Status: Finito :)

I Can Keep A Secret


I ran on to the bus and saw Cameron playing some form of cards with the Maine, John looked at me curiously. I pulled my boxers and an oversized t-shirt and stuffed it under my arm. I washed my face quickly and ran out just as quickly.

"You're a strange, strange young lady," John chuckled to himself, I swiped a beer from out of Pat's hand and flick John off, poorly due to the can in my hand. I opened it and it spilled out into my hand. I sipped up the overspill and laughed as I pushed my pajamas further into my armpit.

I saw Alex waiting outside the bus with a beer in his hand as well, I decided to sneak up on him, but unfortunately I'm not as creepy as he is.

"Hey," he looked up while I was still a considerable distance away.

"Damn, you're good," I said before taking another sip, he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I instinctually giggled like a thirteen-year-old. I smiled at him looking concerned at sipping his beer, before finishing it dramatically, crushing it in his hands and throwing it and using that arm to hold me again.

"What are you doing out here?" I asked looking around at the otherwise seemingly empty parking lot. It was darker than usual for this time of night at the only light was from a dimming parking lot light and a couple of buses with booming music on the other side of the parking lot.

"I just wanted to make sure you got back okay," he shrugged, he looked around at the emotional moment avoiding the heaviness of it. I laughed awkwardly pulling apart and looking at him curiously.

"You're cute," I smiled and took a swig of my beer and kissed his cheek. I tried to pull away and walk back on the bus, but he held me in his arms and kissed me. "Frisky, I like it," I joked and he laughed slightly kissing me.

"I want to tell them," Alex said his face dropping to a seriousness. I noticed he was swaying slightly. This time I forced myself off of him and sighed.

"Alex, tell them what?" I already knew but I needed him to tell me. He looked confused as if he had lost his train of thoughts and then remembered it smiling at this victory.

"That we're dating," Alex shrugged, rubbing his arms I held up my boxers and shirt looking around and them smiling slightly and I cocked my head.

"Are we dating?" I asked biting my thumb and trying to be cute. He faked a boisterous laughed that would've echoed had it not been a parking lot. I smiled awkwardly looking around and waiting for someone to pop out of the shadows.

"We should be," Alex said wrapping his arms around me, his breath reeked of beer and something a little stronger. I didn't know how to answer him right now so I pulled myself out of his arms again held his face still in my hands meeting my eyes.

"You're drunk!" I laughed shifting with mine as his smile expanded brightly across his face.

"You're pretty," he slurred and fell out of my arms and on to my chest. I laughed as I pulled him up and helped him up into the bus. I was greeted with a myriad of "HEY!"s and I waved holding Alex up.

"I found this very intoxicated outside and I think it belongs to you," I laughed leading him to the back room to get some rest so he wouldn't fall and break something or other. He was mumbling about my smile or miles or something like that and I changed quickly folding the clothes I was wearing and putting them in Raine's bunk. I walked back out to the main room where Raine and Jack were holding hands and staring at their fingernails and Zack was defeating Rian at some video game. I laughed as I plopped next to Zack.

"Where did Leia go?" I heard Alex call out from the back room, he poked his head out and laughed finding me. He stumbled out and sat next to me grabbing my hand and making fun of Raine and Jack.

"What are you guys doing?" I laughed Raine shrugged and Jack was still deep in thought.

"It's just like home!" Alex slurred happily. I was glad he was a happy drunk, if we were older and our kids came home for Christmas, their boyfriends or girlfriends would always have ample entertainment. Plus, it was so much better than having someone on your shoulder crying about someone who scorned them so many years ago or someone listing out all your faults.

"How much did he drink?" I asked trying to stifle my laughter. Alex jumped up and down slightly and threw out his arms, smacking me in the face.

"This much!"

"Ow!" I laughed crying a little as a physical reaction, not that it actually hurt. Alex looked extremely guilty as he pet my face like he would pet a bunny. I smiled softly as he apologized profusely. I held his hand down and said it was okay, but once we looked up I saw everyone was staring at us strangely. I stopped touching Alex and scooted closer to Zack.

"What? Why are so far away?" Alex scooted closer to me and I laughed. Scooting and hopping over Zack, Alex simply pouted and hugged Zack settling for less. I hoped he could keep his mouth shut.

"Let's go get some coffee," Raine said pulling me up while Zack was smacking a persistent Alex on his arm. I looked down at my pajamas and started to protest, I still had on my vans, but eventually I was outside.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking around, there was a bunch of people cheering from a distance. I laughed and linked arms with her and we decided to make a lap around the parking lot, we had about thirty more minutes till bus call.

"Around," she said un-elaborately, I laughed and accepted that this was all I was going to get out of Raine. We walked past a beer pong table with people howling wildly as some guys chugged beer. They tried to wave us over and we simply kept walking.

"So what's up with you and Alex?" Raine asked cutting to the chase, we kept walking but I could feel her eyes on me and I was simply waiting until she fell from not looking where she was going.

"We're having meaningless sex," I shrugged just to check if she was listening and how we stopped in her tracks. Her eyes bulged with confusion and surprise.

"What the motherfucking donut baller christ?" She said with a strange calmness in her voice.

"Exactly! What am I supposed to do?" I asked all my emotional conflicts finally coming out. She looked in my eyes trying to find her thoughts and I waited for her sage wisdom.

"Do you love him?" She asked grabbing my arm and looking pensively into the dark nothingness.

"Yes," I said admitting to my largest emotional flaw.

"And he loves you," she said mumbling deep in thought.

"But he's a philandering asshole, when he's not being a sweetheart?" I suggested, finishing her thoughts.

"Give it time," Raine shrugged and I rolled my eyes at her not so sage advice. It didn't really answer my questions.

"Um, elaborate please?" I enunciated the please.

"Okay, so based on every romantic comedy from the eighties till now, if you explore a sexual relationship and continue to feel emotional ties towards Alex, it would be logical to develop a romantic relationship as well, however if Alex loves you, he will try to turn the sexual relationship into a romantic on therby proving he's matured and is ready to get married and have lots and lots and lots of babies with you," She said, in what seemed like on long swift breath.

"Damn," I said looking at her with my jaw dropped, "how many movies have you seen?" She laughed looking up at me for the first time tonight.

"Enough," Another short answer leaving me to question her sanity.

"So, we wait?" I asked her to verify as we came around the corner back to the bus that was waiting for us. The bus driver angrily waving his arm for us to get on board if we were going to make it to the next destination on time.

"We wait," she nodded before we stepped back on to the bus, smiling brightly and concealing the conversation we had just had from the boys. Alex was sleeping with his head in Zack's lap who looked up miserably. Zack would be too nice to wake up Alex, instead Zack was telling Rian how to beat the next level. Jack was doing something on his voice and smiled when we came on.

"Hey babe, I was just about to text you," he smiled. Raine nodded and kissed him I stood awkwardly. I was going to suggest I go back to my bus before I felt the ground leaving us behind. I laughed at a text message I received,

"I'm gonna miss you tonight,"

I sighed, I was not in the mood for this shit,

"Who is this?"