bulged as I downed it quickly,

"You know there was like three shots of expresso in that right?"

"Hmm?" I said, looking down at my foot tapping. I was suddenly really hyper when the flight attendant called our flight. How weird was it that we were two of ten people on the flight. This is why I traveled early. Despite my coffee buzz, I crashed.

"Leia? Wake up!" I opened my eyes to see Cameron standing over me looking down concerned. I wiped some drool that had fallen from the side of my mouth and smiled.

Everyone had gotten off, not only had I slept through take off, a six-hour cross country flight, I slept through the descent and landing. I darted up and fell back down still attached to the seat via seat belt.

"I'm so graceful," I smiled a light blush tainting my cheeks. Cameron laughed and grabbed my bag for me. He was on his iPhone checking his e-mail. I looked around at the barren dessert that was Pomona, and sighed. I finally buckled my seatbelt and got up, and walked off the plane. I looked over to where I saw a big sign that read, "Baggage Claim".

Cameron was stumbling still checking his phone and I took my purse back smiling. It was a short walk and I took my one bag off the claim and Cameron collected his camera and things. We walked out and saw nothing, I know there's always something, but believe me when I say, there was nothing. Except, a man holding a sign with Roderick and Leon on a paper written in sharpie. He was tall and burly wearing a cut-tank top and adorning tattoos all over every inch of skin I could see. I smiled and raised my hand out,

"Hey, I'm Leia Roderick and this is Cameron Leon," I said as he shook it nodding. He raised an eyebrow from his very beard-covered face.

"Your parents named you Cameron Leon?" he asked mildly chuckling. Cameron sighed and nodded.

"They're sadistic assholes, but whatever!" he said laughing as the man led us to a van and explained that we were the first flight here for a while and we got the van to ourselves. All of the bands were here and had been acquainted being here a whole day earlier than us. We came on the actual tour date.

"Yes! We get Harry all to ourselves!" I said rolling my eyes as some weird movement to do, I was still to tired to move my arms or legs.

"What was that?" Cameron asked raising an eyebrow to my antics I smiled and stuck my tongue out.

"Just imagine that was me, screaming while flailing my arms excitedly," I explained and he nodded shaking his head he read the long e-mail my boss had sent to him and he cleared his throat before emulating his pompous British accent.

"Dear Mr. Leon, I trust your flight was well, here are things we expect from you and Ms. Roderick. Interviews from all bands, big or small, random shots of crowds and shows, and behind the scenes. Leia will conduct all interviews impromptu with a list of questions required to ask. You will be meeting a man by the name of Harry Long and he will transport you to the bus dock where you will share a bus with the band called The Maine. You are expected to come up with sufficient shots or you will be terminated along with Ms. Roderick." He finished bring his hand up to do fake Shakespeare.

"What a fucking douche," I said after Cameron finished rolling the r's of my name. Harry nodded in agreement and said we were here. I looked out to see a myriad of busses and stages and tents bellowing around. Once we parked Harry showed us to our bus which was vacant and told us to leave our bags in the living area for now. He passed our laminates which had WARPED TOUR on a key chain, he put mine around my neck and gave Cameron his. I flipped it over and saw a little square picture of me, I was slightly confused and flipped it back over.

"Well Cameron, let's get to work," I said pulling off my cardigan due to the sweltering heat already. I took off my heels and put them in the bag digging out my plain black bags. I swiped on some deodorant quickly and checked my reflection in the mirror. I carefully swiped on some black eyeliner and mascara before putting some blush on my cheeks.

When I turned around Cameron had pulled his camera and attached all the little do-hickies required. I pulled the microphone out and got ready to do my job. We got out of the bus and saw someone from our LA office I had met a couple of months back.

"Leia?!" he called out, he was tall and skinny, yet still muscular. He had his brown hair long and was wearing a v-neck and skinny jeans, just like every other guy on this tour.

"Hey Andy!" I called out like a boy, he hugged me and I patted his back, "What are you doing here?" I smiled.

"Manning the tent you and I are promoting MTV with," He smiled. I frowned.

"Does MTV really need promoting?" I laughed, Cameron and Andy exchanged hellos.

"Well, I'm supposed to inspect how much buzz you get and you might be getting your own show," Andy said bring his voice down like it was some taboo secret. I was completely elated I hugged him tightly bringing my feet of the ground, when I jumped down I was shocked.

"Are you freaking kidding me?! My own show?!" I squealed shaking around and doing my happy dance which consisted of my bringing my arms up with closed fist and shaking my hips around.

"Uh, Leia, we should do our segment the actual tour is supposed to start soon and we have to get over there," Cameron said bringing me back down to reality I nodded and brought my hair over my shoulders. He held his fingers up with three, two, one.

"Hey MTV! I'm Leia Roderick and you're watching the very first Warped Tour special, I'm here at day one, at Pomona, California. Well there's nothing here, but we're going to take you in and around the country each city and see how kids party it up at Vans Warped Tour," I laughed I brought my feet up to show that I was wearing vans. Cameron laughed and gave me a thumbs up, Andy walked us over to a line of tents that seemed to go on forever. We weaved around and around, I heard someone call my name and tensed up there were no kids here yet just bands and businesses traveling with Warped.

"Leia Lucius Roderick!" I heard my middle name and I whipped my head around stopping dead in my tracks, unfortunately someone didn't stop and knocked me over.

"Lucius?" Andy chuckled and I flicked him off, I finally gained my vision which had been spinning for a while and saw a familiar face with long red hair and grey eyes.

"Raine?" I asked as she got off of me, I sat up, she lended her and and I pulled up in disbelief. "What are you doing here?!" I asked as she pulled me into a tight embrace.

"I'm taking pictures and doing merch for All Time Low again!" Raine said excitedly before her face grew serious, "I should ask, what are YOU doing here?" I laughed and held up my microphone I had wrapped the wire around tightly.

"MTV's doing a special on Warped Tour, hosted by yours truly," I smiled and she hugged me excitedly, she grabbed my hand and attempted to drag me back where she came.

"I'm so glad you're here! Everyone will be so excited to see you! Jack hasn't seen you since the wedding neither had any of the guys!" She spoke very fast. I laughed and stopped.

"I'll come by and say hey later, I have to go and set up our tent," I said pointing over my shoulder. She nodded and smiled, she flipped my laminate and excitedly ran off. So much for staying incognito. I turned and saw a hidious tent, it was meant to look pixelated but ended up looking like someone had taken a picture of a five-year-old's building block project and slapped the classic MTV logo on it. I smiled fakely and took my seat next to a few CDs we were trying to promote TVs and a poster of me, which I was unaware existed until today.

"It looks like a computer vomited on the tent," I joked unaware that Cameron was filming me, he snickered, "Cameron, turn it off! If I get canned for this I will chop your balls of and you and Camille can kiss the idea of Cameron juniors goodbye!" I said chasing after him. He bumped into a tall man with golden eyes and messy bed hair, he had Ray Bans low on his nose and smiled at me.

"Am I TV?" He asked, he was wearing a tank top and had tattoos across his chest and on his neck, I thought they were sweet. I handed Cameron the end of my mic cord and turned it on, he gave me the finger letting me know we were clear.

"So I literally just ran into this guy," I started before he smiled and continued.

"-it's true, she stepped on my toe!" He faked a pout, I couldn't help but laugh I grabbed his arm to hold myself up from falling over. I truly didn't expect him to do anything and he was cute, what would any girl do.

"So who are you?" I asked and I held the microphone over to him.

"I'm John O'Callaghan the fifth, I sing for a band called the Maine," he waved at the camera, a small brown-haired boy jumped up on his shoulders and shouted hi mom, jumped down and scurried off. I was shocked and my face was painted with a 'What the Fuck' look, I laughed lightly as he continued, "and that monstrosity was Pat our drummer."

"We're actually sharing a bus with you and now I'm a little scared," I joked and John laughed lightly. I shook his hand and said nice to meet you.

"I actually don't know your name," John blushed lightly and I laughed.

"I'm Leia," I said still shaking his hand, "Alright John O'Callaghan the fifth, I look forward to seeing more of you this summer and on the bus." He hugged me tightly and I waved to the camera, Cameron gave me the thumbs up again. I wrapped up the wire and laughed.

"You're a natural," I commented. He nodded shyly and then smiled not showing his teeth, I felt my heart melt a little and I remembered the rule, no dipping your pen in the office ink. I sighed, all of this, tents, fields and bands were my office and I couldn't touch any of them, but I could look.
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So I'm falling in love with this story, comments?